Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #11

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot within 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.

  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

Previous parts:

Last sentence from @cubanolux

"...Tomorrow, when they woke up he asked her: Inovator: Jenny, do you know what's happened with you yesterday. Jenny: No, I just can't remeber anything. When Young Inovator started talking, the deafening noise stopped him...and blinding light came again..."

Inovator said to Jenny "shhh, somebody is here". They were silent, they could hear each others heartbeats. Inovator looked in her eyes and wanted to kiss her but suddenly strange voice has occurred.
It was sound of electricity going through the power line, Jenny whispered "lets follow the power line it will lead us to the bigger city, we will probably find some help there". They started to walk slowly, trying not to make noises, Jenny said that she is in pain and wanted to take a rest. Inovator put his jacket on her to make her warm, she was really exhausted.


After a few hours of rest they proceed with the following the power line, suddenly Jenny stopped. She pulled Inovator for his jacked so hard he fall on the ground. Jenny: "Look here are hundreds of AI robots." But something was strange, AI robots were standing still.

Inovator realized:"they are charging!! They need to be charged to operate!! That is our chance!!!"

I would like to nominate @marin23 to continue this story in 24 hours!

stemitbalkan gif.gif


Haha odlicno sad ih triba sj**** dok se pune :-)

Game changer :D

Ma nek su njih dvoje sretni i zaljubljeni, jebeš sad robote

Nista schkure, iduci challenge ti zapocinjes bit ce love story ahahha :D

Uvik je dobro kad uleti malo drame :D

Ovo če još ispasti neki roman na kraju. Baš zanimljivo kako ljudi mogu napisati dobar materijal predma su različiti i ne poznaju se, bave se različitim poslovima, imaju različita obrazovanja. Baš mi se sviđa. Samo tako dalje.

Je, al nas nesto veze ipak. Svi smo balkanci :D haha

Wuhuuu, sad malo akcije... Dovoljno smo bili na ljubavnoj temi :D

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