Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #4

in #story6 years ago

Alright, then I have been nominated by @svarozich to continue the story challenge started by@steembalkan. I am not a very good fiction writer but I will do my best.

Check out the previous parts:

#1 part by @steembalkan (this one is not in English)
#2 part by @spalatino
#3 part by @svarozich

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot in 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.
  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

The story continues

....It was already night outside as Inovator was riding on his Smart Skateboard through the streets of New Spalito to the old cargo port. The city now is just a shadow of a once thriving and prosperous harbor town. As soon as the AI took over the world, things in New Spalito took a swing for the worst. Most of the people moved away to cities controlled by the AI, life in the ruins of the city was too hard for most. The ones that stayed had it tough, not only did AI control all of the internet, it also spread its influence over to humans. Government and the social structures once held high by society were corrupt to the core. Everybody was working for the AI in some way, politicians, judges, doctors all worked to destroy the rest of what was left of New Spalito.

Inovator noticed that most of the buildings were abandoned, the streets were getting cluttered with rubble and trash. A sign, he was close to his destination. He could not ride his smart skateboard so he carried on by foot. It was easier to get around as areas around the old cargo port were controlled by the AI robots and just a few humans had the authorization to move freely out here at night. For him, it was no problem he knew the ins and outs of this part of town, his grandfather was a dock worker and took him often to the harbor as a kid. He quickly found the hole connecting an old building wall with the cargo harbor.

As he enters the old harbor he recognized the rusty old shed immediately this must be the place. Professor Gandalzhar was close, but would he help him? They have not seen each other since his school days. He moved heavy approaching the shed, soon he notices a dimed light coming through the cracks of the old rusty panels. Standing in front of the door he knocked but no one answered. Cautiously he opens the door slowly, in the far corner of the dark room, he noticed someone sitting at a desk, working on something. The only light was coming from that desk, he entered, knocked again and said " Is it you Professor Gandalzhar..... The man slowly turned on his squealing chair towards Inovator......


I nominate @gingergeorge to contineu with part #5


I must say this is the best part by far. Really good job. I really am looking to see the person in chair

OOO my teachers would laugh hard if they read your words. But thank you very much. I am not a good writer always had trouble in school with that. I am also curious about the next part cant wait :-)

Who cares what teachers would have said. None of us were taught to blog, yet we try. And I really think its awesome.

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