Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #6

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I was nominated by @gingergeorge to continue @steembalkan story challenge. I had a plot in mind as soon as I saw my nomination, so here it is.

Previous parts:

1st Part by @steembalkan

2nd Part by @spalatino

3rd Part by @svarozich

4th Part by @zija2022

5th part by @gingergeorge

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot in 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.
  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

Last chapter...

„That's right, I am an AI-bot also... you got it right. But you don't need to worry, I am not gonna hurt you. I am programmed to help you... and to reveal you all the Professor's ideas and patents“ AI-bot professor answered.



"Look here" - AI bot said.

And just as the bot was about to start explaining, Inovator heard the door pounding against the wall. They stopped and turned their had towards the door and the she came in. She ran right into the room breathless and started to breathe heavilly. The Inovator jumped to hold her and when she regained her breathing she said:

"Well, well, look who finally showed up!"

What do you mean? - the Inovator asked.

"Nothing!" - she said. "We were waitng for you, but hey, no rush, it's not like the humanity is going to be estinguished,...or is it??"

She then took a step back form him. The Inovator was now able to take a better look at her . She was young and she was very beautiful. Her hair was falling over her eyes as do as if she was at the hairdresser just a moment before. Her big eyes was cutting through his mind like a sword cuts an apple and her skin so soft you almost could see a reflection, even in this dark room.

"Why...why are you all been waiting Why me?" - he asked stuttering.

"And who are you?" - he rememebered to ask finaly.

"You don't rememer?" - she returned the question rather then answering it while fixing her hair into a long pony tail. She was slowly walking past him, measuring him on the way. She was almost flirting with him, but in all that tension you couldn't really tell.

"It's me, Jenny!" - she said, and the Inovator remembered.

It was the profesor's daughter. He could now clearly see the images of her playing in the corner of the classroom, while he and the profesor have been working on their crazy projects. They were very close after her mother died and he took her everywhere with him. That classroom and the cabinet behind where her other home.

"Oh my God, Jenny! I'm so sorry, but you are all grown up!" - he said with excitment, and now he could see that that little girl have grown up to be a beautiful women from head to heels.

"Don't patronize me, I'm not that much younger than you!" - she replied a bit annoyed by his refering to her like a child.

"Stop babbling around and come here." - she commanded him.


I nominate @zen-art to continue the story, because I can see that she is really in to it and she was waiting for a girl in the story, so here you go.

Join us at @steembalkan


Oh joy! Thanks schkure, baš divno kaj si mi uvalio nastavak :)
Super za ženski lik, otvara puuuuno mogućnosti, imam već dosta ideja, mada, nisam sigurna da će vam se svidjeti, hahahahah :)
Dobro si ovo napravio, kad ćeš stić samo popravi malo pravopis ak ti se da, ima nekih sitnih greškica, al ništa zabrinjavajuće.
Sviđa mi se do sada jako priča kako napreduje, sa svakim novim dijelom postaje sve bolja i bolja i znaš kaj? Jedva čekam da ovi što su pisali ponovno pišu neki drugi dio, uključujući i ti... Imam neki fealing da imaš još dosta za dati jer ovo kaj si sad napisao je fantastično!

Lijen sam za instalirat grammarly, a pročitao sam tri puta i opet su mi se potkrale greške :)

Ja imam grammarly pa mi se opet potkradu :)

To je to. Sad kad imamo zenski lik sad ce bit svega... haha

Normalno, znaš da nastaje show kad se žena uključi :)

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