Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #7

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Soundtrack for this post: Lindsey Stirling "Elements" (dubstep violin)

I was nominated by @schkure to continue @steembalkan story challenge.

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot in 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.
  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

Previous parts:

Last sentence from @schkure:
"Stop babbling around and come here." - she commanded him.



He reluctantly approached them eager to hear what was going on.

"Don't you worry about a thing, I have a plan. Everything is going to be alright" the professor said.

Suddenly, the window behind them broke into thousand little pieces as the bullet penetrated it. Inovator felt a quick breeze of air pass his face and saw his beloved professor fall to the ground. His ears were ringing and his whole body froze in shock. Everything was a blur, slowed down and foggy in his mind. It's been long since he last saw death.

"RUN!" Jenny screamed and pulled him out the door.

They ran through the streets stumbling on leftover trash and broken bottles. Somewhere behind them, in front of or maybe above them, there was a sharp noise coming, a high-frequency pitch that gave him chills. The more they ran, the more he began to perspire and struggle with catching his breath. Jenny had the same problem so she took off her jacket. Inovator saw her mechanical arm but wasn't surprised, he was more worried about her scars than anything else. Was he supposed to protect her now? Did she even need protecting?

"Stop!" he called on to her "What about the professor? Are we just leaving him there?"
"He's too heavy, we couldn't have carried him with us." she said lighting up a cigarette.

How could she smoke when he barely managed to breathe? She was obviously used to running for her life, something that he's going to have to become accustomed with soon, the sooner the better actually.

"You seem pretty cold for a person who just lost her father."
"My father died a long time ago." she responded with a cold tone of voice and pushed him behind the big waste container.

He was staring at her confused with everything that had happened, but finally asked "But you do now the plan, right?"

"He didn't tell me shit! Whenever I asked him he just said that we had to wait for you, and now you're here, our big fucking savior. So you tell me... Savior... What now?!" the sarcasm in her voice started to annoy him.

Inovators heart started beating fast and he started sweating peas from his forehead while his breathing became shallow and fast. Was he having a panic attack?

"Snap out of it!" she smacked him across the face "My father uploaded everything on the server, information is out there, we just have to go and get it."

"Ok. That's ok. We will go to the server then." he pulled himself together and decided to take charge. This woman is not going to bully him, no matter how hot she was, and if she smacked him again he will smack her right back.

"Where is the server?" he asked raising his left eyebrow
"I don't know." she responded
"Then we're screwed!" he said with anger in his voice
"Yes, yes we are..." she stated and surprised him with the sudden beauty that came out with her smile.

"Come. We have to keep moving. The drones are close." he took her hand and got the chills when he felt her soft skin touching his.


I nominate @exanime15 to continue this story in the next 24 hours. Good luck! :)


Thanks! :)
Bio je to izazov, prvi put da sam pisala nešto "futuristički", ja sam više sa fantasy đir, zmajevi, vilenjaci i tak, medival stuff, steampunk kao zadnja granica... scifi mi nikad nije ležao. Nemojte zamjerit kaj sam koknula starog, imam averziju prema AI :D

bit ce dobra ova prica:-) još da imamo nekog umjetnika da strip od ovog izvedemo. Instant slava :)

Vjerujem da bi našli nekoga da se potrudimo, vas je bar u Šibeniku u svakoj kući po jedan na steemitu, kaj nitko ne crta? :)

Moga bi neko snimit mini seriju na kraju :P

Dobro to tebe ide moram priznat. :D

Hvala draga 💚

Hi I prefer ask in private but that feature has not been developed properly yet. Could I please refer to your blog on bandwidth in my next video tutorial please. I have linked in my discord as we have spoke before but always like to double check :)

Of course you can, it's ok.

Naci ovo je brutala :DD

U svoje i u ime prethodnih autora: hvala :)
Veselim se pročitati sljedeći nastavak, mislim da će bit genijalan.

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