Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #8

in #story6 years ago

Yesterday I was nominated by @zen-art to continue @steembalkan story challenge.

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot in 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.
  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

Previous parts:

Last chapter from @zen-art...

"Come. We have to keep moving. The drones are close." he took her hand and got the chills when he felt her soft skin touching his.

They were walking through the wood, the night was warm, the moon was red as blood and between the black clouds, they were red drops raining on them. It was spooky but on the other hand, it felt like the earth, the wind and the rain with the whole earth were going to end. Inovator didn't have any sense of direction where they should go, which direction is the right way to find a server.He was tired and his eyes were half opened.

''We all this confusion we must find a safe place to take a rest for the night..'' Inovator sighed.
Jenny stopped. Suddenly she took a step backwards.

''Are you insane?! Do you think this is Finding Nemo ?! Oh, sweetie, this is more like Jurassic Park! she added sarcastically. The tone of her voice irritated him, he couldn't even say a word no more. He decided not to speak.

'' What's up now? Are you going to cry? MOVE ON MAN!' ' her nerves were taking over, it looked like she was going to explode any second. He covered his ears to hold his anger because he couldn't listen to her anymore.

He responds: '' You are so...aah... nuts, what is wrong with you woman, why you're going crazy on me? I am pretty sure that I would rather get killed by drones than listen to you nonsenses all the fu*king time!''

She was just staring at him. Then in the moment, her face turned red, still, she wasn't mad. He noticed a tear in her eye. He felt sorry and just about when he tried to apologize he heard strange sound . Suddenly, something hard hit the ground. Inovator turned around. Through smoke and fire, he saw Jenny's body laying down on the ground. He was too shocked to make a move, his body was heavy.

''Jenny, can you hear me?''-he whispered.

He felt a smell of the blood in the air. Inovator closed his eyes. All he could see was a purple light blinking in front of him. Still, somehow It made him feel so calm and peaceful. Someone was there. A beautiful creature with long blue hair and big red eyes. She took his breath away. Inovator knew who she was. Half an angel, half a woman...


I would like to nominate @chr0nix to continue this story in 24 hours! I know you can do it 😎


Nikako da krene inovatoru na bolje

Kad se čini da je sve potonilo, uvik nešto dobro iskrsne 😁

Leave it to women to kill off all the characters :)
Bravo žemska, odlično je ovo, samo kaj... I moj dio i tvoj malo od Inovatora rade plačipizdu, morat će to dečki malo ispraviti i ojačat mu karakter :)

Hehe, istina! Tako nam je vjerojatno u krvi da muške malo podbadamo 😙

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