Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan PART #5

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Soundtrack for this post: Dmx Krew - Come to me

I was nominated by @zija2022 to continue @steembalkan story challenge. I didn't have too much time to write this, to be precise, I wrote this on my lunch break during my work time, so don't be too harsh on this one.

Previous parts:

Last sentence from @zija2022's last post:

"... The only light was coming from that desk, he entered, knocked again and said " Is it you Professor Gandalzhar..... The man slowly turned on his squealing chair towards Inovator......"



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„You are late.“ – man said. „I was waiting for you.“

Inovator froze. He was not scared, but there was something strange in his stomach, some strange feeling.

„Ehhhmmm ... m m m mee? Who are you? Where is Professor Gandalzhar?“

„Yeah! You. You are late, you needed to be here 2 days ago“ – man answered. „But, whatever, we have a lot of work to do... Please come with me.“

Misterious man stod up when Inovator started shouting:
„Stop! I,m not going anywhere until you tell me who are you and where is Professor Gandalzhar?“

Man exhale loudly, look at the boy straight in the eyes than lower his sight.

„I am Gandalzhar, ... at least I was...“

„Whaat? Professor! Wait, you don't look like him. Who are you??“ – Inovator raged.

„I can explain... „- Professor looked at the Inovator and said.

*„Please, we don't have a lot of time, listen to me“ *

Inovator stoped. Professor took an VHS cassette and put it in some strange device. Opening scene revealed the title of the cassette it was „Blade Runner“.

„What is it?“ – boy asked

Professor said - „It was a prediction.“

Then he continued -„When all the shit started, I was way ahead of everyone for noticing what is going on and what will happen soon. The only problem was that AI-bots were aware of me, and what I know. So I developed a complex program, and made a project with my fellow co-workers to try to transfer all the data from my brain to the AI-chip in case something happens to me. I Guess... I guess it was a good idea.“

And...? – boy interrupted Professor.

„Gandalzhar was killed. This is everything that's left of him.“ – he raised his hand and pointed on the tiny, blinking, red light just behind his ear.

Inovator was shocked, while on screen Leon “Nexus-6“ replicant from the Blade Runner's opening scene had an (un)pleasant interview with Tyrell Corporation, than boy continued.

"But you look so real!?"

„That's right, I am an AI-bot also... you got it right. But you don't need to worry, I am not gonna hurt you. I am programmed to help you... and to reveal you all the Professor's ideas and patents“ AI-bot professor answered.



... to be continued tomorrow by @schkure.

Take care!



E Odlicno !! Dobra ce biti ova prica ako ikad zavrsi :-)

Mora san ubacit malo old schoola :D

Moran priznat da je ovo bila odlicna ideja. Prica se razvija interesantno, bas mi je odlicno za citati.

trebati ce to s ve skupiti u jedan post sve kad zavrsi :-)

Tako je. I to neka obajvi @steembalkan. Megaprica. Ovo je ka oni film 4 sobe, reziran od vise redatelja

Kad me @zija2022 tagga proklea san ga u sebi jer san kratak s vrimenon i nisan zna šta bi napisa. Onda san na pauzi reka, ajd iden i bilo mi je čak zanimljivo, sve san vizualizira :D

Ma bas mi se svidja ovo. Triba ovo forsirat

@gingergeorge I ja sam @svarozich, ali je na kraju bilo skroz zbavno :)

Ovo napreduje odlično i sve je bolje i bolje. Malo živcira čekanje jer taman me navučete i onda kifla... čekaj sutra...
Genijalno mi je gledat kako se priča stvara iz dana u dan...

Baš kažem, nije mi bilo toliko napet u startu dok nisam krenija pisat :) Doći će i tebe red, spremi se :)

Hahahaha, ma nemoj da vam žena pokvari guštanje, dobro vama dečkima ide. Probajte ju što dulje držat dalje od estrogena :)

Ja čekam taj moment da se pojavi super žena koja se zaljubi u Inovatora :D Jebeš priču bez ljubavi, el tako?

Možda te @schkure sutra iznenadi pa pretvori ovo u chick flick :)
Al da, moram se složiti, jbš priču bez ljubavi, ali gle... Bude... Naučila sam novu riječ od steemit Šibenik ekipe "pomalo"

Svašta pametno od Šibenske ekipe naučit hahah

Jebeš mi sve, evo sinoć san, kad san vidija da me je tagira, razmišlja o ubacivanju ženske u priču. Kad gle njih dvoje o čemu pričaju.

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