Alexa, Did you hear my pillow talk?

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I stepped into a 250sqt room fully furnished with exhaustion in face and smelly body odor which I could barely stand. Then, G pointed where the bathroom was located. I excused myself, washing my face cause it was like I came from a coal mine. Couple minutes later, G approached me and spontaneously said,"Do you want to meet my girlfriend?"

I was slightly puzzled cause I assumed G was living by himself. I said "no" in an instant. I mean it would be okay, but we sort of met through this dating application and I thought he was single. He looked at me amused and then he said,

"Alexa, switch on the lights!" He said

Picture Courtesy Fabian Hurnaus

My face turned red and I was just more surprised. As someone who taped her webcam and avoid CCTV as much as possible, entering a house with Alexa is like the worse nightmare.

"Girl, what did you get yourself into?" I told to myself while unpacking my rucksack and getting a shower.

Again, as usual I reported this particular events to Z, then we got into our talks about alexa.Well,maybe next time I'd make rules to never visit a house with this little round shaped"evil".

That night,I was too tired to care about Alexa. I just spread myself on the bed and rest among the pillows. However, hearing alexa kept waking us up at 7:10 (cause that's the time he goes to work)and even answering some of G's questions drove my curiosity as to why he owns it. Obviously, I didn't ask him in the place where there's her on it.

Most of the time during my stay, I was just inside the room with Alexa. I tried to not speak a thing, although when I told this tale to @dedicatedguy he said, I should have spoken with her.

There were times that I forgot Alexa was there.And I would discuss couple of philosophical topics or just something that I care about. Finger crossed, she would not listen or care about my opinion on the government or matters surrounding it. Also, we both invented a sarcastic reminder due my ear was blocked that time- gosh, I was speaking as if G was in the room across of mine. He would then say,

" Alexa lower your volume" and we both laughed.

During our evening stroll, G explained that as a busy person, he would have no time to write schedules or keep in track his meetings on a paper. Alexa makes things easier, She could track schedules more efficient and reliable. On a another note, she wouldn't complain in which he remarked, sort of the best part of it.

Then, I came across this post Are we living in and Orwellian future? by @conradt in which he wrote,

You never know who could be listening

Recently there has been some news about how a couple had their private conversation recorded by their Alexa device, which was then sent to one of their employees. In this case it seems and innocent mistake, but it makes you wonder what would happen if the use of your Alexa rights got into the wrong hands? Could they have access to your private conversations?

I could only hope Alexa wasn't hearing my stuff cause I tried to lessen my monologue habit in there. I was only talking when G's around the room. I am still somewhat indecisive about my stance on Alexa. I know it makes things easier but having someone as a third person when you want to share something only for the two of you, it's sort of invading the privacy and to my lack of wording- It was creepy as well.

Do you have alexa in your house? Why do you have it? Are you against having alexa? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section.

More about my adventures and misadventures

7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 1 | I am grateful for my past and my reality

Nocturnal Habit Singapore Days

Overcoming Travel Fears and Make Your Trip More Enjoyable

Pre-Travel Anxiety | My little tips dealing with anxiety monster.

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IoT = Intrusion of Technology

Upvoted (by @rycharde), resteemed (by @accelerator) and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.

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I think other things are listening also!

@nomadicasoul, for sure :D now I am terrified!

lol yeah. <3 I resteemed this

This post made me realize I need to work a little more on my own posts. Good Job!

Totally against Alexa, I was just listening to an interview with Dylan Curran who speaks about privacy, the collection of data and the ability to stream cameras situated around the world and watch people, same with microphones and any device that has access to cameras and microphones. It's your risk but I opt out.

I actually have one at home haha. my husband got it and thought it was a fun idea but it now seems like the kids are having more fun with it than anything else. they ask Alexa to sing happy bday to them every day LOL. The one thing I find useful for me is to turn on or off the tv when i can't find the remote. we are waiting for these special light globes to come and get them installed so then we don't even have to switch the lights on or off ourselves.

@travelgirl!!!! oh dear!! :D did you ever ask alexa silly questions? I think I should have given you my question lists and you can test it out!

I don't want an Alexa I say too many dumb things around the house

@cryptastic, I don't have it either, I love monologues and say dumb things.

but having someone as a third person when you want to share something only for the two of you

I see your point, I guess people could always turn Alexa off when they really want full privacy but constantly turning it on and off must be annoying.

But as I told you in the chat, there are seriously creepy stuffs going on with alexa

Never ever gonna happen. I might as well buy my own shackles.

Neither the device nor the company is to be trusted, whoops, sorry. I meant to say: I don't trust them one bit.

I remember this rather hilarious alexa test, maybe it would be good to watch it with your friend and the freakin robot together ;)

In effect we pay for someone else's narrative to constantly override our own. It's imaginable that once kids grow up with this thing without questioning it, it pretty much is the end of freedom of thought within one or two generations until these bots become mandatory under penalty of death ;)

If this seems too harsh of an estimation, do dig into 1984 <3

enjoy <3


I even wrote an adaptation story of 1984 cause I am in love with the plot and its prediction as a whole. It was called la la land. I think that people like Orwell and John Campbell are brilliant. They can foresee the future way ahead of us. Also, if you have not read about "twillight" by John Campbell, you have to and I insist.

I would love to talk to alexa if I encounter one in the future. I have made my question lists. I hope she can answer some of it, including her affiliation with an intelligence institution- you know who.

I might as well not trusting google mail or anything that sells my data.

I might as well buy my own shackles.

I might as well build one from scratch :-D if possible.

Twilight it is, thanks for the recommendation<3

So happy I have you people on this paltform, was about to go insane with the amount of mindnumbing acceptance of any and every negative trend out there. The cliff is not far off but those who decide to will turn around in time. The others, not so sure ;)

they are paying for their own alexa to be spied on and indoctrinated. From a slave owner perspective that is quite a remarkable achievement.

Also, you make me laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one shamelessly writing about my body odor haha

@nomadicsoul, Whoa! first of all thank you for resteeming this article. I am being pretty much shameless in this post mentioning my body odor and couple of intimate subject haha. I'll let the whole world know that my time in Singapore was magical including this creepy encounter with Alexa.

Take care whenever you are! I hope we can meet somewhere around :D

Any smartphone is actually far worse than Alexa: It has not only a microphone but also all kinds of sensors, instead of just being at your home you have it with you all the time and there are third-party apps that can get access to all the sensors without even hacking your device.

@jpphotography, I hear ya! I am not an avid smartphone user but I really need them to ease my travel - fast check in and stuff like that. I am not being anti-technology but some things are out of hands and even mind. like this device we call alexa, heck there's even norman !

😱 World war 3 will not be caused by nukes, but by someone accidentally uploading Norman to the Google servers!

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