MAP Curated Resteems and Upvotes - 11 June 2018 - 1 SBI Free - Join MAP to be included in the future.

in #curation6 years ago

Fresh resteems and upvotes from the Minnows Accelerator Project (MAP) of articles within the last couple of days.

I tend to concentrate on those that need some extra loving attention - and upvotes. Many more MAP members are doing very well indeed without my extra nudge!

Also, please check out the new MAP Rewarder fund - rewarding delegators and mapsters with passive income and free upvotes!

You may request to join MAP by reading this.

More details on member benefits: How does the Minnows Accelerator Project (MAP) actually work?

Before moving on to the curated posts...

Open Contest: prize 1 SBI share

This is open to everyone - you don't have to be a MAP member.

Announcement 1

This may sound complicated, but it isn't! There is one SBI (Steem Basic Income) share that will be given out for free. To be eligible, you must:

  • go to one or more of the posts below
  • make a meaningful comment on your favourite post (or posts)
  • then, come back here and post a comment about which is your favourite article

Benefits to you:

  • I shall upvote this post within 24 hours, giving you all the chance to earn some higher curation rewards for your upvote; time it right and you can earn back more than your upvote!

  • I shall, on day 7, pick one article below randomly and check who has done all the tasks above. Then I shall randomly select one person who shall receive the 1 SBI, absolutely free!

I said it wasn't complicated!

One thing, all authors listed below may also join in the fun, but please upvote an article from another Steemian!

Do you have to upvote this post? Only if you wish.

Do you have to resteem this post? Only if you wish!

Announcement 2

Announcement 1 may change for each new MAP post! The good news is that there will continue to be 1 SBI given out.

So make sure you read each post from @accelerator.

And another thing...

I have made a slight change to the way upvotes and resteems work; this is really to make it clear when people are following either the posts, the Mapster curated posts or the MAP Rewarder income trail.

From now on, upvotes will come from the @rycharde account (as do new Mapster upvotes) and resteems from @accelerator. I shall soon post on the difference between following posts versus trails. The actual dollar value of the upvotes will remain the same as before.

Today's selection:

Alexa, Did you hear my pillow talk?

A Shadow That Looms and Deepens

Ragnarok Conspiracy : Index

Rumors of the demise of manual curation have been greatly exaggerated...

Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Annoying quotes or cliches)

Yoga: the view of a sceptic.

And some notable resteems from MAP members and admin:

My trip to Aroa the lost town, a natural wonder in Venezuela.

Earth Nation Planetary Alliance 2018 Update

That's all for now!

- - - - - -
Please Comment, Resteem and Upvote. Thanks!

@rycharde manages the AAKOM project and the MAP forum.

Also check out the new MAP Rewarder for passive income!


Go here to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

(Annoying quotes or cliches) was my favorite.

not sure yet if it is my favorite since I didn't read them all yet - but I commented on @bengy annoying quotes

Also liked the Yoga post by felander. Always nice to see someone get into yoga....
Read them all - didn't follow any of the links in the conspiracy post - not up for that much right now...

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