Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns at Babies: Grand Finale PART 9 of 9

in #story8 years ago

Before I conclude with the final part of the countdown to Number 1, I want to thank Steemit for providing a platform for an audience who is awakening to the truth. I am very grateful for your participation in global evolution.

I recommend you read any parts you have not yet read before you get started with today's final submission. You’ll surely want to read them all.
Introduction Into the Garden of Eden
# 8 Fear of Organic Food
#7 Fear of Yard Art and Self Expression
#6 Fear of Weakness
#5 Fear of Hunger
#4 Fear of Loving Thy Neighbor
#3 Fear of Independence and Self-Reliance
#2 Fear of Anarchy

It's hard to believe that we live in a country where this kind of thing occurs. My community is just a sampling of what you don't see on your television news. It happened in the quiet little town of Kennedale, Texas. Don't think this is rare or unusual because it's not.

Enough with all that...

Drum Roll Please...Here we go with the NUMBER ONE Reason Why Black Ops SWAT teams point fully loaded machine guns at 2 week old babies.

1. Fear of a Higher Vibration

The idea of a “higher vibration” can be a bit confusing to those who are unfamiliar with this term. A newborn baby is a perfect example of a higher vibration. They are freshly born with no anger, no burdens, no traumas, no pain or depression. They have loads of energy, full of peace and love.

An adult with a higher vibration will easily manage their emotions, feel light in their physical bodies along with general good health and a mental state of well being. Higher vibrating people without much effort manifest what they desire as they know they are deserving. Our community is stocked with just such people; strong, healthy, caring, compassionate, conscious, honorable, and always exemplifying a high level of integrity.

Imagine for a moment a police officer or a Black Ops SWAT team vibrating at a higher level; full of peace and love. If you’re anything at all like me you’re laughing heartily right now. That just sounds ridiculous.

In the higher vibration, life has a flow and synchronicity, easily taking a positive magnetism everywhere you go. Although the true test of a higher vibration is when surrounded by those with a lower vibration while easily resisting the downward pull. With fully loaded assault rifles pointed in their face, hand cuffed, our founders Quinn Eaker and Shellie Smith offered to cook them breakfast, invited them to return for a day of fun and dinner with their entire family, sans the guns, in addition to offering an unwavering example of love, peace and compassion.

Let’s be real. How can a SWAT team feed their family if they’re all gushy sweet and loving? These guys seriously believe they must stay in their lower vibrating mentality to survive, to achieve honor and respect as well as feed their families. They do not realize they are embracing, alternatively, a heavier, denser existence, full of pain and mental confusion. Obviously the confusion lies deep within their psyche for them to without truly thinking it through to point a gun at a baby.

That day in our home a shift began for many of these officers. Since that hot August day of 2013 the local police have begun changing their attitude toward our community. The gap between their lower vibrating energy and our higher energy was very obvious to them. They’re fully loaded machine guns became much heavier, weighed down with burdens, fear, and worry while their black garments could not shield them from the love, peace and beauty of our community and especially not our innocent 2 week old baby resting peacefully in its’ higher vibrating mother’s arms.

Despair and desperation consumed the SWAT team that hot August day as they were caught between two worlds; their lower vibration in direct contrast to the higher vibration. Today, when these officers are encountered in our neighborhood, they regard our Garden of Eden community leaders as celebrities for opening their eyes, supportive of our multi-million dollar lawsuit we now have filed on the city.

“The lower and denser energies will naturally want to rise when around the higher and lighter energies” says Kathy Hadley, life coach in her article, Higher Vibration? What Does It Mean And Why Is It Important? She continues that those with a higher vibration set an example and they stand out. Let’s all visualize the lower vibrations putting down their aggression and guns they use as tools to stand out and pick up arms of love and peace and furthermore awaken to the knowing that true power comes from within. Ghandi said If you want to change the world then you must be the change you want to see in the world.

The SWAT team feels a need to destroy anything that gets in the way of their lower vibrating denser existence and shatter their reality, consumed by desperation and despair.

This two week old baby represents a world that is organic, beautiful, self-expressive, abundant, empowering, loving, kind, independent, peacefully coexisting and a higher vibration for all.

Once again, for a recap, beginning with # 8 Fear of Organic Food
#7 Fear of Yard Art and Self Expression
#6 Fear of Weakness
#5 Fear of Hunger
#4 Fear of Loving Thy Neighbor
#3 Fear of Independence and Self-Reliance
#2 Fear of Anarchy

So, there you have it, the “Top 8 Best Reasons Why Blacks Ops SWAT Teams Point Fully Loaded Machine Guns at 2 Week Old Babies.” I’d love to have comments on not only the content of this 9 part article but my writing style as well. Please let me know what you think.

Embrace all that is beautiful, even if it is different.

In close I want to mention that these are my independent thoughts, feelings and ideas. The Garden of Eden and its' inhabitants are in no way responsible for what I have written here.

My entire community, the Garden of Eden has something to share with the Steemit community.

Check out the rest of us.
@gardenofeden, @quinneaker, @everlove, @saramiller.

Visit our websiteThe Garden of Eden.

Watch for my next blog about common misconceptions people have about living in community.


We definitely rocked their world that day. Instead of giving them back hate, fear and anger, we gave them back love, and compassion--even inviting them to lay down their guns, bring their families here and so we could feed them. That must have blown some of them away!!! What does one even do with peaceful people like us? Hopefully questions one's own motives and responsibility for participating in such ridiculousness. Thanks for the writing, LoveOn. I appreciate your sharing.

It's weird thinking such a tragic event can be turned around to be used to bring awareness and evolution but, that's what we're doing. Like the Chariot VII of the tarot, it may seem we're working our asses off and nothing is happening but perseverance is the key. The shift is happening, it's just not yet obvious. Well, some days more so than others. Grateful for your enduring friendship.

Not too much not too little, I enjoyed!

Super happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for exploring it.

You're most welcome

Thank you #loveon! An excellent finale in your series!

...My favorite part, however, is the blank meditation space at the end! ;-D

FWIS, it affirmed that bringing my consciousness to the present moment and being aware (i.e. "raising one's vibration") not only has had the effect of improving the experience of my life (in general), but also the quality of my life (in general)... And how awesome that truly is (in general)!

So thank you for the reminder (in general)!! :-D

As the vibration of one raises so does it raise for us all. So, get higher.

Badass post love! Your a boss droppin boss knowledge! I loved this article and I love your precise, heartfelt and straight to the point writing style and I can't wait to have some time to write my own intro steemit post and use my journey into the Garden of Eden as an inspiration to dive ito this new steemit platform! I am excited! I will remember your style and implement it into my writing. Thanks love this post was needed!


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