Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: PART 8 of 9

in #story8 years ago

If you have not yet I recommend you read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission.
Part 2, #8
Part 3, #7
Part 4, #6
Part 5, #5
Part 6, #4
Part 7

#2. Fear of Anarchy

The word "anarchy" is very misunderstood. It is not a state of chaos.

It is simply a state of having no ruler. Popular politics infuse the idea of reckless society into anarchy because government (mind control) needs its’ citizens to believe they have their best interest at heart therefore, the idea of self-governing is detrimental to the alternative.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary states anarchy is, “ a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government” and “absence of government”.

We’ve already established that our ecovillage is full of free, self-governing people. The possibility of liberated, self-governing people can be seriously frightening to those who have invested huge amounts of their lives as well their self-identification and personal livelihood in the idea that citizens need a controlling power in place to safeguard society against chaos.

The guys holding a gun to our two week old baby might lose his job or even his inspiration to continue to do his job if he understood that humanity is capable of peaceful co-existence through independence and self-reliance. A huge shift in perspective goes unconsidered pending fear of the true self.

If everyone lived to a higher standard, being awakened and conscious to the truth of what goes on around us, we could absolutely live in harmony. We've proven that fact many times over here at the Garden of Eden. The only thing left now is to embrace a higher vibration.

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@gardenofeden, @quinneaker, @everlove, @saramiller. Check out the rest of us at The Garden of Eden.


Wow! Funny you can find so many reasons to terrorize babies!!! Let's send your articles to the SWAT team and police department in Arlington, I know there are several of them who already realize their actions were dishonorable, but as you say have fear of losing their jobs. It's so much easier to turn a blind eye and blame others than to take responsibility for one's own actions. This is the common stance. Positive change can happen. Thanks for shining the light on the intricacies of what is really going on.

Thanks @everlove for being so supportive of my quiet little rants. It's a good thing I just like writing and am not looking for notoriety. The attention of my posts are dwindling. But that's okay. I got something to say anyways.
It would be interesting to find a way for the SWAT team in Arlington to read these. Hmmm. I wonder how we could go about making that happen.

Good work! What! The Garden of Eden! Followed all! Upvoted several posts! Thanks for sharing!

We at the Garden of den are changing the world. Surprise, certain groups don't like that. I'm super ecstatic that you found us and are following.

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