Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: PART 7 of 9

in #story8 years ago

We learned last time that the SWAT team is greatly concerned with providing for their family in addition, they are resistant to love, nurture, caring of humanity. Now we go even deeper and get really real.

If you have not yet I recommend you read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission.
Part 2, #8
Part 3, #7
Part 4, #6
Part 5, #5
Part 6, #4

We, as a human race, are so entrenched in the zombie world, so invested in it, thinking otherwise is frightening to the core for most. Moving forward toward a different kind of life, a person's world would be shattered. With that in mind, I give you Number 3.

3. Fear of Independence and Self-Reliance

Being independent, self-reliant and free comes with responsibility. When you "are just following orders" you are not independent and free and you are certainly not responsible. Just following orders is basically blaming. An independent and self-reliant person is going to accept responsibility for their choices. If I am in a place of committing heinous acts against peaceful citizens and wanting to continue sleeping at night I might want to pretend that my despicable behavior is for the highest good for everyone while shifting the blame to my superiors.

A home or ecovillage where the inhabitants are free and self-reliant can provoke an enormous amount of anger for a person who has built their life around believing that pointing guns at babies will create a fat paycheck for managing their own slice of independence and self-reliance.

The ecovillage and the two week old baby clearly demonstrates the possibility of a truly free and independent life, in addition to, perhaps destroying the SWAT team members’ wall of beliefs concerning the life they have invested in so hard to create for themselves and their families.

If the SWAT team put down their guns, played with our children, harvested our vegetables then broke bread with us, this might possibly create an anarchy.

Looks like my whole community has something to share with the steemit community. Check out the rest of us.

@gardenofeden, @quinneaker, @everlove, @saramiller. Check out the rest of us at {The Garden of Eden}(


Sharing your perspective really shines the light on the ridiculousness that is our current "normal" way of life. Until people can see it for what it is, they will be trapped in the mindset that has been handed down for generations, and continue to be disempowered to do anything to make change. May the truth be revealed so that humanity has an opportunity to thrive instead of barely getting by. Perspective is everything. As wise man @quinneaker says: "We are the power. " But only if we choose it to be so by taking responsibility for our whole existence. Maybe times are a changing. I hope so. Thanks Love for sharing.

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