Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: PART 4 of 9

in #steemit8 years ago

I recommend you read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission click HERE.
Part 2
Part 3

And again in the bold spirit of raw honesty I give you reason number6:

#6. Fear of Weakness

Although I, myself, do not view pop culture, media news broadcasts,

the latest trend of distaste for the police force has not escaped me. When I was a little girl in the seventies it was common knowledge that the job of the police officer is to protect the good, peace loving citizens from thieves, murderers and rapist.

Like everyone else, I believed it.

Today, the general consensus is that the police are the thieves, murderers and rapist.

In his article featured in Psychology Today, The Psychology of Guns, from October 2015 Dr. Joe Pierre states, “There’s an undeniable sense of power that comes from shooting a gun.”

With that said, my tongue in cheek theory that has arisen from my personal experience over the past many years, is not such a silly joke after all.

I’ve often said that most police officers are people who feel weak and powerless.

We’ve all heard there’s power in numbers. The reputation of the police bond within their specific society lends itself easily to power which is firmly enforced with the regular carrying of guns.

A baby whose parents are good, peaceful warriors as well as loving and empowered citizens, demonstrate to officials just how weak these schoolyard bullies truly are in addition to options to personal strength they have avoided investigating. That’s gotta be hard to look at for lazy people who are in need of validation for despicably doing whatever necessary to provide for their families even if it means holding known peaceful farming people and their babies at gun point.

Reason number 5 brings up the next layer of what is going on in our seedy and dishonorable system. We'll look at a shocking truth and real life experience portraying the lengths they will go through to feel good about pointing guns at babies.


That is an intense photo!
Though it is an intense post. Not getting much attention though. A common problem on steemit. Keep writing and commenting. Also make sure you are promoting your posts in the chat channels.

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