Song of Angels - Chapter 22

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 22

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Table of ContentsPlease read and vote for the previous chapters:
Song of Angels - Chapter 1Song of Angels - Chapter 2
Song of Angels - Chapter 3Song of Angels - Chapter 4
Song of Angels - Chapter 5Song of Angels - Chapter 6
Song of Angels - Chapter 7Song of Angels - Chapter 8
Song of Angels - Chapter 9Song of Angels - Chapter 10
Song of Angels - Chapter 11Song of Angels - Chapter 12
Song of Angels - Chapter 13Song of Angels - Chapter 14
Song of Angels - Chapter 15Song of Angels - Chapter 16
Song of Angels - Chapter 17Song of Angels - Chapter 18
Song of Angels - Chapter 19Song of Angels - Chapter 20

Song of Angels - Chapter 21

They had all day to play in the house. With plenty of time, Mindy did not hurry. She had not looked outside the door to see if there was snow. She had never looked in the barn to see if there was a car there or a pickup truck. When the ground was almost free of snow, there were no tire tracks around the house anywhere. She was intelligent enough to realize that if a man had a pickup truck, he would not ride a horse ten miles both ways, then there was his spelling of Geap and Jeep. Cyrus was either incredibly clever, which she liked. Or, Cyrus was a cowboy that was incredibly muscular, with unbelievable stamina, and handsome.

Mindy really did not know what to think about her situation, only that Cyrus was right about her clothes, they were designed to walk from the car to a heated building and not much more. Modern life assumed that everywhere was heated or air conditioned. Cyrus’s house was not or at least not to any real standards that she was aware of or had ever seen, or had lived in.

She knew she had not put up much of a struggle against Cyrus. She kissed him when he kissed her when she had showed up at his house. She was tired from the walk and when he said, she was ten miles from the road she could not believe it, at first. But when she looked at the mountains, which were not that far away from the road to the east, they did look like they were much farther off. The light danced on the walls and Mindy decided that they were going to be in here until rescue showed up and that a search had not started.

Mindy put all other thoughts out of her head. What was she to do? Walk back to the Jeep? It hadn’t started, which was why she left in the first place. Walk to the Jeep and freeze to death? She had wanted to make love for years before she finally did, more than a decade. She was going to do it, at least until she was either rescued or…whatever happened.
She really liked hearing Cyrus moan and feeling him jerk as she experimented on him. She could tell when he was approaching ejaculation and she would stop, kiss his legs, his thighs, or belly. Sometimes she would kiss his chest for a while. Stop and kiss around his face. She just kissed him all over. Then after a few minutes, no more than three, return to teasing him. She had an idea, make this more fun.

“Cyrus dear,” she stopped and said. He answered her with an affirmative moan.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Again he answered with a positive sounding something. “I like playing with you. I want you to answer my questions while I play with you?” Cyrus managed to say, “I’ll try.”

“Oh, so you like playing with me?” Then she started in again and waited for his response. It was some sort of guttural response which was probably a yes. She thought about what to ask next.

“You said you wanted to marry me and love me forever but we hardly know each other, less than a week. Why do you want to marry me?” And she really became, well, mean in a way, and started to suck him very hard when he started to speak so he had a very hard time saying anything without his voice changing in pitch and tone. He stuttered and gasped.

“It’s the right thing to do. I love you. You are beautiful.”

“So you just like me because I make love to you?”

“Certainly, a part. But, you have stayed here with me. Seem to like it here.”

“Do you want to ask me any questions?” She started in again.

“Not now, maybe later. I like this game. It is one of the reasons I love you. You just ask the questions and I will answer.” She had to think of something which was just as hard, almost as him giving the answers. She concentrated on making him squirm and at the same time was making sure he was not about to come. She couldn’t think of anything but she knew she needed to stop for a while and leave it alone or the fun would be over. Ahh, she had one.

“You do everything all by yourself? Plant the hay and harvest it? Drive the cattle to market? Everything?” She decided it was still too soon to kiss his erection, so she crawled up on him and kissed his chest.

“No. My family helps me and I help them. This is my herd and my ranch but I have (She began to kiss him on the mouth as he spoke, to interrupt his words. She knew it must have been frustrating but it was fun) two brothers, two nephews, parents, sisters.”

“Do they live close by?” She began to kiss his mouth again in between words. “I’ll let you answer, easier.” And she crawled down and began mouthing him again.

“Ohhh…a day’s ride to the north, northeast, northwest. It depends on whose ranch. Some are a little closer, some are a little farther.”

“I don’t remember seeing any house on the main road or near it and it is about eight or nine miles north of here and runs straight east and west.”

“You didn’t?”

“No questions only answers, remember?”

“Ahhh…I am having a hard time thinking. Uhhh. Maybe the houses cannot be seen from the road because of the trees, or they are down a bit like the barn. I am not sure now but they are there…somewhere’s.”

“You are sure you love me and sure about the houses?”

“Ohh yesss. I love you. I never want you to leave and I saw them all at Christmas at my parent’s house. It is big. The barn is big. The trees are big. You should have seen it, at least the tree tops, or the roof tops.”

“Yours is big.” Mindy said, then asked, “Can we visit them?”

“Yess we can but not right now and we have to feed the cattle and horses first.”

“Why can’t we go meet them right now?”

“Because you are asking me questions and I have to answer them. The snow is too deep. We would have to get dressed first. We would have to reckon out how to keep you warm out there. You never rode a horse?”

“You don’t get to ask the questions, remember?”

“I slipped. I am sorry. I apologize. III willll try too remember! Not to ask any questions. I have decided to come up with answers as long as possible.”

“You want to ask a question that would take you a long time to answer?”

“Yes, that would be very nice to ask me a question that would take a very long time to answer if you can think of any questions that would require a long answer.” Mindy sat back, had to think for a bit of a question that would take Cyrus a long time to answer.

“Ahh…What is everything you remember that happened to you when you were six years old?”

“Whenn I was siixx years old. IIIII have to think about that…”

Mel drove over the top of the last hill. He made his descent into the valley. A grader plowed from right to left, which is north to south, and passed the end of the road and continued a little ways.

The desert is a very strange place. At any time of the year, optical illusions like mirages, though those are only when it is hot, things that are far away can look much closer and things that are close can look far away. Off to the left of the direction the grader travelled was a car. It was parked on the side of the road with some snow on it but it looked like a dust colored jeep. A dust colored jeep?

“There is no way that could be Mindy’s jeep,” Mel thought out loud. “Could it?”

The grader stopped long before it reached the jeep and began to turn around. Mel stepped on it. He could see deep snow between the grader and the jeep. He would have to stop the operator before he drove away. Luckily, the driver turned up the road to the cement plant. Yes, there was a lot of snow on it but trucks had smashed most of the snow down to where it was drivable. Mel pulled to a stop less than fifty yards before the grader reached him and jumped out of the car waving his arms. The grader operators slid open his window and said,

“Good day!”

“Did you see what kind of car that is over there?” Mel pointed to the car.

“It is a jeep.”

“It might be the car of one of my sales people and I need to get over there to see if she is in it. Can you help me?”

“Yes, I can do that.” The operator closed his window. Backed the grader up after pushing the snow on his blade off the road and turned around. He plowed the right side of the road as he went. Mel followed him. In just a few minutes, he was at the jeep.

He looked inside of it. All her sales material was in the back. It was locked. How many vehicles had an Illinois plate? Where was Mindy? Mel walked over to the grader. The operator opened the window. “This is my sales person’s car. She is missing. My phone doesn’t seem to work. Do you have a radio?”

“Nothing works out here for some reason. The closest phone is at Cementex. You need to call the sheriff. He came out here yesterday.”

“Call who?”

“Call Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office to report it.”

“Call Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office?”


“Got it. Thanks.” Mel waved him off and jumped back in his car. He turned around and passed the grader operator. Mel turned right on the Cementex plant road. “There is no sign out here for anybody to know that this is the turnoff.” Mel said as he raced back up to the plant.
Mel asked to use the phone and made his report of Mindy missing and the location of her jeep. He said, he would wait by the jeep for the sheriff to arrive. He hung up the phone and called the office, “Adornia, this is Mel.”

“Hello Mel, what’s up?”

“On the way out of the Cementex plant, I found Mindy Wocslewski’s car and she is not in it. She is missing and I am about to meet the sheriff over at her car.”

“I’ll notify personnel to contact her mother.”

“Tell Eric, I got the orders in but I will call them in later after I am done meeting with the Sheriff.”

“Right. Great Job Mel.”

“Adornia, her car is sitting out in the middle of the desert and she has been missing for about three days already, almost four.”

“Oh. That is bad.”

“It is worse Adornia. It has snowed heavy twice here, the last time this morning. There is nothing out here besides this Cementex plant, according to the people who work in the office. The nearest town is twenty miles away.”
“Oh no. Do you think someone picked up and she is with them”

“I don’t know. I hope so but I have to leave here and meet the sheriff at the car.”

“So she is not in her car.”

“No and it is locked. Gotta go Adornia.”

“Wait Mel. Mr Schmidt wants to talk to you.”

“Right put him on.”

“Mel. What’s happened?”

“Mindy Woczlewski missed the turn off to the plant by about a mile and her car is parked and locked. Her sales material is in it. She was obviously on her way to the appointment and…I don’t know what has happened to her.”

“She must have got out and walked.”

“I have to go meet the sheriff at her car.”

“Right. Take care of it and let me know.”

“I got the Cementex order Eric.”

“Good. Meet the sheriff, Mel. Call in the orders after this is taken care of.”

“Right Eric. Bye.”

Eric Schmidt hung up the phone. He rose from behind his desk and walked into the reception room where Adornia sat. “Mindy Woczlewski is missing and I need you to get a hold of her next of kin. Whatever I am doing, once you have them on the phone, pass their calls to me. I’ll take any questions. Get me the number of the sheriff in the county where she is at.”

“Yessir.” Adornia started to wipe her eyes.

“Yes. I know Adornia. It is time to pray for Mindy Woczlewski.”

“So young.” Eric Schmidt nodded and returned to his office and sat. He prayed.

“So, then your Mom taught you and all the other children?” Mindy asked Cyrus.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz

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