Song of Angels - Chapter 19

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 19

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Table of ContentsPlease read and vote for the previous chapters:
Song of Angels - Chapter 1Song of Angels - Chapter 2
Song of Angels - Chapter 3Song of Angels - Chapter 4
Song of Angels - Chapter 5Song of Angels - Chapter 6
Song of Angels - Chapter 7Song of Angels - Chapter 8
Song of Angels - Chapter 9Song of Angels - Chapter 10
Song of Angels - Chapter 11Song of Angels - Chapter 12
Song of Angels - Chapter 13Song of Angels - Chapter 14
Song of Angels - Chapter 15Song of Angels - Chapter 16
Song of Angels - Chapter 17Song of Angels - Chapter 18

Mindy stopped a few times to stir the stew. When the cadence of abstract firelight dancing on the walls that escaped through the cracks of lids of the stove burners lessened, when the crackle stopped, when the cold outside in the screaming gusting wind penetrated the heat, one of the two saw to it more wood was added.

And so as the chores were quickly done, the new lovers jumped back into each other’s arms and entwined themselves on the overstuffed chair. They bent this way and that way.

For the longest time, Mindy kneeled before the chair with chest on it while Cyrus kneeled behind her. Oh she linked the way his hips slammed into her bottom and she moaned. “The rugs are a great idea.” Cyrus said over and over again. “Great idea, Mindy.”

Cyrus was in so great a physical conditioning that even though he reached orgasm, screaming out of his lungs, slowing and jerking with the spasms of men, he was able to keep on going. On and on and every time it excited Mindy so much, thrilled her to her core to be the person helping her man to achieve so much obvious pleasure. She thought I am blessed to find Cyrus because around here there is nothing else to do and I want him to do this anyway so nothing stops him. She encouraged her man. She cheered him.

In the cold blasts from the subzero world outside, they had to do what they did to keep warm. There was no other choice.

The stew was ready but they did not stop to eat for another half hour. Cyrus finally collapsed and said, “I am hungry.”
“Me too, now you said so.”

“Let’s get us some stew.” Panting, they both just laid there folded over the chair. Cyrus recovered first. Mindy ran to the bucket in the bedroom.

Cyrus started to put his long underwear on when Mindy came back, “No don’t. I want to look at you in this light while we eat.”

“It’s cold”, Cyrus shivered.

“Can we cover the door with this extra wolf hide?”

“I suppose we could. We should be bolting the door too. Makes a big difference and no one can break in.”

“Do you really think someone is going to come charging in through the door in this storm?”

“Doubt it but just recently someone came in when the door was not bolted.” Cyrus pointed at Mindy. Together they both laughed, “And one person comin’ in is enough.” They laughed again. Cyrus put the bolt across the door. The door had a heavy lintel, almost like a shelf on the inside. He put some heavy objects on the skin and they held it in place.

“We should have bolted the door from the beginning.” Mindy said.

“I normally do but lately I have been thinking about something, someone, more than is healthy in these parts but then it is winter and no one travels.” They laughed and laughed and did it without the freezing draft. They sat at the table in the chairs, which were too rough for her bare bottom. She fetched a skin for the seat.

They sat, drank coffee, and ate stew. At first with no thought other than eating, no talk but guttural sounds of eating enjoyment but after a few bowls and Mindy was more than surprised at how much she ate. They began to talk…

Just before evening, the sheriff had pulled up to the Jeep. It was reported by the scraper operator who removed the snow on the roads to the cement plant. The scraper operator or grader had seen an unrecognizable lump just past where he turned around and decided he should investigate. He reported the Jeep when he returned to the state vehicle parking yard.

He saw tracks around it in the snow. A booted man with a horse had circled the Jeep and headed off west. The sheriff wrote down the license plate number of the vehicle. For some reason, the radio was not working all that well, it never did out here, and he could not call in the Jeep to find out any information about it. His shift did not end until morning.

There was a horrific truck wreck on UT 257 that night. Involved in the containment of the wreck, even though he had radio, he forgot to call in and ask about the Jeep.
The sheriff let it slip because there was no brief on any missing persons at the beginning of his shift. He had not heard any reports sent out by dispatch when he had radio. Yes, this radioactive spill of whatever it was kept him completely focused.

Traffic had to be routed far away on a parallel dirt road. And before the reroute could occur, the road had to be plowed. People were stuck in their vehicles for hours at his checkpoint and they were freezing. It was night. It was more than cold.

Ending up with overtime, it was ten a.m. the next morning when he pulled into Fillmore.

“It is a lot less drafty in here.” Mindy observed. “It is now very comfortable whereas before it was very cold especially in the morning.”

“Yes, it is. I should have thought of bolting the door.”

“And the wolf skin?”

“Probably helps too,” Cyrus replied and then smiled. “I don’t know if I actually had ‘future shock’ though I’m certain I still have Mindy shock.”

“Well, I hope you don’t get future shock, especially bad, but I like the sound of Mindy shock.” They laughed.
“Mindy you are just so beautiful, so lovely, and so loving. Sometimes, I still think I am dreaming. A woman from 2012, I can only thank God fir this.”

“Yes, thank God for a strong, very handsome man who loves me.” Mindy followed her reply by making a dreamy sound, sort of a hum. “I have never heard of anything like this happening between people of different times but I am glad it happened. I am not sure I believe it either but, it is obvious that this house is from the very distant past.”

“It’s not that old, only twenty-one years or so.” And they laughed. They ate with less ferociousness but they still ate.

“We sweated a lot.” Mindy observed. “Maybe we could heat some water and wash off the sweat.”

“I’ll wash off yours if you wash off mine.”

“Yes, that sounds good. This room is such a pretty kaleidoscope of yellows, oranges, and reds. It is a wonderful place, a nice place to love and bathe.”

“And eat. What did you do to me Mindy? I have never felt like this and never been pleasured like this, did not know it was possible to feel this much love.”

“Oh Cyrus, thank you. You make me feel so wonderful, so complete. And you make me want to hold you, any way I can, any way you like. I was never as open as this until I met you. You make me feel so very natural.”

“You mean naked?”

“You have clothed me in nakedness, Cyrus. Before I met you, I was naked. Now I feel clothed.”

“Ahh. I see what you mean. I think I understand it. You did not like being alone, like I did not.”

“No I did not like being alone at all. I thought I did but now I am certain that alone was never for me, ever.”

“Being alone - Not any longer.” Cyrus stood up and moved over to kiss Mindy. He pulled away and looked in her eyes, “Never alone ever again.”

Mindy sniffed him, “You smell wonderful Cyrus. Even so, I want to wash your body.”

“I’ll get the big basin and we have a water pot in the bedroom for heating the water some.”

“Oh, good. What should I do with this extra stew there is more than enough left for tomorrow?”

“In the winter especially, there is a shelf outside the door, right about there.” Cyrus said pointing with his finger at a spot high on the wall. “We put the pots on the shelf.”

“Oh, I’ll do that while you get the basin.” Mindy jumped up. “My legs are shaky Cyrus.” She quickly adjusted for the trembling of her legs.

“Ha Ha. Yes.” Cyrus laughed. He stood. He was not nearly as worn as Mindy but he knew he felt he just did some very light-hearted task. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“No, not at all.” Mindy smiled. Picked up her boots and put them on her feet. No socks, “This will be all I need because this will be quick.” She unbolted the door, setting the beam aside while under the wolf skin. Stepped over, grabbed the lidded pot off the stove with two skins.

As she moved toward the door, the wind shoved it open a little but it was stopped by the skin. She was easily able to squeeze under the pelt, elbow the door open, and step outside. She saw the shelf. Set the pot on it and was back inside within a couple of seconds. She pushed the door closed and bolted it. The cold hit her hard and she shook and shivered as she came out under the pelt. “Brrrrr!” Over to the overstuffed chair to remove her boots, the chair was so warm from how close it was to the stove. “Ahh. That wasn’t so bad.” Mindy said as she took off her boots. “Totally free again!” She wiggled her naked body while she giggled with a hee, hee, he.

Cyrus came in with the basin and the big pan. He set the basin down in front of the cupboards. He set the water pot on the stove and poured water into it from one of the buckets. “There. It will be awhile.”

“Cyrus, what time do you think it is?”

“It’s about seven or so.”

“That’s it?”


“How do you know and can we sit here together until the water is hot?”

“Just do.” Cyrus moved to the chair and Mindy moved to the padded armrest so he could sit. This chair is so comfortable she thought. The armrest had more than enough padding.

“Why did you come out here on the wagon train?” Mindy asked after she settled herself against Cyrus’s left shoulder.

“The War of 1812 left us pretty much hated all of us. So, we decided to head to Oregon or Washington. I really had no say at the time but this is what the adults decided.”

“You are British? You don’t sound British. You sound east coast.”

“I am an American; I was born here or there, Connecticut. My parents, and the Mereweathers, they were born in England, or the British Isles. The Enfield is the enlisted man’s issue. It was my father’s.”

“You ran because the British army was beaten?”


Follow me: @jeff-kubitz. An upvote and a reblog would be nice too!


This is great I can't wait for the next chapter

a real @ jeff-Kubitz writer, beautiful words to describe his histori congratulations. thanks for visiting my post

Thanks too my friend

Thanks to each and every person for recognition

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