Song of Angels - Chapter 18

in #story8 years ago

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 18

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Table of ContentsPlease read and vote for the previous chapters:
Song of Angels - Chapter 1Song of Angels - Chapter 2
Song of Angels - Chapter 3Song of Angels - Chapter 4
Song of Angels - Chapter 5Song of Angels - Chapter 6
Song of Angels - Chapter 7Song of Angels - Chapter 8
Song of Angels - Chapter 9Song of Angels - Chapter 10
Song of Angels - Chapter 11Song of Angels - Chapter 12
Song of Angels - Chapter 13Song of Angels - Chapter 14
Song of Angels - Chapter 15Song of Angels - Chapter 16

Song of Angels - Chapter 17

“Let me listen at the door.” Mindy whispered to Cyrus.

“Yes, but carefully just in case.” Cyrus moved out of her way, stepped back. Hand still holding his pistol but pointing it up to be certain no accident occurred, his other hand he kept free to pull Mindy out of the way.

Mindy moved to the crack of the door, held her breath, and listened. After a few seconds, she whispered, “I think it is the sound of the creek running and stepped back from the door so Cyrus could listen. Cyrus moved into position and listened again. After a minute, he said in a normal voice, “I am sorry Mindy. It has been several months since it ran and I think it is the creek running.”

They burst out laughing, Cyrus holstered the pistol and Mindy covered her mouth. They shook with laughter. “Sometimes, it really is something besides the creek Mindy.” Cyrus said apologetically as he set the strap over his pistol.

“Yes. I am sure it is.”

“I will go out there and check for certain, that is what the sound is.” Cyrus walked outside the door, left it open.

“We could use some fresh meat for the stew, if nothing is out there that will get us.”

“Right, I’ll look around and then come back with some fresh steak.”

Mindy left the door open so she could see. She examined the animal skins Cyrus brought for rugs. There were seven of them, all with the fur or hair still attached and she thought, one was from a bear as the fur was long and black, really thick, and very, very large. “This must go in front of the bed.”

She picked it up and carried it to the bedroom and laid it down on the floor so that it was partly under the bed and it ran the whole length of the bed which she guessed was about queen size. The bed had handmade headboard and foot boards out of logs split in half. By the smell, she guessed the whole bed was made out of cedar. There were no nails or screws she could see. She wondered if Cyrus made it. The wood appeared sanded in the dim light. She had not paid much attention to it until now. Normally, it was unusually dark in here and her mind had been all on Cyrus or sleep. “This will do nicely.” She said.

She went back and grabbed another fur and brought it in. She laid it next to the bear rug and that was all this room needed. Not as big as the bear skin, but with long fur that was gray with four legs. She put two of the legs under the bear skin so no one would trip on them. This skin folded against a stand with shelves that was a wash basin. There were various things here including a razor, some towels, and cakes of soap stacked up. She found rolled strips of cloths which were most likely bandages, some scissors, and sewing things including pins, smaller brushes, and combs. There was a hair clip that must have belonged to Claire.

She went to the other room and set about laying out the skins, all like the second skin she laid in the bedroom. She had one extra left over and that included one she laid under the bedroom door. Now she could walk around in bare feet or socks without getting her feet dirty. It would never be as dusty in here again.

Cyrus came in the door with a huge roast speared on his knife, the Bowie knife. It was like a small sword and thick. “Want me to cut it up and put it in the pot?

“Yes, that would be nice. The one fur is a bear right?”

“Yes. The others are wolf.”


“They came here for the cattle or the horses.”

“A wolf will eat people, won’t they?”

“So will a bear.” Cyrus answered.

“They were here?”

“Yes, those skins were taken here.”

“Did you handle six wolves?”

“I shot them from holes in the barn while they ate a young bull.”

“Oh.” Mindy said stunned. “That is a feat, courageous.”

“Thank you.” Cyrus walked over to the cabinets and sliced it up on the counter, a flat slab of rock nearly square. Each chunk about an inch square, he carried them over in handfuls and dumped them in the pot. When he was done cutting up the beef, he washed his hands and cleaned his knife. “For a moment there, while I was outside, again I thought I heard something far off that I could not identify but it went away. So I am not sure but it is far off. I also checked the road and not much has changed if at all, the changed stops at or near where we saw it.”

“Beyond there it is the same?” Mindy asked.

“It appears to be the same. Same parallel tracks that never change distances apart but there is one thing different off in the distance to the east, there are a lot less trees. I could swear it. I am not sure but it just seems to me there are no more big trees on the mountains.”

“Oh.” Mindy said as she put the lid on the Dutch oven pot containing their stew. “Are you sure?”

“It is very hard to tell from so far away, with the light getting so low but even in the low light, the mountains look like they have lost some of the green.”

“Know in the morning?”

“As long as the sky is clear, a wind is coming up, maybe with a storm on it.”

“A snow storm?”

“It is January and the big storms will start soon.”

“Bigger than what we had?”

“It could be. Most likely be. Yes.”

“Will we be trapped in here?”

“Yes. Taking the wagon out might not be so easy with those new tracks either, the wagon wheels will be on the outside edges and the horse will have to walk in the tall sage in the middle. Not going to like that.”

“But it can be done?” The sky began to grow much darker quick and the cold grew fast in the clear sky. With a chill, Mindy asked, “Can we close the door?”

“We can get there if the snow does not come for a day and we can close the door for the night too.” Cyrus moved to close the door.

“I do hear that sound again and it is louder.” He looked out the door through a crack, drew his pistol. “There are lights in the sky off yonder to the northeast.”

“What, where? Mindy came over to look out the door.”

“Warn me Mindy when you do that”, he pointed his pistol up.

“Sorry, let me see Cyrus.”

“Yes,” He stepped back and pointed off to the northeast and Mindy followed his arm. She looked. She heard it above the wind.

“It is an airplane Cyrus. It is a propeller airplane, it sounds like.”

“What is that?”

“An airplane is a machine that flies and those lights are on so other planes can see it and not hit it.”

“A flying machine,” Cyrus whispered aghast. “Who would believe it was possible.”

“I told you Cyrus about future shock in 2012. There are unbelievable things and machines. You might not like it at all.”

“I might not have a choice either. I might end up there whether I like it or not.”

“Yes.” Mindy conceded. “You and I might just end up in 2012. At least we will be able to get gas for the Jeep easily.”


“The fuel the Jeep runs on so it can move. Remember.”

“Does the airplane use gas too?”

“Yes, but it is aircraft gas.”

“Air craft? Do you think it is coming over here?”

“I don’t think so. It looks like it is passing through. Cyrus, I want to warn you about jets so you do not have a heart attack if one flies over.”


“Jets are a much bigger, much louder airplane that that one.”

“Is there anything else I should know about?”

“Oh, there are so many things, Cyrus we will just have to explain as you encounter them. So, we are going to try to get to the Jeep tomorrow?”

“We should have a full day before the storm arrives, so yes, we will try tomorrow. We will take the wagon because this wind will freeze all the mud there might be.”

“Do you need to make any preparations Cyrus?” Mindy asked.

“No not really.”

“How do you feel Cyrus?”

“Okay I guess. So there are flying machines?”

“It’ll be a couple of hours until the stew is ready to eat. Maybe you need something to take away your shock?”


“Why don’t you take off your coat and sit in the chair?”

“You are going to take away my shock, Mindy?”

“It sure is warm in here.” Mindy took her parka off. She doubted he could see her smile. “I will try. I will give it a good try.” She placed her parka on a peg. Cyrus stood there stunned. She went over to him and pulled off his coat. It was really heavy, especially with the Enfield. Who knows what he had in the pouches inside the coat. She hung up his coat. Then she returned for his hat. “I don’t know if I should take your pistol belt off, Cyrus.”

“What? Oh.” Cyrus unfastened his pistol belt, untied the leg strap and hung it on a peg. Then he just stood there. Mindy walked over to him and steered him to the chair and sat him down. She sat on his lap and began to kiss him but he was lost in thought about the airplane, the jeep, the mountain sized building that he might certainly see. He responded a little bit to her kisses. Good, Mindy thought.

“I can see I am pulling you out of this Cyrus and that is good.” Mindy whispered between kisses.

“What? Yes.” Cyrus began to kiss Mindy back but she could tell that he was still worried about what might happen.

“I am going to do something special Cyrus. You might not know about this either but I think you will like it.” Cyrus said nothing she could tell his mind was on what he saw and it was beyond his understanding. Mindy eased herself to a kneeling position and undid his belt and opened the buttons on his pants. Then she undid the buttons on his long underwear and exposed his manhood into her hands and started to kiss him.

“What are you doing?”

Mindy paused. “Something I know you will really like and so will I.” She took him in her mouth and began to pleasure Cyrus and soon his mind was all focused on her. Cyrus gripped her hair and began a deep moan.

Mindy stopped for a moment and pulled her blouse off and her brassiere. Cyrus took off his shirt, “It is hot in here.” He pulled his arms out of the long underwear. Mindy went back at Cyrus with ardor and passion. While she teased she pulled on his pants and long underwear and he lifted up and let her pull them down around his boots, then used both hands to tickle and tease.

Cyrus gurgled more than spoke between panting and moans, while gripping her hair, “I…I”.

“Do you love me?” Mindy said as she stood, dropped her pants and panties and stepped out of them. She pulled off her stockings.

“I do love you.” Cyrus responded, heaving with a sigh, settling in the overstuffed chair.

“I have waited my life to do this.” Mindy said as she reached out and held him to see if she still had his full attention and she did.

“Do what?”

Mindy answered by climbing into the chair and straddling him, her knees tucked alongside his legs and butt, inserting him between her thighs and very ready womb. They did not know it but the plane they saw was a new passenger plane from 1952. Was time marching up to 2012? Would they end up in some other time? As Cyrus helped Mindy rise and fall with his hands gripped on her waist, a nipple in his mouth, neither one cared. The past and the future were completely ignored, forgotten. The wind began to howl strong outside. The present was all and now filled with the sounds of joy.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


This is a very good sexy scene please keep up the great job

I appreciate your support and thank you for it

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