Song of Angels - Chapter 14

in #story8 years ago

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 14

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Please read and vote for the previous chapters:

Song of Angels - Chapter 1

Song of Angels - Chapter 2

Song of Angels - Chapter 3

Song of Angels - Chapter 4

Song of Angels - Chapter 5

Song of Angels - Chapter 6

Song of Angels - Chapter 7

Song of Angels - Chapter 8

Song of Angels - Chapter 9

Song of Angels - Chapter 10

Song of Angels - Chapter 11

Song of Angels - Chapter 12

Song of Angels - Chapter 13

The bedroom was cold and Mindy and Cyrus quickly moved into the parlor to dress. Cyrus’s clothes were dry from the stove and so were Mindy’s. Mindy said as Cyrus dressed,
“Cyrus your clothes are like none I have ever seen before, they are so heavy where did you get them?”

“They were all made by my mother.”

“I thought you said your mother was dead?”

“Not that mother, she is passed on, did not survive the the wagon trail, by Enid Mereweather.” Cyrus stated.
“She made all your clothes by hand?”

“Yes, she gives me something new for Christmas every year. She makes something for everyone as a gift every Christmas.” Cyrus said with pride in his voice, proud of his mother. Then asked, “Doesn’t your mother make your clothes?”

“Well, no she doesn’t we buy our clothes.”

“That’s expensive and all the clothes I have seen were never as good and stout as my mom’s. She is from England, where they really make good clothes she always says.” Cyrus said smiling.

“She made everything of yours?”

“No, she did not make my hat, boots, or gun belt but she made this heavy leather coat and my belt. She makes the clothes for the whole family.”

"Cyrus, you said you were married to your sister Claire?"


"Do people marry their sisters and brothers back in 1856?"

"Oh I see what you mean. Not that I ever heard of, I am adopted by the Mereweathers. Claire and I were not blood relatives, not related at all. We did grow up together..." Cyrus began to look downcast as he remembered Claire.

Instantly recognizing she had hit a nerve deep in Cyrus, brought back very old memories she apologized, "Cyrus, I did not mean to open old hurts."

"That is okay. It is a long time ago. Claire passed away a long time ago." Cyrus began to smile but it was forced. He did not do a lot of talking to anyone about either his family or Claire. He did not do much talking of much of anything. He had talked more with Mindy than he had in a decade. It is like that out on a lonesome ranch.

“I never noticed a gun belt before, you carry a gun?” Mindy asked.

“Of course I carry a gun, a pistol and a rifle as well.” Cyrus seemed perplexed by her questions.

“Why have I not seen them? And why would you need them?” Mindy asked.

“Why would I need them out here? So Cutter, the cattle, or I do not get eaten for one thing. Protection from robbers or Indians is the other. To use for signaling…there are so many reasons to have a gun. Don’t you know how to shoot? And you came out here alone without a gun?” Cyrus looked confounded. "I still do not believe it."

“Well, I don’t know what to say except that I am from Illinois – we could be eaten?” Mindy shrieked.

“Not while I have a gun or while we are in the house unless a bear were to knock down the door. But I have never seen a bear even close to here.” Cyrus laughed. "Mountain lions, wolves, and coyotes can show up, though.

“Birds singing everywhere. A perfect sky and man - I could be eaten - by what?” Mindy shivered as she spoke.

“Again, packs of coyotes, or wolves, a mountain lion, the birds if you die outside.” Cyrus said matter of fact.

“Same coyotes that yip us to sleep?”

Cyrus saw the fright in Mindy’s eyes then said, “Yes dear. Don’t worry I will protect you from those things.”

“But I walked around yesterday and took a lot of water out of the pond. I could have been killed and eaten.” Whispered Mindy.

“Oh look, I did not mean to frighten you, Mindy it is not that bad, especially near the house. I will teach you to shoot and we will get you a gun.” Cyrus consoled her.

“Where is your gun?”

“Guns. Here under my coat.”

“He strapped on the pistol belt. Tied the straps that held the holster tight around the leg of his pants. He lifted the rifle to show her. It was an Enfield Musket.

“The guns look old, they are muskets but I can see you take care of them…do they work?” Mindy asked.

“Yes they work, the pistol was my real father’s and I keep it in perfect condition.” Cyrus said and pulled the pistol to show her. “If you have never handled a gun do not touch it until I give you lessons, okay dear?”

“Yes, that would be an excellent idea but your guns are very large to me.” Mindy said.

“They both only need one shot but yes you need something smaller.” Cyrus said.

“Importantly, beside the guns. I saw the jeep. Whatever it is I am sure we could use that on this ranch.” Cyrus said changing the subject.

“Yes, it is four wheel drive.” Mindy said. “You’ve never seen a jeep?”

“No, I have not and I will teach you about guns if you will teach me about jeeps.” Cyrus said. "The last time I heard the angels sing, I did see something with the same wheels as the jeep but it did not look anything like it. That must have been 1846 or so."

"You did? What did it look like?"

"At the time, it looked like a demon so I shot at it until it started to move and kept shooting at it until I drove it away."

"I doubt that was a demon and someone must have been driving it."

"I am not sure myself now that I have seen the jeep." Cyrus said, looking reminiscent and a little shaken.

“You really have never seen a car or a jeep, or a truck?"

"Again, I am not sure. But one thing I am sure of is that we came out here by wagon train and there was nothing like that back east, along the way, nor did anyone ever hear of anything like that. Will you teach me about it?"

"Deal.” Mindy said smiling.

“How we get you to the jeep is what I am wondering.” Cyrus said. “Can you ride Cutter do you think, Mindy?”

“I have never rode a horse, a pony at a fair that was it.” Mindy said.

“Well, that is not unusual, mother has never rode a horse either and will not ride one – ever.” Cyrus said.

“Perhaps you could ride with me on Cutter to the jeep.” Cyrus said and looked at Mindy. She looked troubled, “Do you think you could ride with me on Cutter, Mindy?”

“I am sure you could take me there but I have never ridden with anyone on a horse before either.”

“Well, could you make some coffee and biscuits so we could get started after I saddle Cutter?”

“Yes, I could do that while you get Cutter ready.”

“Saddled Mindy, saddled.”

“Yes. Saddled.” Mindy said exasperated.

“Okay I will scout the trail I made yesterday to see if some of the snow is melted more than it was before I come back.” Cyrus said.

“How far away is the jeep from here?” Mindy asked.

“Less than ten miles in a straight line. Most likely at least ten miles if not eleven if we follow the same trail I took yesterday.” Cyrus said.

“I walked ten miles from my jeep. I – it didn’t seem that far.” Mindy said. No wonder she had ached.

“You might have walked farther than that, where you said you sat by the tree and saw Cutter,” Cyrus continued, “I can’t find where that was yet because of the snow. The snow is deeper near to and in the woods.”

“You aren’t going all the way to the jeep are you?” Mindy asked.

“No, I’ll be able to tell if we can attempt it in a mile or less.” Cyrus said. “Then I will be back for breakfast.”

“Okay. I’ll wait then.” Mindy said and she kissed Cyrus before he turned to go. As he opened the door she could see it was still dark outside.

“It’s still dark, outside!” Mindy exclaimed.

“Yes, I’ll be alright and it will be full light in a few minutes.” Cyrus said.

“I feel great. Did we sleep that long?”

“Gets dark about six sun up is about six.” Cyrus stated.

“Oh cold still.” Mindy kissed Cyrus and he closed the door and left.

‘Wood in the stove, now.’ Mindy thought with a smile on her face. ‘No television or radio I guess all there is to do here is sleep and what we do.’ She started humming a little tune as she stoked the potbelly with more wood. She checked the ash pan but it was only half full. Mindy applied her skills to coffee and breakfast. Coffee was all she had drank since she had come to meet Cyrus. She felt thirsty. She heard Cyrus ride to the house on his horse. She thought she would use her coffee cup to get a few cupfuls of water to drink. She dipped the coffee cup into the water bucket as Cyrus came in the door. He said,
“Don’t drink out of that bucket, Mindy.”

“What isn’t it safe? I’ve made coffee from it.” Mindy said ruefully.

“It is safe if it is boiled but we use the rain barrel for drinking water.”

“I am not going to get sick am I?”

“You have not drank any of the bucket water have you, cattle and who knows what else drink out of it.” Cyrus said.

“No I have only had coffee until now.” Mindy said.

“I should have shown you the rain barrel. I thought everyone had one of those but no you won’t get sick from the coffee.” Cyrus said with a smile now that he had determined Mindy had not drunk from the pond water. “The rain barrel is in that corner back there.” Cyrus said as he pointed to the southwest corner of the house. “Most of the snow is melted where Cutter and I went yesterday. I thought I would come back and tell you but I wanted to scout the trail a little farther before I decide if we can make it.”

“Oh good. It is so dry here in spite of the snow I know I need water.” Mindy said. “Take a biscuit or two before you go dear.”

Cyrus took a couple of biscuits and slugged down a cup of coffee. He turned to leave the house,
“I’ll be back in less than an hour. More snow will melt between now and then now that the sun is up.”
“I need to drink some water.” Mindy said. She felt faint.

“Be back soon.” Cyrus closed the door behind him.

Mindy donned her parka and took the coffee cup with her as she left the house she saw Cyrus and he waved as he rode Cutter away down a trail made in the snow. Mindy waved goodbye then proceeded to where the rain barrel should be.

She found the barrel quickly enough. Ice floated on the top of the water in the barrel. She tilted the ice and dipped her cup in the water. She tasted the water. It was icy and pure. She never tasted water so good. The water was absolutely delicious. She was there at least ten minutes and must have drunk ten cups before her thirst was quenched.

She was not cold, though she thought she should be but now she had to use the potty. Since Mindy was not cold and the temperature was warming fast with the rise of the sun in the clear blue sky she decided to use the outhouse. Cyrus did, she was sure. He never used the chamber pot just stepped out the door naked or not. She could use the outhouse today; it was warm enough, certainly.

She took a cup of the rainwater from the barrel and left it setting in front of the door to the house then scurried to the outhouse as fast as she could go.

Mindy was in the outhouse attending to her needs when she heard a vehicle drive up.


Great story!

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