Song of Angels - Chapter 21

in #story8 years ago

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 21

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Table of ContentsPlease read and vote for the previous chapters:
Song of Angels - Chapter 1Song of Angels - Chapter 2
Song of Angels - Chapter 3Song of Angels - Chapter 4
Song of Angels - Chapter 5Song of Angels - Chapter 6
Song of Angels - Chapter 7Song of Angels - Chapter 8
Song of Angels - Chapter 9Song of Angels - Chapter 10
Song of Angels - Chapter 11Song of Angels - Chapter 12
Song of Angels - Chapter 13Song of Angels - Chapter 14
Song of Angels - Chapter 15Song of Angels - Chapter 16
Song of Angels - Chapter 17Song of Angels - Chapter 18
Song of Angels - Chapter 19Song of Angels - Chapter 20

Mindy woke in the bed and she felt for Cyrus. He was gone. It must be morning already. I have to get up and get ready. As she pushed back the blankets, the cold hit her. Oh was it cold. She heard noise from the parlor and she called out, “Cyrus, is that you?”

“Yes Mindy, it is me.”

“I’ll be ready and out in a minute.”

“No need, I let you sleep. It started to snow this morning so we will not be off to get the Jeep."

“What?” Mindy asked as she jumped up with one of the blankets wrapped around her, walked on the skin rugs into the parlor. “How much has it snowed?”

“I went out to feed the cattle and then hitch the horses to the wagon. I saddled Cutter and was going to tie his reigns to the back of the wagon, when it started to snow.”

“So it is snowing heavy.”

“Oh, two hours ago it was six inches. I have unhitched the team and put Cutter in the barn. I hope you aren’t angry?”

“Is the door bolted?”

“Oh, no sorry.” Cyrus jumped up to bolt the door.

“Not much we can do about it, is there?”

“I am afraid not, no. There is nothing we can do.” Cyrus put the wolf skin over the door.

“Oh, thank you.” Mindy stood in front of the stove. Suddenly she began to warm up. She opened the blankets and trapped the heat inside. “Ah, that feels good.”

“Oh it looks good too. I made some biscuits. They are on the cabinet.” Mindy walked over to the biscuit pan, took one and returned to the stove.

“Thank you Cyrus, it makes me happy you like the way I look even though my hair must be a complete mess.” Mindy nibbled on her biscuit. “Can I eat on your lap?”

“You are welcome on my lap anytime Mindy. I still might be a bit wet from the snow.”

Mindy walked to Cyrus and ran her hand on the parts she would touch while sitting on him. “You are dry, except for your boots; want me to help you take them off?” She knelt without waiting for an answer, stuffed the biscuit in her mouth to hold it, and reached for the right boot. Cyrus lifted his foot and she pulled it off. His sock was wet and she removed that too, and then pulled off the left boot and sock. She took the biscuit out of her mouth and started to sit into Cyrus. He moved a bit and she curled into him, adjusting the blanket so they were both covered. “Warmer?”

“Oh, definitely warmer,” Cyrus whispered. He wrapped his right arm around Mindy and shifted a little bit. “And, comfortable.” Mindy continued to eat her biscuit until it was gone.

“Would you like a biscuit Cyrus?”

“Yes, that would be nice, right now.” Mindy stood up and brought the whole pan over and curled back into Cyrus. Cyrus took one out of the pan and Mindy set the pan on the arm of the overstuffed chair. They feasted away.

As Mel drove his car down the dirt roads to the Cementex plant, it was snowing hard. He would have never seen where to make the left turn except a car approached from the east. Mel turned in and followed the road over and around the hills back to the plant. He was surprised how big the plant was and that there was no sign of it whatsoever until he descended the last hill. “Unbelievable, the size of a Cementex plant and it can’t be seen from the road.”

Mel followed the signs and parked in front of the office complex. Found visitor parking, he parked, carried his briefcase, sales materials, and went inside. Four hours later, orders in hand, Mel exited the office building and it was sunny but the wind blew strong. He had a chance to ask about Mindy too, nothing.

Mel put his materials and briefcase in the back seat of the rented sedan. He started the car to head back to Delta. It was a great day, windy, but he was from Chicago – GREAT!

He drove over the hills, around, and back out the way he came. “Just one more hill to down…”

“I wasn’t sure how you would react to the announcement of the snow.” Cyrus said softly to Mindy.

“I would like to get the Jeep yes, but I am from Chicago, where there are snowplows and everyone has a car or rides a bus. I know what snow is, especially deep snow and even with all those machines it’s tough. Here, in 1856…” she trailed off.

“I was just worried that you would react badly, we really do not know each other that well.”

“True. I am fine Cyrus but I am worried about a few things, like my family and my boss. I am worried about the payments and the hotel. But you don’t actually have a truck or a car in the barn, do you?”

“What is a truck or a car, a snow plow, or a bus?”

“The Jeep is a kinda car.”

“No, there are horses in the barn. That is it. We could milk some cows in a stall but.”

“Milk would be good but we can wait until after the storm.”

“I usually do not milk a cow unless a calf has died. I haven’t lost any calves.”

“Oh. Well, the other thing that bothers me is I only have the clothes on me and there is no way to get more. What I have at the hotel is really more for dress than it is for around here. But anything would be good.”

“I have no more clothing. I apologize.”

“Why did you think I might react badly?”

“Like I said, we do not know each other that well, Claire, I knew her from age four, and we had a few spats. She could have a temper. I thought you might too.”

“There are things that can make me angry but there is nothing I can do about them. So, since there is nothing I can do about them.”

“You could try your phone.”

“It is completely dead and no way to charge the battery.”

“I know you think you only have one set of clothes my dear but I sure like the way you are dressed in your other set, right now.”

“You mean this blanket?” Mindy asked as she stood and then dropped it. “Or, did you mean something else?”

“Why, I meant both I suppose, but if it is a choice as to what set of clothes I like the best, you are standing in them.” Cyrus laughed. Mindy laughed with him.

“One thing before we start anything Cyrus, did you check the road, is it changing, is the house going to fall apart?”

“I checked and I think we are safe. 2012 has not come upon us yet, at least here at the house.”

Mindy knelt down in between Cyrus’s legs, “It’s a lot warmer in here than the bedroom.” She began to unfasten his belt.

“It is now, isn’t it.”

“It is not nearly so dark.” She undid the buttons on his pants. “I like the way the light dances on the walls and ceiling.”

“I like the way the light dances on you Mindy.”

“Even though, I haven’t brushed my hair yet?” She opened his pants up and started on the buttons of his long underwear.

“Even though, you have not brushed your hair yet.”

“What about my teeth, even though I have not brushed my teeth?”

“Even without a tooth brush, but if you feel it is necessary to stop for a bit to brush your teeth or your hair, I can wait.”

Mindy undid the buttons on his shirt and underwear and pulled them down, revealing his glory. “I didn’t bring a toothbrush so I thought I would brush my teeth with yours.”

“You can use mine; it’s on the shelf in the bedroom.”

“I wasn’t talking about that one, I was talking about this one.” She began to clean her teeth and the inside of her mouth.”

“Oh Mindy.” Cyrus gasped, and then, “Thank you for using my toothbrush.”

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz, reblog and upvote please


This is great can't wait for the next chapter

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