Echoes of Tommorrow's Past - Part 11 (My Original Novella)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

“Yes… Anything!”

Racked with tortuous guilt and remorse, Dolores needed immediate reassurance that there was indeed a feasable solution to all this. The way she saw it, any prospect of permanent damage caused to James lay upon her shoulders alone. To burden herself with a lifetime of questioning as to her choice of actions was not the path she envisioned for herself and would fight tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

The doctor glanced down at his watch before proceeding. ”Herbert had been experiencing these hallucinations for some time before requesting my assistance. He appeared gaunt, distracted and tired. I remember him vividly. But it’s my firm belief that James hasn’t reached that stage yet, therefore your decision to contact me now was a wise one.”

”I understand that, Doctor.” She said, compelling herself to regain composure at the same time. ”So what do we need to do next to save him?”

There was an air of hopeless despondency in her voice that the Doctor was quick to pick up on. He found himself regretting his decision to act upon his prior instinct to assist this couple. Perhaps it was more for his own peace of mind, he assumed. To make up for not being able to prevent Mr. Wilcot’s untimely demise. However, it was too late for that now and whatever the outcome would be was left to the hands of fate itself. He was just a pawn in a much bigger game of powerful and influential players.

”Well, an observation I made is a good place to start.” He responded as Dolores sharpened her concentration. ”Herbert’s subconscious would project his child’s image separate from any physical assistance.”

”Sorry Dr. Grey, I don’t quite get what you mean by “physical assistance”.” She interrupted.

”In that, I mean it’s somewhat different from my impression of James’s account in our last meeting. He described the image he witnessed the night before as if it was almost "attached" to you. Like his mind was attempting some kind of mental mapping or something and required a face in the physical space to imprint it upon. Towards the end for Herbert, his imaginations had no such limitations. The boy appeared as a free form, devoid of any need for a human medium like you were for James. Do you see? As the subconscious keeps tapping into the blockchain to retrieve what it wants, it seems to increase in strength and potency every time."

He adjusted his specs to where they sat positioned upon the tip of his nose. "The internal mechanics of the mind are much more powerful than we give it credit for, Mrs. Donnell. Being a doctor for the past two decades, I have seen thousands of different cases involving depression, alcoholism and drug use. Each one of them could be viewed in the same light as what we’re dealing with here. Where the patient gradually gives in to their inner cravings of the mind until it’s all they ever think about. Without some form of treatment, they descend into a paralytic state where their thoughts, emotions and actions are all controlled by the subconscious. So, in our case, it’s James and his overwhelming guilt over blaming himself for his mother’s death.”

”I think I understand what you mean?” She murmured whilst trying to process the Doctor’s summary. ”So this is all just one giant, overblown hallucination. I mean, none of it is even real. How dangerous can some hyperactive illusion be?”

”Extremely.” He answered in a deep tone. ”Remember I told you we extracted a copy of Herbert’s digital track for analysis, Mrs. Donnell?”

She nodded her head once.

”Well, we sifted through his memories and found the exact same patterns as with James. Bare in mind, this was a few weeks before his passing or envisaging the full form apparitions of his boy yet. He would see some random toddler on the road with it’s parents and the painful reflections would instantly come flooding back. At the same time, that child’s face would morph into that of his dead boy. Just looking back at him. Herbert never told me about those episodes and I still have no idea why. We even located the exact image he was seeing as we regressed further back in his timeline. It seems he kept the same set of three distinct memories of the boy stored in his mind and replayed them over and over again until they became explicitly ingrained into his subconscious. One was when they were at the beach together, another as his boy was playing in the park and finally one where Herbert was waving goodbye to him at the school gates.”

”God, my poor James. What must he be going through?” She exclaimed. ”That’s almost too frightening to imagine. Can you remember how clear the images were when you scanned through them afterwards?”

”Herbert saw them as shaky and slightly out of focus at first, but as time went on, they became as clear as I see you at this very moment. Under normal circumstances, our own thoughts are always vague at best. And they degrade further as more time passes. So, the incredible clarity in which he saw those images must be something to do with the blockchain itself as all the inputs received and stored on it were done so in crisp, hi-definition detail. The subconscious mind must get a better "lock" on that stored data every time it tries to retrieve them. Kind of like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle until the final picture is revealed.”

Just as in the analogy the Doctor had given regarding the jigsaw, the pieces began fitting together for Dolores. She underwent a resurgence of optimism in the hope that once the diagnosis had been given, a cure could not be too far behind. ”One final thing I’m unclear of, Dr. Grey.” She persisted. ”What do you think caused him to die when he returned home?”

Dr. Grey exhibited a disconcerting, sombre manner about him. ”I was coming to that, Mrs. Donnell. The boy appeared happy and glad to see Herbert, that final time. At least, that’s the visualization his mind had created for him. But the more he tried to blot it out, the more horrifying the imaginings became. I tell you, Mrs. Donnell, I couldn’t believe what I saw. The child’s pupils desolved into thin air, his facial skin peeled open as black blood seeped out. Far worse things happened that I shan’t go into but I can only assume it was his subconscious fighting back. Resurrecting artefacts from his deepest, darkest fears and bringing them to life before his very eyes. And able to carry out all this via the circuitry in his brain. It wanted the child to live again and not even Herbert had a say in the matter. The shock of witnessing what he did in that hallway, killed him.”

Dolores was speechless for what seemed to her like several minutes, but was actually a mere few seconds. The restrained outrage that had receded like an evening tide now resurfaced once more. She stood up from her chair, hands curled into round little fists. ”You told me you’d never had issues of any kind in the past. You lied to me. To us. Why the hell did you do that? To make another quick buck? Is that all that your medical oath has taught you?”

”We were not allowed to disclose that information to anyone.” Dr. Grey replied, staring back at her with grim, sullen eyes. ”Don’t you see this experiment is bigger than any one of us. It’s going to be a multi-billion dollar operation once it gets off the ground. This is how the world of business works, Mrs. Donnell. All our research and development came from big, corporate sponsorship deals which are not going to let one or two unverified anomalies prevent them from cashing in the money they stand to make.”

”Anomaly?” She yelled. ”You think James is just some expendable anomaly?”

”No, Mrs. Donnell, not me… Them.”

”You know you could be struck off the register for this.” she insisted. ”It’s all one, gigantic cover up!”

Dr. Grey closed his eyes as if waiting for the storm to die down. He paused a few moments, before crossed his legs and glaring back at Dolores. His solemn exterior remained unflinching, yet calculated. ”This is the third time you’ve raised your voice at me. And I promise you, it will be the last. No matter how difficult it is for you to grasp the situation at hand, one thing is for certain. I am your only hope. I didn’t have to come forward to assist you today. But I didn’t want a repetition of Herbert’s fate for James if I could help in any way. It was a bold, but compassionate move on my behalf, of which I’m now beginning to regret. So, you have two choices to make. Leave my office now and assume this conversation never took place or calm yourself down and work with me to possibly make James well again.”

In all her flurry of emotions, Dolores realised the truth. Saw that there was no way out of this except for the weak hand she was offered. Sure, she thought, leaving now and screaming from the rooftops about James's plight and how this company destroyed their lives, could happen. But it was plain to see the vast sums of cold, hard cash being poured into this project. She feared her current course of action would have devastating effects for the both of them, if acted upon. Time was running out and no other viable options were left. It was Dr. Grey or nothing.

”I’m not a man to ask twice, Mrs. Donnell.” He asserted. ”What’s it to be?”

She took a moment to gather her thoughts. Straightening out her white blouse and long, flowing beige dress, Dolores sat back down, though still with a pinch of arrogance and pride about her. ”Fine. You win, Doctor. I apologise.” She said, in a sound just above a whisper.

”Right.” The doctor continued, eyes transfixed on her like a homing missile tracking it’s target. ”Now that we’ve hopefully got that issue well and truly settled, here’s my theory on how we go about treating James. Time is running short.”

(To Be Continued)


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


This is it man!

Lol, thanks, buddy. :)

You know what's more scary than the plight James is undergoing? It is the fact that medicos can do what Dr. Grey just did and no one will be wiser.

It happens everywhere in the world - a profession of godly nature is now getting built on half truths and soft lies. We can't do anything, but give in to all the blackmail that follows.

Love how the story is shaping up so far @ezzy. Can't wait for the next one.

Right on, @nrajesh.

Just because we don't hear this stuff directly through the media, doesn't mean it's not happening. That's where reading between the lines comes into play. Big companies and their agenda's usually involved bringing in large volumes of income. Any problems encountered along the way are considered "temporary stumbling blocks" until the issue becomes to big to ignore. That's the way of the world, buddy.

Well thought out and insightful comment, @nrajesh. Thank you. :)

Awesome read again , you definitely have a talent in writing ,read one of your work last night , good job !

Bless, @bryanlai98. That means a lot. Very appreciated comment.

You're welcome ;) was reading it while sipping coffee last night haha

I joined Steemit today, after long procrastination and delay, and I thought that I would spend my time reading libertarian/anarchy/crypto posts, but I have been spending the last two hours drinking coffee in my favorite coffee house and reading Echoes of Tommorrow's Past:)

You've made my day!

First off, Welcome to Steemit! Secondly, thanks for taking the time to read my latest work. I hope you make a mark for yourself within this great community. This is a platform that defines the term "You'll get out whatever you put in." Persist with formulating creative and well-thought out posts and you'll go far, sir.

Thanks again for stopping by and all the very best with your future Steemit-related endeavours. :)

I have postponed joining for months, and now that I'm in, I'm in for the long haul!

All the best to you too - your work deserves to be seen!

Thank you, sir! :)

That is a great story, I like your work
I am you new follower @ezzy
Best Regards Andrei

Much appreciated. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck on the Steemit platform.

You are welcome
I will see you around steemit

My god, @ezzy! This story is getting too deep for me to take! You are messing with my head now! What a crazy adventure you're taking us on. There's an incredible detail in your words and overall vision of what you convey to the reader. Utterly amazing.

The part about Herbert's child changing into god knows what sent chills up and down my spine, I cannot lie, lol. But the concept you are dealing with of both forms of mind fused with this electrical circuitry as mind-blowing, to say the least. As I've say many times, this belongs on the bookshelf of a retail outlet. Its that damn good so far!

I literally can't wait to see where we go from here. Please post soon.
Take care, @ezzy and thanks for taking us on this epic journey with you.

Hey there, @myb!

Hope you're well! Sorry to be messing with your head, lol! But seriously, thanks a lot, man. I'm attempting to deal with a complicated subject here so bringing that across to the reader can be tricky at the best of times. But your confidence to my writing shows I'm doing something right.

So glad you're enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Please stick around for the rest and once again, maximum blessings for all your incredible support.

Peace, brother! :)

Very nice. Been absent from your story, must catch up as soon as I can! Thank you :)

Hey man! Glad to see you again! Just got back from a holiday so I'm also just getting back to speed. Will be catching up with your awesome work very soon too.

All the best, bro! :)

This is so realistic, I think that's what makes it shiver inducing. This is exactly the way I picture the people behind big pharma to be, uncaring of the consequences to human life, only caring about the bottom line.

I think you're doing an excellent job with Dolores. I can clearly see a woman who does love her husband, but is a bit selfish. The fact that she would be tormented by guilt shows her conscience, but that it's not how she envisioned her life shows the selfishness that in part drives her.

As usual you leave us all wanting more my friend!

Hey lovely @dreemit!

Thanks so much for the humbling feedback. This and the last chapter were quite exposition heavy so I tried very hard to keep the overall flow as tight ans compact as possible. Hopefully I somewhat succeeded in that.

And you describe Dolores to a tee. Nobody is perfect is this world and her love for James is separate from a personality full of holes. However, when the crap hits the fan, she knows how to stand up for them both.

Thanks so much as always for your incredible feedback. I was going to contact you via but I think it's down for a bit.

I specifically remember commentingon this a few days ago, but it seems my comment failed to send. It's good to know I haven't missed much, but I apologize if I haven't been able to comment regularly, my brother. I'm almost without internet for a week now, and I'm only able to go online whenever I leech off of my fiancée's internet.

The cliffhanger was definitelt warranted, and this was a great follow-up to it. The doctor's chilling pragmatism is getting abit disconcerting, and that imagery of Herbert's boy felt almost too real. You have navigated the waters of Horror and Sci-Fi quite well, as if there was any doubt in the first place. Dolores has quickly become an unexpected bastion of strength, and I'm happy about the turn.

What's scary about the themes you tell here is that one could imagine this being reality in a few years. The faceless corporations experimenting on us, all of the repercussions, they all feel too real. With your masterful stroke, you convey it so effectively, my brother! Spectacular as always! :D

Awesome @jedau! How are you, pal?

And please, take all the time you want. Just as long as you stay with us on this platform, sir! (Sorry for my directness but I'm letting my emotions get the better of me, lol).

Your feedback is gratefully received, man. I'm dealing with some complex ideologies here so want to get it as right as I can the first time around. Herbert's hallucinations terrified him to death (literally) so I'm glad that came across as to how he might have seen things. Dolores is turning out to be a mixed bag though. Good intentions, with a half measure of selfishness thrown into the mix.

I also agree that the future will be similar to the one I describe in this novella. I've watched many fascinating documentaries stressing the fact that, over time, "humankind and technology will work together, almost seamlessly. Technophobia will be a thing of the past and we will all embrace new discoveries as a collective." Will be a very interesting world in the future. But when and how this takes place is anyone's guess right now.

Bless you for more great feedback pushed my way. I really appreciative every word you say. Thank you. :)

And please, take all the time you want.

The first time I read it, I swear I read it as "And please, take all the STEEM you want." to which I replied "Yes, my bro. Yes, I would."

Yeah, the selfish side of Dolores is what I noted before the perspective shifted to her. I guess that's why I was surprised how effective she was carrying the baton. She's like a complete anti-hero in the story.

I'm definitely onboard with the technological Singularity. We can only evolve so much organically, and what better way to take the next step than to leap using our own creation. There are a lot of issues to be considered there though. The security, the responsibility. All things must be considered, and not just plunge in head first because certain companies want to get a head start.

Brother, you are ensured all the feedback. You have earned it, and more! :D

pretty inspiring! i like it <3

Thanks very much. :)

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