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RE: Echoes of Tommorrow's Past - Part 11 (My Original Novella)

in #story7 years ago

This is so realistic, I think that's what makes it shiver inducing. This is exactly the way I picture the people behind big pharma to be, uncaring of the consequences to human life, only caring about the bottom line.

I think you're doing an excellent job with Dolores. I can clearly see a woman who does love her husband, but is a bit selfish. The fact that she would be tormented by guilt shows her conscience, but that it's not how she envisioned her life shows the selfishness that in part drives her.

As usual you leave us all wanting more my friend!


Hey lovely @dreemit!

Thanks so much for the humbling feedback. This and the last chapter were quite exposition heavy so I tried very hard to keep the overall flow as tight ans compact as possible. Hopefully I somewhat succeeded in that.

And you describe Dolores to a tee. Nobody is perfect is this world and her love for James is separate from a personality full of holes. However, when the crap hits the fan, she knows how to stand up for them both.

Thanks so much as always for your incredible feedback. I was going to contact you via but I think it's down for a bit.

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