I Thought I Was Going to Die...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story8 years ago (edited)

The true story of an encounter with the wave I thought was sure to be my very last...

Was I about to meet my Maker?

This is a story from long ago, predating my stand-up surfing days.


"Body Boarding on a Winter Day" - Photo courtesy of Christopher Sardegna and http://unsplash.com

It’s a winter day.

No one else is around this morning. Although still a body boarder, I feel I have adequate experience with the sizable and somewhat rough conditions I see before me now. The waves are really large, head-high or more, and breaking quite abruptly at "warm water jetty."

I head out anyway, quietly confident in my skills, and even more so in God’s careful watch over me.

I manage to catch a few waves, but then notice that the current is moving me gradually north. Am I worried? No, I can always walk back along the beach if I have to.

I’m on the north side of the jetty now, working my way out through the pounders after enjoying a good ride. I can hardly wait for the next one.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a huge swell pops up right in front of me.

There’s no place for me to go, and not even an instant to catch my breath. The massive wall of water slams me hard. I suddenly find myself tumbling, out of breath and out of control in the cold and dark.


"A Big Slammer Pops Up Right In Front Of Me" - Photo courtesy of Austin Schmid and http://unsplash.com

As a rule I don’t panic in situations like this; but I’m caught so completely off guard and unprepared. The tumbling won’t stop. I don’t know which way is up, and I become more and more desperate to breathe. Seconds seem to stretch to minutes.

"God! Where are you?"

Is this it? Is this how I’m going to die? Lord, how could you end my life like this? What about my family?

Terror seizes me, colder than the winter ocean, as hard a steel hand, squeezing and twisting my heart. How could my God do this to me?

Just as I am about to abandon all hope, the powerful vortex releases it’s grip on me. Moments later, my head breaks the surface. I suck in great, shuddering gulps of air, and strike out towards shore.

I am filled with remorse.

I feel deeply ashamed of the cowardly, witless thoughts that posessed me just moments ago.

O, Lord! Please increase my faith! When my time does finally come, won't you please grant me the grace to trust in your lovingkindness without question?


"The massive wall of water falls hard..." - Photo courtesy of Tim Marshall and http://unsplash.com

Some went down to the sea in ships,

doing business on the great waters;
they saw the deeds of the Lord,
his wondrous works in the deep.
For he commanded and raised the stormy wind,
which lifted up the waves of the sea.
They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths;
their courage melted away in their evil plight;
they reeled and staggered like drunken men
and were at their wits' end.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
He made the storm be still,
and the waves of the sea were hushed.
Then they were glad that the waters were quiet,
and he brought them to their desired haven.
Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
Let them extol him in the congregation of the people,
and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

- Psalm 107:23-32

I hope you've enjoyed my surfing story.

Thanks also to my faithful followers for reading, upvoting, and following me. I write this stuff for you, and without you to read and appreciate it, I wouldn't be here at all.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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Follow me, I'm creatr


Bravo!!! Excellent post my friend @creatr that ugly situation I do not want it to anyone,
Excellent story of his shipwreck, congratulations

Thank you for your visit and frequent encouragement, my friend @jlufer!

It made me remember the one time I actually almost died. I was at a nice beach a couple of hours away, and I was probably in my early teens.

There were sand bars and you could swim from one, out into deeper water, and then maybe in ten minutes of swimming into deeper waterit would get shallow again. Well we decided we were going to try it on a super wavy day, which is super fun.... Until you are swimming for your life. desperately trying to reach bottom, and you swim 15 minutes out, only to realize buddy in front of you is not even at the next sandbar. I gave up and turned back, but was already drained of energy. and was already panicking. I could barely swim, I was exhausted. But I somehow stayed above water just long enough to get to shallow water.

I saw a superhuman come out of me that day. I learned how far my body can actually go. Or maybe it was a higher power, because not all people get through situations like that. Or maybe its statistics. Or all of the above?

I look forward to hearing of your other interests. Glad you are here. you make Steemit a better place. We all do.

Hey, Thanks for your detailed comment...

Yes, it is amazing just how much greater our physical capacity is than we may realize. In fact, I have a story to write about that! I'm glad you reminded me of it! ;)

But it is also true, my strong personal belief, that there is in fact a "higher power," actually what I believe to be the very highest power - namely, the God that I believe in -- commonly known as "Jesus" or " The Messiah" -- Who I believe to be the one who knows everyone and all things and every situation, and so (although I'm the last person who would ever want to "preach" at you" I certainly want to invite you to read my blog and hear what I think and believe about Jesus.

In other words, I believe that Jesus/God spared your life that day for a purpose; and that it wouldn't hurt for you to consider that possibility. ;) :)

Happy New Year, my friend! ;) 😄😇😄


I believe in the same things in a large way. If you are interested ill write a post about it sometime soon.

I started explaining here, but its not the right place for such a large collection of Ideas and beliefs.

I'd love to read your story about that. Please drop me a note when you write it, because I don't always get around to your blog and I wouldn't want to miss it. ;)

OMG! I think I'm listening to my ex-hippie friend who had a similar experience in Hawaii a few years back - He was a snow bird. He recently passed away and one of the things that made it hard for me to accept was that he was so young in his thinking and lifestyle. He was a Christian ( special projects co-ordinator for CRI) and an apologist. You remind me so much of him :)

I'm sorry for your loss, John; good friends are hard to find.

Glad you mentioned CRI; I haven't heard Hank Hanegraaff for a long time. CRI deals with some pretty knotty apologetical problems. On some, I find them helpful (e.g., a hyperbolic view of ethnic cleansing of Caanan); on others, I'm diametrically opposed (e.g. their view of hell as eternal, conscious punishing).

Thanks for reading my story. More stories to come, D.V.! 😄😇😄


in essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity :)

Great story! I have experienced challenges in life that were so brutal I cried out to God to help me. He did help me, and brought me out of my afflictions. Then, when I looked back, I realized that what I had gone through wasn't all that bad. In fact, it could have been much worse. Then I realized how weak I truly am, and how thankful I am to have a God so mighty and powerful, yet so compassionate and loving.

Thanks for reading. Yes, I can echo what you've said. If God weren't a God of grace, I would be toast by now... ;)

Oh dear, I am glad you are fine!!!
I perfectly know these moments in the water... Unfortunately, they are part of the game. Lucky us, we do have our personal guardian angels!
Take care :-*

Yes, I'm thankful I made it through and got to tell the story here! ;)

Btw: is it you on the first picture?

Noooooo... Sorry, I'm no longer that young and good looking... :D

It is me in the little icon picture... but the same disclaimer applies! LOL! However, the long white beard is the same... ;)

Hahaha that's too small. Can't see anything. Maybe it's me who's getting old... You'll have to send me a high res version :-D

Not gonna happen - unless Steemit develops a PM channel! ;) :)

That sounded horrendous, stay out of the water you will be a lot safer, yeah it will be boring but you will be safe :)

Ah, Sweetie, I canna' do that! :0

That would be akin to saying to me, "Stop breathing, you might smell something a bit off." or maybe "Stop eating, some foods are really bad for you."

But I know you mean well for me... ;) So, thank you for the kind sentiment, Dear Karen! 😄😇😄


Your welcome, you will have to start wearing a rubber ring and armbands lol

Great writing and I know exactly how you feel. Brings back a vivid memory for me as a kid. We went out ill advised during a storm day with a strong rip current. My buddy and I thought it would be a good day to learn how to surf. Long story short, I got tossed and got pulled out by a local surfer. He told me to go back in if I didn't want to die that day.

Wow! Scary stuff...

Thanks for visiting and commenting, @runrudy... BTW, love your photo of the SD Trolly! ;)

I still never learned how to surf. That was my first and last attempt. I always want to do it. I was thinking about doing it this year. When the conditions are perfect and flat : )

LOL! Perfect and flat? I guess you'll need a motorized surfboard! ;)

Only way I'm going back in with a board. : )

Oh wow, that is a scary situation to be in - and many thousands have died in a similar way. Thank God you were not one of them.

Thanks, friend! :) It was surely one of those unforgettable experiences in life...

P.S. I often "tweak and fine-tune" my articles for a bit after posting, so you may want to re-fresh the page... ;)

lol, who doesn't 'tweak' their posts after! :D

One thing I find quite amusing at times is that I can spend literally hours working on and polishing a post -- and then, scant seconds after I hit the "POST" button, I see something that needs adjusting! :0

i totally understand how you must have felt! i have had 3 major earthquake experiences and survived! and at all 3 times i had said myself, OK.THIS IS HOW I END. but is this how i am supposed to die?? i mean i never thought i'd die like this,buried in my own house! but i guess i was among those lucky ones who survived :-)
thanx for sharing :)

Wow! We have quakes in Southern California, but the worst I recall was in the very early '70s in Camarillo...

Have you written the stories of those three major quakes? I'd love to read about it! :)

Thanks so much for your comment!

No, i haven't written about them.. hmm okay now i am thinking why haven't i written them? o.o :D
I think you must have heard of the Nepal earthquake last year? and there were many before that also.. so i have gotten used to them..wow, i should definitely write them down!

I'm sure many would love to read about your experience in the quakes... Please do write!

Great story of adventure and faith, well done!

Thank you, Dear! I appreciate your visit and your encouraging comment! 😄😇😄


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