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RE: I Thought I Was Going to Die...

in #story8 years ago

It made me remember the one time I actually almost died. I was at a nice beach a couple of hours away, and I was probably in my early teens.

There were sand bars and you could swim from one, out into deeper water, and then maybe in ten minutes of swimming into deeper waterit would get shallow again. Well we decided we were going to try it on a super wavy day, which is super fun.... Until you are swimming for your life. desperately trying to reach bottom, and you swim 15 minutes out, only to realize buddy in front of you is not even at the next sandbar. I gave up and turned back, but was already drained of energy. and was already panicking. I could barely swim, I was exhausted. But I somehow stayed above water just long enough to get to shallow water.

I saw a superhuman come out of me that day. I learned how far my body can actually go. Or maybe it was a higher power, because not all people get through situations like that. Or maybe its statistics. Or all of the above?

I look forward to hearing of your other interests. Glad you are here. you make Steemit a better place. We all do.


Hey, Thanks for your detailed comment...

Yes, it is amazing just how much greater our physical capacity is than we may realize. In fact, I have a story to write about that! I'm glad you reminded me of it! ;)

But it is also true, my strong personal belief, that there is in fact a "higher power," actually what I believe to be the very highest power - namely, the God that I believe in -- commonly known as "Jesus" or " The Messiah" -- Who I believe to be the one who knows everyone and all things and every situation, and so (although I'm the last person who would ever want to "preach" at you" I certainly want to invite you to read my blog and hear what I think and believe about Jesus.

In other words, I believe that Jesus/God spared your life that day for a purpose; and that it wouldn't hurt for you to consider that possibility. ;) :)

Happy New Year, my friend! ;) 😄😇😄


I believe in the same things in a large way. If you are interested ill write a post about it sometime soon.

I started explaining here, but its not the right place for such a large collection of Ideas and beliefs.

I'd love to read your story about that. Please drop me a note when you write it, because I don't always get around to your blog and I wouldn't want to miss it. ;)

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