Steemvoter Guild: "Nominate-a-Friend" for the Guild Vote (Friday June 9)

in #steemvoter7 years ago

Previous winning post - 10 Steemians I want to shout out to this week by @businesswri

It's not easy to get noticed on Steemit. Sometimes good authors get lost in the vast ocean of posts, which can be discouraging especially for new content creators struggling to hit their stride. Luckily, there are people like @businesswri who sometimes go out of their way to acknowledge & help out their fellow Steemians. In this post, @businesswri highlights 10 awesome Steemians who have had a positive impact on his own Steemit journey. We love seeing this kind of selfless behavior, and so do the many others who selected this post for the guild vote. Keep up the good work @businesswri!

Now on to today's nominations...

The "Nominate-a-Friend" Steemvoter (SV) Guild program.

So how does it work? Simple ... reply with a comment to this post with the link to another Steemian's post you think deserves the daily Steemvoter guild upvote, you are welcome to motivate in the reply why you think they deserve it.

The reply with the highest upvote $ value will be the winner and the post nominated in that reply will receive the guild upvote, which as you may have seen from previous posts, is a generous upvote from over 500 guild members, giving $100 dollars or more to the author depending on starting value.

Please make sure your nomination follows these guidelines:

Basic Guidelines

  • You cannot submit your own post or that of your other related accounts that you own or share ownership in, if you are found or reported to do this and substantially verified, your and your related accounts will be blacklisted from future guild vote eligibility.

  • No religious, NSFW, racist, trolling, fake news or inappropriate posts will be considered, in which case runner's up will be selected. @steemvoter has the final word as to which post is selected for the daily vote.

  • We will not vote the same author in a seven-day window.

  • Cut-off time: We will choose the highest value comment nomination within 48 hours of this post becoming active. Please only submit posts that are still within their 7 day voting window, and allow enough time for the guild vote to be done before their payout window closes.

  • This is not about curation rewards for the guild members and getting in early on the vote etc, it is purely to reward the deserving author.

  • @steemvoter will consider this a free market experiment and we will facilitate the voting of the post that the community wants voted, without checking for PLG of content, photos and artwork. At our discretion, blatantly inappropriate posts will not be voted on however.

  • This is a beta guild project and terms are subject to change at any time.

Let's make Steem great ... together!!

The Steemvoter Guild

If you are not already a part of our SV Guild please support our service and the authors we uplift by signing up at; add your Steem account and make sure the "Guild" checkbox is enabled for each account you load on the dashboard.

In addition, you will be able to use our bot service to select your own authors to auto-vote; the guild vote is an additional daily donation to a deserving Steem author.

Steemvoter is a public curation bot with an easy to use interface, it truly is a bot for the people, making automatic curation on Steemit easy with just a few clicks.

This is a payment post! Thank you for allowing us to use your Steem accounts to upvote this post by virtue of your free subscription to our bot service!

Anyone not signed up at is welcome to do so or just vote this post to help the project.

And if you missed it, be sure to check out our Steemvoter Week In Review for May 27 - June 4 for previous guild vote winners & Steemvoter news.

Should you require any assistance please contact @thecryptodrive or @cryptomancer in the channel on


I would say something clever, but my favorite moon mod was already here. :)

Congrats, your nomination was selected for the guild vote! Their post should be voted on by our guild within the hour.

Thank you ducky!!!

You're welcome :) @thepinkbyhamann

got my vote for sure.

I hope @thepinkbyhamann wins she is producing great singing content!

Thanks to the support and encouragement of you sweethearts <3

She gots this :D

I voted

MOON mod approves!

I would like to nominate @webdeals for his post on Apple
It was very informative and I learnt a few things about Apple which I did not know :D

Cheers buddy :)

@businesswri shall we make steem great again together along @steemvoter ?

holding hands like never before !! :heart:

great post.. really nice work i hope you will inspire some big steemers. keep it up! (:

We hope so too, thanks for the encouragement!

its a pleasure (:

Wow. Thanks for sharing, never come across this before. We all need to support each other.

Indeed we do, we're all in this together! It gives us great pleasure to be able to help out deserving authors with our guild.

glad a starting using this service yesterday! It is so good so far, can't wait to see the gains from using it!

I'm glad you decided to give Steemvoter a try, hope you have fun using it!

I want to nominate @reddust and the post
It's an awesome artist and storyteller here on steemit:)

Great post.. Please keep sharing..

great article thanks for sharing


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