SILVER LINING #0 (Introduction Post)

in #steemtrail8 years ago (edited)


Cloud Image Source

Since I've recently had a successful post that was inspired by an idiom, I thought it would be great if I created a series of posts inspired by another. They say that "every cloud has a silver lining," which means that you can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you. As this serves as a companion to my upcoming series A Day in the Clouds, I thought that it would be an apt title.

I've always had trouble being concise, mainly because I have a lot of things to say. My brains is figuratively bursting with thoughts that I often find hard to contain. Maybe that's why I considered writing as an outlet.

Full disclosure: this is not a cash grab in the sense that I won't be posting this for the sake of posting, but rather, I wanted to give my inspiration for the series the best chance at earning as I possibly can. Just to reiterate what I've said in my story's announcement, I will not be taking any of the earnings that A Day in the Clouds and Silver Lining for myself, rather 50% would be given to my nephew by way of transferring the STEEM earned to his parents (Steemit account is pending) while 50% would be matched and donated to charities and studies devoted to mental illness and awareness, so that would offset the SP gained. The only things that I would get from this is an increase in reputation and SP (technically), and a warm feeling that comes from the sense of fulfillment.

That's why I'm extending this as a community-effort. I want everyone to feel the same sense of fulfillment. Think of it as @merej99's awesome barn raising initiative, though the recepient would instead be a young child instead of a fellow Steemian. Imagine, one simple click of the vote button would go a long way in changing a child's life. How awesome is that? That's the power that Steemit provides us — the power to make a difference.

The Plan

I plan to post A Day in the Clouds every Monday (GMT+8), while Silver Lining would be posted every Thursday. If there would be a demand for it, I'm open to making email alerts for those who are interested in keeping up-to-date with the posts.

The cover photo of this, as you would see, would change with every chapter based on the time of day in the story. I had initially planned that the main story's cover photo would change based on the time of day, but @dreemit's advice of keeping the header photo consistent, for recognizability, has convinced me to keep it as is for the entire series. I decided then that I would instead change the cover photo for this instead.

If you would read the title of the chapter, you would have an idea what time it would be for the next one. With that being said, if you have any awesome photos of the sky (preferrably with clouds) feel free to post it and send the link via the comments section. If considered, I would send you STEEM and give you credits for the photo, of course. Take note though, the clouds would only serve as the background (see above), so the entirety of the image will not be displayed.

The Purpose

Silver Lining would serve as my commentary for the week's chapter of A Day in the Clouds, so that it would have no unnecessary commentary from me. It would be pure, unadulterated literature. You can still leave comments and well-wishes in every chapter, and we could discuss specific points in the story there as well. Think of Silver Lining as a side note of the ongoing story. I'm excited to see what types of topics I would write here, as there's really no concrete roadmap yet. Inspiring stories, interviews, jokes — the possibilities are endless!

As history suggests, the power of the written word has the potential to move mountains. While I doubt that this story would be game changing, I hope that would be able to move one person's mountain and bring a few others like him along for the ride. As I was writing the story for NaNoWriMo this year, I was filled with so much joy. I'm very passionate when it comes to writing (well, also in almost in everything really), but the motivation gave me extra energy to fulfill my goal. Admittedly, I've put off editing because I tried to catch up on life, but I had been sitting on this ever since.

Zepp (the story's protagonist) is the second child of three. His dad is a very accomplished, home-based transcriptionist, and his mom (my cousin) is a dedicated mother. While they earn enough for the family, extra expenses for Zepp's therapy is still a blow to their finances. We could all use a hand, so this is my way of helping them. Writing as a means of helping other people, I've never imagined I would be given such an opportunity.

I'm treading new ground here. Not only is this the first time I'm writing a story from the first-person perspective, frequent readers might realize that I usually write themes that are "doom and gloom." It's not that I'm an emo-type of guy, in fact I'm generally a very happy person with a playful personality, it's just that, writing serious heavy dramas come naturally to me, perhaps as a means to balance out my positive personality. So, this new story is definitely a nice change of pace.

The (Other Suggested) Posts

Sorry, I just had to continue with "The P..." titles, but "Proposed" didn't seem to correctly substitute for "Suggested." Steemit is teeming with such creative talent that it would be a shame to not spread the good vibes around. Here are some other series that you might enjoy while waiting for the arrival of the main story's first chapter:

The Symbiotic Protocol - the Golden Steem Award-winning author @ezzy's latest offering is chock full of intrigue, action and ethical questions. It's not too late to catch up on this modern classic, so click the link, start from Chapter 1, and thank me later. Trust me when I tell you that reading this series is something that you will never regret.

The Playground Series - just before you start with A Day in the Clouds, be sure to binge read @dreemit's fantastic series. If you like a tale with intimate conversations and chemistry between main characters so palpable you can cut it with a knife, then this series is right up your alley! This series is on a short sabbatical, in lieue of another promising looking series so this is the perfect time to catch up. "Engrossing" doesn't even do this justice, it's just so great!

The Pirate's Last Wish - I've recently sunk my teeth in to this series, and I must say, I'm already hooked! It's been a while since I've dug into high fantasy, so this was quite a nice welcome.

Oh, and I almost forgot, I've written this three days ago (when I posted the main story's introduction) and I'm currently in South Korea for a trip, so I might not be able to reply to comments immediately. This entry was a scheduled post using Streemian I've recently signed up to the service and I'm following Curie, Steemtrail and Steemtrail's Fiction-Trail. These are just few of the helpful initiatives that help undiscovered gems get more noticed. I've jacked my curation to 100%, like I usually do, so that every post would be given their deserving recognition. I promise that I would get to every single comment (that is, if there is at least one haha!) when I get back to the Philippines. Looking forward to hearing all your thoughts! Let's get 2017 off to a positive start!



Cool. Now, I know. It's really nice to see your plan laid out and to know (hindsight, bro) that you were able to accomplish it.

Way to go!

HAHA! Thanks! :D I wasn't able to follow through with the exact time though, especially when the chapters were broken up into parts. But, I was able to accomplish the weekly posting, fortunately not missing a single week since I started. It came down the wire, too! As I suffered intermittent internet problems right after I posted the last chapter haha! It affected the last SILVER LINING but yeah.

Whenever I make plans, I really lay them out until the end, providing some wiggle room for changes in the middle. I've often bee labeled as an obsessed strategist, but I take it more as a compliment :D

@jedau, my man!

Wow, thanks for the unreal praise, man and great concept for "A Day In The Clouds"! Your vision and goals for this project are extraordinarily generous and honourable. You are a true gentlemen in every sense of the word. Thank you also for your kind mention of my book and humbling praise. What goes around comes around, and all the goodness that you're spreading for everyone else will come full circle for you... tenfold!

Well, you'll always have a loyal follower in me as you already know how gifted I think you are in your writing abilities. So I wish you all the vey best and hope you make an absolute killing on here! Much respect, my bro! You're simply awesome!

I'm actually feeling a little emotional right now, discovering you and consequently discovering him has made my experience on steemit truly magnificent!

You both are magnificent, nuff said! Believe me, I feel the honour is all mine.

Awww you guys, this is just so awesome! Thank you for the support, and I'm excited for all of us in our growing writing circle succeed. There are an infinite stories to tell, but the fellowship formed between the writers is probably the best one :D

I've just returned from a trip in South Korea, so I'm just now catching up on everything. I'll comment on your individual posts in a bit.

Thank you, brother. This story has been brewing for a while, so I'm glad to finally put it out to the world. I've been battling bouts of anxiety regarding the release but you're support of this project has been really integral. I just want you to know that I appreciate it greatly :D

I've always been dedicated on helping others grow, so I'm very happy about the unexpected surprise of reaping the reward for all of my efforts. I can't thank you enough, my friend!

I can't adequately express how touched I am by this post and how incredibly fortunate I am to have met someone who not only has an extraordinary gift of words but a heart to match it in every way! I look forward to every post you make, be it A Day In The Clouds, Silver Linings, or just a simple blog about your day! So blessed to have you as a friend @jedau!!

I can't thank you enough for all the support, my friend. I am truly grateful for all the kind praise and the motivation you impart! :D It's been an extraordinary journey here filled with ups and downs, and I'm glad that the stars lined up for everything that has happened. This is only the beginning. A long road lies ahead, and I'm looking forward to succeeding with our little group!

And here's one I snatched from my brother's fb page from his trip to Vermont :) No, he won't mind, what's his is mine and vice versa :)

Oh, my... This shot is ... I'm lost for words. This shot is perfect! Wow :o It's just so good that I might make this a desktop background as well. Scratch that, I've already made it a desktop background! It's such a shame that the mountain range would be cut from the cover :( Thank you for all of these pictures, my friend. This will all be put to great use :D

My cousin sent a couple of pics to me that you might like :)

Oh, wow! These two photos are so awesome! I'm definitely going to use them in their appropriate times and I'll send whatever STEEM I can scramble up your way. Please send my regards to your cousin. These are such wonderful shots! It's a shame they won't be displayed in their entirety, but at least it would be able to be viewed here :D Thank you, @dreemit, I really appreciate the contributions!

PS Are there higher resolution versions you can link me to? I'm sorry I failed to mention in the post that the dimensions of the cover is 1680x1292, and while the images don't have to be that large, it still needs to fill up the space. Though I could cut it up and fill it inside though if the dimension isn't big enough.

She sent me them by phone, I just uploaded the image and copy pasted the link :) But I could ask her, she might be able to do something...although she tends to take a while to get around to things so I can't promise LOL. She's a Physical therapist, a super involved "soccer mom", a marathon runner...a very very busy individual haha!! Oh, and I don't want you to send me any steem, I want you to keep it for your noble cause! I might have a picture or two of my own with clouds, I'm going to search through some of my files :)

This is so awesome, @dreemit! Thank you :D I'll definitely add it into the pool I'll send them. The picture below is perfect! Just the right size :) This fits around Chapter 10 and above, so expect to see it there ;)

"Busy" doesn't even begin to cut it. It's great that she's super involved. I don't believe in the smothering thing. Any parent who gives that much love and time for their kid is a real winner in my book!

The total size of this picture is something like 4000 by 2600, not exactly sure :) It's' from the vineyard earlier this season. I know my husband has taken some pics too, I'll see what he has :)

Bravo for your honorable intentions! I appreciate your passion and honor! And thanks for the shout-out for "The Pirate's Last Wish". Humble gratitude.

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