Amazing & Weird Exoplanets #3

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello and Welcome to another post about Amazing & Weird Exoplanets out there. This is gonna be the part 3 of the mini series and by now we have seen exoplanets covered with lava, ice and even exoplanets with their own unique rain full of rocks or glass. 

 In case you wanna check the other parts click here for part 1 and part 2

Let's see what we gonna find out today!

1) Kepler-452b (Big First Cousin)

Source NASA

To begin with in case you are wondering why you see so often the ''Kepler'' name and what really stands for let me provide you with a quick answer (maybe i made a post with a deeper analysis for it). Basically Kepler is a space observatory launched by NASA so every planet they find with eat they name after it,  pretty easy ha?

Let's move to our planet. Big First Cousin as the name suggests is a planet that had been discovered since 2015 and is considered the first close to Earth planet in the habitat aspect and scientists think it contain water. Below i quote what John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA said about that exoplanet:

 This exciting result brings us one step closer to finding an Earth 2.0." 

Earth vs Big First Cousin (Source by NASA)

It is 1.400 light years away in the constellation of Cygnus, 60% bigger than our Earth in diameter with 385 day orbit and 20% brighter. The Title Big Cousin comes from his age which is 1.5 million years older than Earth (6m in total). Because i really like history a fact that amazed me is that the Constellation of Cygnus noted/found by Ptolemy.  

 2)LHS 1140b(Super Earth)

Source by NASA

Another planet that is considered to have all we need in order to live in. It is a relatively new discover of 2017 and belongs to the constellation of Cetus (a mythical Greek monster like a whale) being 40 light years away. It is 1.43 times larger and 6.6 times massive than Earth with 24.7 orbital day period. The scientific community has high hope for this planet and some of them even say that this exoplanet is the most promising and amazing one they have seen in decades.

Now this part may be boring but i am gonna try and break down why everyone is so amazed by that particular planet. In order to have life at least life as we know it, in every planet out there some criteria must be met. That criteria are whether there is liquid water and atmosphere. The corresponding sun of Super Earth is a red dwarf about one fifth of our sun. Those red dwarfs when they are young can emit radiation that can damage the planets but in our case the big size of Super Earth make possible that the damage may had been to minimum and now everything is back on track.

At the same time what astronomers noticed is that this specific red dwarf not only rotates more slowly but it emits lower radiation than other stars so as i mentioned before adding the size factor the result is that if there has been damage it would be minimum.

I hoped i haven't tired you and bored you that much. If you have checked out all of the previous episodes of this mini series you will realize ( if you haven't already) that there common factors or elements between my posts either it is temperature, rain or habitat state. Furthermore, even if we don't care and probably we shouldn't our sun like us age ( way slower, i hope we could too :P ) and basically as it is getting older the more likely it is to destroy the planets around him so for scientists searching for other planets to go and live may not be right now but in future will be a really huge deal!

images and gifs 1 2 3 4
Other sources and links

Terrific post! I love this series so much. I like how there were extreme planets and then less extreme ones haha. I always think my info posts are boring, but really your writing leads the reader on and I was curious and engaged the whole way. Thanks for sharing!

thanks a lot! it's really nice when you see people appreciating your posts and especially if they follow through the whole series! I also appreciate what you said about my writing, i try quite hard to keep it a little bit fun while at the same time providing valuable info ( at the end to me it still seems a little bit boring, maybe i ma overreacting :P ) anyway thanks again for reading it and commenting!

haha I find my own work boring too at a point, cuz I read it over a bunch! Dont worry though its engaging! I enjoy <3

I really hope we get the space flight part of it figured out. From what I understand, we have no idea just how we're going to get there :)

They should give that Earth-like Kepler a better name though. That planet has promise!

yes they still searching for ways to go up there and limit the distance time. they named them after the kepler observatory that's why it's so boring. They have suggested to use greek and latin names but because everyday the find 1-2 new planets they thought it would be too much and hard to know which is which! thanks for your comment

I wonder when we will have the space flight technology to get to LHS 1140b?

Just in case we mess up Earth too badly and need to jump ship in a hurry.

i wonder that too. i hope if they haven't found a way at we have lived our lives before they mess Earth up :P

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thanks a lot once again!

As long as everyone keeps focusing on Kepler, this boy is happy and knows where not to go next! :D

haha thanks for the comment!

O teleuteos o mple mou peyti poli mikros na minw protimw ton proto gia na metakopisw.. :pppp

ama einai na tous paro ena tilefono na tous po na broun kanan kalitero :P

Simfonw apolita mazi soy..

haha kalimera!

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