in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

I have written several articles in the past that essentially describes how I stack and my thoughts on precious metals stacking. Those were written for myself more than anything, as a reminder to stay the course. The links to those articles are provided at the end of this post.

This article however, is specifically for the reading pleasure of the New Beginner Stacker.

I am not a financial adviser, and this article is not meant to be a financial advise.

This is me sharing my personal opinion, experience, and some general information on how to start silver stacking.

Hopefully, this article will help a beginner stacker develop his/her own stacking decisions.

Firstly, there is no such thing as one single way to stack precious metals. The rule of thumb is: buy only what you like!

It is critical that a person's financial ability and goals should determine how one accumulates his/her stack.

I would recommend to start building the foundation of a stack with TWO types of silver bullion.

This article "SILVER STACKING for BEGINNERS, Part 1" is about the first type of silver bullion to stack.

The FIRST would be US Constitutional silver or any silver coinage that has a silver content regardless of the country of origin. This type of silver can usually be acquired at a reasonable price and is readily available.
WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONAL SILVER? Constitutional Silver is simply US coins (dimes,quarters, halves, dollars) minted before 1965. Up until that point coins made for US currency followed the Constitutional mandate and were minted containing 90% silver.

US Constitutional silver is sometimes called "junk silver".
Junk silver is an informal term used in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia for any silver coin which is in fair or cull condition and has no numismatic or collectible value above the bullion value of the silver it contains. The word "junk" refers only to the value of the coins as collectibles and not to the actual condition of the coins; junk silver is not necessarily scrap silver.

U.S. Constitutional Coins:

U.K. "Junk Silver" Coins:

Other Countries:

Canadian dollar, half-dollar, quarter and dime coins minted after 1919 and before 1967 contained 80-percent silver. Those minted 1919 or earlier are sterling (92.5%) silver. For these coins (1920 - 1966), every CAD$1.00 in face value contains 0.6 troy ounces of silver. The 1967 quarter and dime were minted in either 80% or 50% silver. The 50% quarters and dimes continued part way through 1968 until the mint introduced the 100-percent nickel versions of all the coins mentioned beforehand. To tell the 1968 nickel and silver coins apart, the ones made from nickel are magnetic whereas the silver coins are not.
Australian "pre-decimal" florin, shilling, sixpence and threepence coins minted from 1910 to 1945 contained 92.5-percent silver. From 1946 to 1964, they were minted in "post-silver" coins which contained 50-percent silver. In 1966, the "round" 50-cent coin contained 80-percent silver.

Swiss 1/2 Franken, 1 Franken and 2 Franken minted from 1874 to 1967 contained 83.5 percent silver. 5 Franken minted from 1922 to 1928 contained 90-percent silver and weighed 25g, and those minted between 1931-1969 contained 83.5 percent silver and weighed 15g.

Many Mexican and other Central American countries made silver coins that are considered junk silver today.

The second silver bullion product which I recommend for a beginner to stack will be discussed in SILVER STACKING for BEGINNERS, Part 2. Stay tuned!
Links to past articles on stacking:

Thank you for viewing this article. I will see you again soon!


@silversaver888 yes silver is a LIFE SAVER...........

I know that it has been a life saver for many. That is why I stack. Someday, it may be MY life saver!

I like the RED ones.......

qsb always sends a white mint life saver with a silver order. I wonder if the last one I got is still good.

@silversaver888 they are like twinkies they never go bad lol.

YUM YUM, It's got to still be Good

I've got Morgan's, Peace Dollars, Liberty halves, and some Quarters, some Barber, and Mercury dimes, and some early Rosevelt Dimes.
Some are of Numismatic value, and some are simply silver

Oh, my!!!! This is great!!! How wonderful to know that you collect silver too!!! Than you for sharing that information! We have THAT in common, my friend, and I already feel a bond with you! Have a great weekend, @bluefinstudios. Take care.

started as a 1 month old... except I never knew it.
Got my first bar as a newborn. Dad let us know when we turned 12.

How awesome is that! Your Dad was very much aware of the true value of precious metals! How inspiring! Since I started stacking, most of my gifts to friends included an American Silver Eagle. A common reaction during gift opening is "OH!" And without me explaining what it is, they recognize the value of it. However, I don't believe that it as appreciated as stuff and fluff. Surely they will not just throw it away, and at the very least, it is my hope that they will "put it aside", and realize in time that it is the gift that has true value. Have a beautiful day, my friend @bluefinstudios!

Do you know that you are a very good teacher? I can't wait for the second part, although I think I know what will be the second product you recommend to beginners/not so beginners...

Hhahaha, I think that you know already!!! I do love to know about the silver coinage of Brazil! I hope that this seies will be appreciate and helpful by both beginners and not so beginners, LOL!

This is super good advice! Cheap silver must be fun to collect so it quickly feels like you have a good stack :D Then build the stack with some pretty coins... And be happy :D Thanks for writing this! Looking forward to part 2 :D

I am so interested in learning about the silver coins of The Netherlands. I bet you have so much of it available from your local coin shops. Alexander once made a video on a visit to a coin shop somewhere in Amsterdam. I've seen beautiful Netherlands Holland 2½ gulden Rijksdaalder large silver coins, and this beautiful coin

Yes, I actually would love to hold these in my hands again! Haha! I will make it my goal to find a shop that sells silver in my city actually, that would be fun <3

And there you have it, @silversaver888 's Stacking 101 Basics, dimes and quarters are best for emergency commerce and play the role of fractional silver because making change from an ASE can be a problem.

Exactly... the best fractional silver are Constitutional silver. Do they call it "Constitutional" in Canada also? It is US "constitutional" silver here, because it was a Constitutional Mandate for all coins to be minted of silver except pennies pre-1965.

I should really look that up. For now it's "Confederational" in a sense.

The term Junk Silver has been drummed into our heads for far too long... There is much more to the U.S. Silver Coinage then its Melt Value... It also has a Face Value that is about to Shoot to the Moon... The 90% Silver Content is a Bonus... All U.S. Coinage, including the U.S. Bullion Coinage is about to do the same Moon Shot... Congratulations on the 3,000 Delegation Award for a Month...

You are absolutely right, @pocketchange! Stack on!

@silversaver888 its always great to read your informative post. Even though you and I align on our principles and views; its always helpful to have a refresher. Like your articles help you stay the course, they help me to remember I am on the right path as well. The list of Constitutional silver is extremely helpful and would be of great use during coin roll hunts. Thanks so much my friend!

I think that we help each other with info research... it is impossible for each one of us to know ALL or to hvae seen or read all information about coins. It certainly helps me when another stacker posts information from their own research which I may have not encountered, which I may not know, or previously did not care to know, or simply not have time to know. And still, there will be amny who would consider the info in this article redundant because they are long-time stackers and know all this stuff. I do know that if I had the same information that I will be sharing in this series during my first months of stacking, then I would have saved me the time ti took for me to decide how to go about my PM stacking. Thanks for your comment, @dwingsworld. I always appreciate you.

Good, practical advice. This will help people from making silver stacking mistakes they regret later!

I know, right! I hope that it will be helpful to some. I just know that many get carried away by hype in buying silver or gold... then they experience buyers remorse. Thanks for dtopping by and leaving a comment @brian.rr! Stack on!

I just bought a roll of Roosevelt Dimes, and I always check to make sure they are all before 1965, when I first get them. This time I found 14 of them were un-circulated silver! I am on new ground here, but I will get them graded, and sell them off now, and use the profit to get more bulk dimes.

I am having fun stacking! I like your post today, keep it up.


Roosies!!! I love US Constitutional silver! It allows me to accumulate silver on a budget. Stack on, my friend!

Sure was surprised by the pretty ones though, LOL! They will cause me a little more work, but should make me a little cash for more silver.


Your post is so valuable, thank you so much for it. I really wanted to know which coins of what year hold what amount of silver and learn more on the different types! Most informative!

WOW, are you interested in stacking, or are you a coin collector already? I was not aware... I'd love to be able to share this passion with you! Fantastic, @anutu!!!

Yes, I am for 2 years now. My husband's father handed me a box of old coins one day. There all kinds of very old coins from all over the world. He thought I might have fun using them for my upcycling artwork. Instead, I loved these old beauties so much, that I wanted to know more. So I got into collecting old coins. So cool to share the passion now!!! Yeahhh!

You and I have a bond, @anutu! Stack on!

Yes, I do for sure! You lighted the fire again with your post. Now I am so much much more interested to collect other different coins and look for coins everywhere :)

Have an amazing weekend!!

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