Be Ahead Of The Game: Stack Gold & Silver

Your best financial future is in your capacity to use your abilities to its full potential. Focus on YOU and your earnings, and getting the full power and potential of your earnings. Beyond that, it is- getting ahead of the game!

It is saving a little to accumulate something so that you are ahead of the game.
Put aside a few dollars from your earnings each time.
Decide to avoid revolving debt. It is almost guaranteed that if you run up debts, you will always be in trouble and be behind the game.
If you cannot pay for it, don't buy it!
Get yourself in a position where you can pay for most things.
Having some net resources and not having debt is a H-U-G-E plus!

Be ahead of the game even in a very modest scale, so that money is coming in from investing, people owe you money, and have equities of your ownership.

And when you are ahead of the game, do no go buying stuff!
Stack gold and silver.


Thanks for the welcome, my friend! Looking forward to upvoting your posts.

So pumped you're here now! You'll love it. I apologize in advance for my wacky ass blog. It's not all metals related but it's 100% original 😁

So great to see you again, I missed you GA!!! Gosh, it was a hard start, so glad @Dwingsworld helped me out. I am truly happy to see you!

Got any questions just ask. I made a shout out post for ya today 😎

OMGosh, you are the sweetest!!! Thank you! I do have a question (and many more but for now), how do I resteem?

Hi Silver Saver! I didn't know that you were on steemit! I do now tho'!😆

I need to take the time to maintain the blog. So many things going on. BTW, please expect an email from me later today! Luv ya!

Life gets busy!
Yes got your email!
Take care my friend! 😆👍💕

Hi @silversaver888 nice to have you hear on Steemit, I also jumped ship from YouTube. Takes a while to get going but there are some really good guys and gals on here that will bend over backwards to help you out. I'm almost 100% steemit now and only venture back to youtube to check out a few videos from ppl not yet on here.

I honestly believe we can get 99% of the YT gang here and I think we'll all find it a much better place a) better payouts b) less "trolling c) more freedom/less restrictions

Anyway I've babbles on enough, welcome and looking forward to seeing more posts (the Welsh silver stacker on YT )

I know, right?! I had so much help from @Dwingsworld for this first post, and still do not know what to do, LOL! I already like it here!!!

Totally agree with all of the points you make! Debt is such a giant problem not only on a personal level but on a national one as well. We have forgotten what true freedom really means because we don't even know what true wealth is or what is worth fighting for. Thanks for the great post and happy you are making progress!

A huge THANK YOU to you, my friend, for your help in getting my first post up.
After being one of the statistics of 2008 fiasco, I made a promise to myself that it will not happen to me again by being revolving debt free (I do have a mortgage), stack real money (gold & silver) and have cash on hand always.

You can call this place home now. Welcome, glad you are here.

Awww... I am home!!!! Thanks for the welcome, my friend!

Welcome to Steemit! Glad you found the steemsilvergold tag too, always nice to see new faces!

Thanks for the welcome, my friend! It is so great to meet you! I will be visiting your blog just as soon as I get settled. I am challenged with having to learn and, gosh... where to start. Take care.

There is definitely a bit of a learning curve, but being away from the other social media sites is worth it in the end!

Welcome aboard @silversaver888

You're going to like it here!

Thanks for the welcome, my friend! I am liking it very fast, LOL!!! Take care.

Hi silversaver! Come on by my 'What's in YOUR pocket' challenge and show us what ya got :)

You could win a boomer upvote!!!


Hey silversaver :D I just started following you! Glad to see you here on Steemit!

And so did I you, my friend! It is so very nice to be here. So much to do to start, LOL!

Hey silversaver great to see you over here! look forward to your presence on steemit you will love it! i just posted a giveaway for some old british silver coins if you fancy it :)

Hey, so nice to see you!!! Of course I shall be on my way to your post! Take care.

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