in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

FIGHT Fake GrumpyCat - @aufullcat and http://www.aufullcat.com/


MEMBERS OF steemsilvergold ARE NOT SHEEP

steemsilvergold has become a target rich environment - Be Aware


This WARNING is to the scammers / spammers / con-men who appear to be targetting the steemsilvergold community . . . . BACK OFF - WE ARE NOT SHEEP ! ! !


steemsilvergold has become a target rich environment

  • Be aware that many non-members are posting with the steemsilvergold tag to just gain upvotes from us.

steemsilvergold Photos and Posts have been Stolen and Copied and Re-Posted

We Are Being Targetted

I've noticed that steemsilvergold has grown and we are being targeted for upvotes by those who are spamming, scamming, posting plagiarism, and just plain con men. Then, there is the limp cat known as @grumpycat.

Plagiarism of steemsilvergold posts - Please Beware the Con-Men

We have even had a lot of plagiarism, where someone just copied our photos in a post full of pictures. Our members recognized these photos and acted accordingly. Kudos to the following members for protecting our turf / tag / content: @pit-bullion, @raybrockman, @edthecanadian, and @phelimint. And then there was @mikeshuh, who laid down the hammer flag to slam the plagiaristic post.
Recently, I found TWO of my own posts were copied and posted verbatim, well actually they were converted to Korean and then posted and then translated back to English and then posted. Crazy is that the plagiaristic idiot posted them under #steemsilvergold, where I would see them.

steemsilvergold tag being abused - Please Beware the Con-Men

In general, I go through all posts in the #steemsilvergold post. I upvote as many as possible. In the past, I recognized most members and would upvote all members posts, which were in the #steemsilvergold tag - trending - hot - new. However, we are having some strange posts that are not about silver, gold, or anything. Some are just some random guy with a non-sensical steem id posting a photo. I suspect a scammer, spammer, a general con-man trying to get free upvotes.

#steemsilvergold has been targetted by @grumpycat

We must stand together agains this menace known as @grumpycat. Several members have been attacked by this limp cat. This is also WARNING TO BACK-OFF to @grumpycat. Defense plans and Attack plans are being developed. If you have ideas on protecting #steemsilvergold and attacking the limp cat, please leave ideas here, or chat, or discord.

FIGHT Fake GrumpyCat - aufullcat and http://www.aufullcat.com/

One idea to fight the limp cat is to fight outside of steem. Contact real grumpycat to send legal 'cease and desist' for the limp cat's actions. Also, identify real 'whale' behind the limp cat. Apparently, there is a new steem account @aufullcat and website http://www.aufullcat.com/ for fighting the menace and recommend contact with REAL GRUMPY CAT.

We Are #SteemSilverGold - BEWARE OF US!!!

SSG_US bewaredownload - EditCopy.jpg

steemsilvergold is very generous - Please Beware the Con-Men

While I generally upvote the replies to my posts, I need to be sure that the reply is actually relevant to my post. Beware - be aware of the con-men. Recently, I recieved a reply from one of our well known members who shared a childhood memory. Oddly, later in the day, I recieved the SAME TEXT from some unknown person who posted the same childhood memory - WTF! Seriously!

I'm Following #steemsilvergold members

I am following all #steemsilvergold members. I generally recognize most of the members who reply to my posts. If I do not recognize the name, I usually click the name to see if I am already following and if not, then I go to their blog to see if I want to follow them. Well, I am seeing a lot of new people. I am also seeing a lot of spamming, scamming, posting plagiarism, and just plain con men.

Real Life - Being Targetted by Con-Men

In real life, con-men targetted me and my colleagues when our Corporate Office opened in Downtown Detroit. The generosity of my colleagues was well known among the con-men in the area, so an unusual number of pan-handlers and beggars were surrounding our new office building in hopes of getting a hand-out. We had to stop giving pocket change, giving hand-outs and being generous. After some time, the con-men stopped targeting our employees and our office building.
My suggestion is to continue to be as generous as ever with upvotes. However, we must now make sure that we are not upvoting everything in the #steemsilvergold tag because some of it is a scam or spam.


I suspect the limp cat, scammers and spammers will target our friends at ....#steemsilvergold #thealliance #teamcanada #teamaustralia and others
Let's look for friends outside our community to collectively fight against the limp cat, scammers and spammers.


Just got another visit from the cat in "The Emperor Has No Clothes"... Please feel free to come on by and flag/downvote this piece of shit and his $168 up-vote for his false comment. gimp-cat uses @sneaky-ninja himself, and has zero business telling any other steemian when to post, when to up vote (before 6.5 days is the cut-off) or any other god-damned thing.

@grumpycat is a rich scammer that is raping this wonderful site and making a mockery of free-speech.

Stomp the cat!

be careful, you all dont want to deal with the months of censorship like i did in the past.

Interesting that grumpycat stole 3M and he's still grumpy. Can't buy happiness. @ironshield

By that perspective, it sounds like a spoiled rich kid.

grumpy is going after you because voting rings are considered a scam.

It sux about the copy pasta and stuff but that is to be expected in my experience.

If you are going to enter a flag war with a whale, take my advice, dont unless you are willing to lose all pay outs for months. They can not be held responsible for their actions ever by other whales.

I look at your tag lines and its no supprise to me that you and the other voting rings are going to get targeted.
Im not disagreeing with you or saying they are in the right, im just saying you might not be aware the pool of shit your about to jump in.

i mean just look at your views to votes numbers.
36 views including me with 103 upvotes.
Its kind of obvious that you are getting votes without people even looking at your post.

Im not saying its a problem if people want to upvote you without even looking at your posts but it does not look legit in the eyes of the outsiders or people that swear quality of content is what earns money not being part of a circlejerk.

Im hoping for the best and i hope the flaggots leave you alone. Having accounts killed for wrong think sucks and i see you taking the same road to flagvill that i use to take weekly.

Cheers and steem on!

You have spoken words of wisdom considering "Whale Wars". I am not even a dolphin
I am not trying to start a flag war and that IS MY POINT. . . "Forget about the Flag".
Actually, I notified and warned the guy who stole my content and didn't flag them, yet. I haven't flagged anyone. I just hoped they would remove the stolen content.
I am not looking to take the road to flagvill. Thanks.

I am not part of any circlejerks. Look at my voting and you will see that.

steemsilvergold is NOT a voting ring! It is a community of like-minded enthusiasts who are on steem and value silver and gold - thus - steemsilvergold. We value our quality posts. I value these quality posts and I upvote them appropriately.
The majority of this post is proof we are NOT a voting ring. It is EXACTLY notifying members that spammers are around and to be sure that members are voting for quality posts that are relative to our silver and gold community.
I know that a number of steemsilvergold are from canada and australia and they get support from their corresponding support teams at teamcanada and teamaustralia . I think these are support groups and NOT voting rings either.

Cheers back at you - Thank you for your input and Steem On' !

I have also never flagged anyone, i congrat you on being able to hold back from the urge.
Best thing you could do IMO with someone copying your stuff, anytime they post something leave a comment saying they are stealing your content with links to your work. hopefully the people upvoting the scammer will realize whats going on and they will stop upvoting the copypasta and you will have gained the followers.

As for the voting ring thing its whatever yo, im not new here and am not stupid so dont piss on my back and tell me its raining. Your post was quality i was not saying it wasent, i was not saying you dont make quality work. I was just pointing out the facts.

Thanks for your comments. I see that you have about a year and half on here and almost a year longer than me. All that time and no flags-great!
Your advice on copied content was the direction I took, basically, the high road.
Concerning voting, I respect your comment and I don't think you are stupid.
Peace :)

have a great one and sorry if i come off as harsh. im just brutally honest and some people take offence to it.
I enjoy your posts and was in no way saying you dont produce quality.

Have a wonderful day and steem on!

It's cool, no offense and I'm glad you like my posts.

sorry, but this little bit here ("I'm not stupid so dont piss on my back and tell me its raining.")-LOL- is definitely worth plagiarizing! ...somehow I hadn't heard that before. Nice one!

Its an old saying.

It's a great phrase, but I've heard ". . . don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. . . "

Nobody better copy any of my high quality posts or I'll lose my shit! Crazy someone would actually do that..there's other higher ranked members of steemit I wonder why they don't choose them? Seems odd because were such a small community on here. Either way it's super lame

We might be SMALL, but we have one of the Biggest (Knockers) Best Bots around, PLUS we have more GOLD and SILVER than the rest of Steemit Combined, most likely :P ;) :D <3

I agree 100% on both counts. I'd put money down on a bet about the Silver/Gold comparison.

I checked two blogs that had my content. The two blogs both had duplicates of my post. So, in this case, it was likely one person with multiple accounts. On these two blogs ( @khaiza and @fazlul ), there were many of the same posts on both, apparently stealing from numerous places and posting to many different tags. So, I think we are just big enough that we are getting attention, along with many others that are higher ranked and lower ranked.

Very Well put @goldkey and Yes the Con Men and Spammers should go find a new hole to crawl into.............

Thanks for the compliment and the support @stokjockey.

Yes I noticed yesterday that someone copied a comment word for word almost but the English was off, I wondered if it was a Google translation to a foreign language then back to English again.
It was a @kerrislravenhill comment to a @silvergoldbotty post's 'Thanks everyone for being so understanding ' the offending post was by aqeelshehzad.
Thanks for the heads up on this problem!

Thanks for finding another example. In some other cases, they copy just the beginning and then add some text to the end, which makes the whole comment sound like non-sense.
In my case, the added text ended with " lovu you...😍😍😍", which was creepy.

Why would anyone copy me? I'm just small fry.

I think it was maybe the length of the comment something the could copy and paste into google translate and hopefully change it enough when they translated it back to English! Didn't help that he copied the post right above his tho!😁
Plus you're awesome!😆👍😂

Thank you @goldkey for this awareness which I did not know about.
It is so sad to see things like this in this awesome community, but I guess spammers, scammers are everywhere and I am so grateful for all these amazing people who are working on making this community safe and fighting against these people who have no humanity.

You are welcome. I'm just doing whatever I can to be aware and bring awareness, which is what this community is about.... Yet, there are those on the outside who don't even know what 'community' means. Apparently, #steemsilvergold is being criticized by those who haven't even looked at what we are doing as a 'community'.

Promoted! We'll get them scammer bastids

That's awesome @brotherdave. Thank you !

Wow I had no idea it had gotten this bad. The benefits of being a minnnow....no one pay attention to you. There will always be whale and some of them bad. You either fight or roll over. Good on you guys for taking up the #steemsilvergold banner and holding it proudly high for all to see. We will not back down! I got your back!

Thanks for you support @harleymechanix
Cool ass pic

Well, as someone new it to Steemit, it seems Grumpy cat is basically acting like organized crime. Comply and use my "approved" vendors or be financially penalized. See Extorsion - Wiki.

Neither extortion nor blackmail requires a threat of a criminal act, such as violence, merely a threat used to elicit actions, money, or property from the object of the extortion

WOW - ABSOLUTELY . . . this is what has bugged me. I haven't used the word extortion but you're absolutely correct.

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