Pennsif’s Progress #567 – Am I a full-time steemian, or just a keen amateur?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Well, there's a good question...?

I guess there are two starting points to answer that.

Firstly, do I earn the majority of my income from steem? Most definitely not, at least at present?

Secondly, do I spend the majority of my time on steem. Most definitely yes.

So am I full-time steemian?

I am wanting to say yes. But let's analyse this a bit further first...


I run a small business the rest of my day, but that gives me considerable flexibility.

As well as bits and pieces during breaks on my working day, from 5pm steem becomes my primary focus - usually until at least midnight.

And weekends and holidays... I'm on steem a lot / most of the time.

In the average week I am usually clocking up about 50 hours on steem. My day time job is 37.5 hours a week plus holidays.

So steem wins on time.


I was somewhat surprised when I checked on steemworld to see that I am now averaging over US$500 a month in total steem rewards.

Living in Britain with three teenage children and a whole bunch of outgoings US$500 would not be enough to live on (if I wasn't earning from my other job).

But that $500 is when steem is at $1.

How goes it if steem went back to $3 or $4 or $5...?

Then the future definitely looks steem coloured.

So here comes the big question.

If steem went back up to say $5 and it looked like it was staying there, or going up further, would I take the plunge, bite the bullet, grasp the nettle and go full-tilt, head-on and all-in with steem?

If I quit my job, there would be no going back. I would be a steem man.

I came for the money, I found the community, I took the opportunity.



[ images from ]


You already do so many great things here with your time. I can see you really affecting so many more people if you were here full time. Would you become a witness? You'd have my vote.

Thank you Greg.

I enjoy what I do here. But no plans to become a witness, I think that would distract me from my other projects.

Host of Here Comes The News on MSP Waves Radio.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

That is the way the whole route goes right! Stay for the community, build it all up from scratch and pluck the fruits later on. The question also is. If you didnt have the fulltime other job, do you think you would make more/better/more valuable content as you are doing now? (Or would you just have a crapload more time??)

In any way, steem on!

That is an interesting question. I always have a hundred more ideas for things to do on steem than I have time to do. But I guess there would be an 'inadvertent' risk of spamming then...

And I always have several projects on the go that I could do more with. And several more waiting in the pipeline.

Host of Here Comes The News on MSP Waves Radio.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

I hope that one day you it will be a very easy decision for you to become a full time Steemian. If prices stay up and you keep up all your good work you will make it.

I am hopeful 😊

I do not encourage anyone to be a full time Steemian, or a full time Crypto investor...although it is just my opinion.

Particularly for steemit, I believe you can enjoy this platform and make money without having to rely on it

It would be a big decision to take the final step. Although I know there are a number of full-timers on the platform.

Very nice questions, and I drool at the point that some steemians do earn the majority of their income from Steemit. Wow, $500?! How do you do that, really? I hope someday I will be able to do that too.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd forgotten about steemworld. It's a great tool.

Is that you hanging around in that picture?

You're a busy guy @Pennsif - I cannot see Steem staying this low.... it's got to rebound at some point....
Keep plugin!

It's great to see you spend so much time on steem, eventhough it's far from being you major source of income. This means you really enjoy being on this platform. And so do I. Nice post, @pennsif.

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