Homesteaders & Preppers on steem - time to revive the list

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

You might remember the list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit that I use to compile.

I updated it for about 6 months until the beginning of the year.

It had reached version 12 by then and had over 300 homesteaders and preppers.

I did make a start on version 13 but I didn't follow through for a number of reasons.

One of the issues that I was commonly getting comments on was that so many people in the list were no longer active. That is certainly true - when I did some checking through about 3 months ago I found around half of the people on the list appeared to be inactive. That was a very sad reflection on the poor retention rates on steem.

Another issue with the list was that as it had grown bigger it was becoming technically difficult to manage with the very rudimentary tools that the steem interface offers. Now I am trying some new steem technology in the form of SteemPress to make the management of the list easier.

Now seems like a very good time to revive the list. To help me find guests for The Alternative Radio Show that I host on MSP Waves Radio an up to date list will be invaluable.

It might also be useful for other new initiatives designed to help the homesteading and self-reliance communities like the new Global Homestead Collective @ghscollective just set up by @freedompoint, @freedomtowrite and @steemcafe.

Are you on the list?

If you have joined steemit since January you probably won't be on the list.

If you joined before January you should be but might not.

If you are not sure check out the previous list :

If you are not on the list and would like to be post a comment below with your account name, when you joined and where you are (ideally country/state). Or if you prefer message me on Discord (Pennsif#9921).

I will wait a week or so and then put out a new updated version of the list.

My feeling is to leave off all inactive members. Maybe anyone who hasn't posted / commented / voted in the past month? I would appreciate your thoughts on this point.

That's it for now. I hope Steempress works. And I hope the new list will be a useful too for networking for homesteaders and preppers again.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :



[ header graphic by @pennsif ]


Wow, that’s a very nice initiative!
A couple of days ago that I posted my introduction post I didn’t even know the word homesteader and it turns out that I am one myself :)
So as said in my intro the name is @fotostef, I joined in March 2018 and I am located in Crete, Greece. Looking forward for the new list!

Good to meet you Stef.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

I think it is your list and however, you handle it is up to you. There are quite a few that are inactive now. The retention on Steemit is very bad. As some people make a good post and it gets 20 cents or even a dollar in upvotes and they just get discouraged and leave. I mean you see all the crap posted in trending and they are making great upvotes and are really about nothing. It is very unerving too many people.

Yes there are certainly problems - and I can disagree with any of your points !

I wish I knew a solution...

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

It's amazing what you do. you are a role model.

I joined Feb. 2, 2018. I'm in Western Mass.

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