Observations From My Steem Monster 2-Way Market Test

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Market Development Definitely On Track!

First, I would say that the test went really well. For a market that is so new, the Steem Monster game by @yabapmatt and @aggroed has many active participants. There are already normal participants that you will find in any good market. I managed to do well over 100 steem in transactions during the week and I was very pleased with the ease of which I was able to transact business (on both sides).

4 Main Market Particpants Developing Already

There are investors that have hoarded many cards early, leveled up, and are ready to do battle and hope to win some serious prizes.

There are speculators that have bought either packs or particular cards trying to make some money off of the market movement.

There are players that have bought packs simply to play the game when it is ready in September.

And finally, surprisingly there are market makers (like me) that are trying to provide a regular market to give reasonable price discovery.

Development Analysis

The large investors were the first to develop. The speed with which they scooped up cards to get the highest levels was truly amazing to witness. For the most part i would say the large investors are hodl'ers and those investments will be around until at least they see how well the game takes hold over the longer term.

The speculators were there too, but in a smaller degree. I have found very few that had unrealistic expectations to "flip" their cards at a quick profit. There may have been some when the gold versions came out, but by and large I would say the speculators haven't been a factor in this market too much at this time.

The players have been coming in a steady fashion. Every day I notice new signups to the server and very high adoption rates when people learn about it. Their is a genuine excitement developing about not only the gameplay, but also in developing the storyline and even marketing the game outside of Steemit. I think this is very healthy and a good indication of long term demand.

The market makers are very new and most are just providing a one-sided market (ie they are either giving a buy price or a sell price, but rarely both). This is helpful though because all of us together are providing some depth to the market and enhancing price discovery. The prices have really narrowed and I think the addition of the "official" market exchange later will be accepted well since many of the market makers are already getting their feet wet.

Two Significant Stats

There are roughly 1000 different owners of the cards and they have bought roughly 50,000 booster packs total. Of course like in everything else, the top 50 have been the volume buyers so its not like each player has bought 50 packs.

Considering the fact that a) the game cards are only a few weeks old and b) the gameplay won't even start til September, I would say that this game is going to be a big winner! A lot will depend on how the other aspects evolve of course, but judging by the execution of the initial design and features, I am extremely encouraged.

The Market Developed During The Week

I started out with a typical 1 x 2 market price, meaning that my buy price (bid) was 1/2 of the initial sell price (offer). I initially went with the commons as they had much more volume available and gradually added rares, and epics too. I found that even though the market was a bit all over the place the first few days, that during the week everyone coalesced and we all ended the week with some pretty tight prices. Note: this was my goal

To give you an example: I started out with the commons at $0.03 sbd bid and $0.06 sbd offer. I ended this week at $0.0325 sbd bid and $0.05 sbd offer. That means that both the buyers and sellers are now getting a better price (and no haggling needed).

As a quick take, I found that many of the main sellers and buyers all unconsciously moved towards each other and almost everyone was near my prices. In the beginning of the week I was normally the lowest priced seller and mostly the only regular posted seller, but by the end of the week there were regular offers to sell cheaper than me and offers to buy higher than me. That is a good sign and means that there is a healthy competition and true price discovery going on.

My Current Market Pricing

Selling Commons $0.05 sbd or $0.039 steem
Buying Commons $0.0325 sbd or $0.025 steem
Selling Rare Monsters $0.275 sbd or $0.21 steem (except Silvershield Paladin)
Buying Rare Monsters $0.15 sbd or $0.114 steem
Now Selling Epics $0.60 sbd or $0.45 steem
Now Buying Epics $0.32 sbd or $0.25 steem

Analysis Of The Market

As a financial professional for my entire career I tend to look at the movements of prices and try to learn things from patterns that develop. I will give my opinion as to what I have seen develop due to the activities I either participated in or witnessed.

I think the market is healthy. There was an initial rush of demand as the game was introduced and people rushed to "buy". This led to a bit of euphoria and marginal demand was higher in the beginning that it is right now. This is normal when something is new, especially with no formal market makers to handle the initial surge of demand. So I think the market settled down during the week and the prices have become a little soft for the moment.

In the long run, these lower prices will be good as it gives others a chance to buy in at reasonable prices. Right now the individual components are trading less than the value of a pack. That means that you can assemble a very good set of cards for less than if you bought packs. This is a normal market mechanism that will encourage demand for the individual cards and also draw in new players as the cost to field a team got much cheaper.

Over time what should develop is that this current softness will bottom out and we will experience a flattening of the market until such time as the initial gameplay seems imminent. I would also expect a slight bump in pricing when the actual gameplay rules for the individual cards comes out, ie some cards will be sought after for their perceived powers and people can start to pick their strategies too. But the big surge should happen as people start to anticipate the tournaments starting. Nothing like the chance to earn some real money (steem/sbd) to get the competitive juices flowing.

So to sum up, I think the prices are going to be in a bit of a lull for the next few weeks as the market absorbs the initial surge in supply. I also think this is a wonderful chance to get involved in the purchase of individual cards as the sellers will eventually dry up and new demand will continue to come in all the time. In my opinion, this is a classical example of the calm before the storm. When the tournaments start, then people will wish they had used this time and price softness to add to their decks and build at these cheap levels.


Please note, these are just my observations and opinions. I certainly think the main way people should look at Steem Monsters is as a game. It is meant as something to have fun with and enjoy. It is a strategy game, not a retirement plan. So while I discuss pricing and fluctuations, they are meant to reflect the cost of entry. Like with any game, I try to get the most value for the money I am dedicating to it. So the same concept applies here!

I hope this write-up was helpful and feel free to ask me any questions. I welcome any comments and questions!


Hey Dave, You have posted you private memo key in transfer memo. Please change your master password, it will change your all private keys.

Thanks. :)

thank you very very much @noblebot! I don't know how you knew, but I appreciate your help big time!

What are legionaries going for? I got my first one the other day, along with a 'gold card', no real idea what they're about!


I couldn't find your gold card on the tracking site, but I did find your legendary and it is one for the black team! It is going for between 8 and 12 steem... If you can show me your gold card, I will be happy to tell you what it is worth... could be 3 steem to 300 steem depending on which one

Cheers! Black team, is that 'good'? My gold card is as follows... I'm not holding out too much hope of it being worth anything!

@revisesociology that's a good one, but it is a common.... they are going for roughly 2 to 5 steem (depending on the day)... I like them because they are already leveled up to level 4 which means that you can play them over a basic common and build value quicker. You did good... Unless you are getting a great offer, I suggest you keep it and play it... It will be worth more over time when its been leveled up!

They are legendaries and it depends on which one you got... If you send me a snapshot of both your cards I will check it for you... Both are great cards and you should be pleasantly surprised ;)

I've seen a lot about this going around, and although I'm not a huge game player, I hate to miss out on something awesome even more! So, how do I get started? I understand there's not many details out yet :)

Awesome, glad to see you getting involved with it! I think you will like it because you are competitive... The computer will play the game, so its more about developing a strategy for building your deck of cards... Probably the best way is to either buy a starter pack ($5 usd that you can pay in steem or sbd)... or if you want to do it cheaply, I can send you some commons and you will only need to buy a summoner... I sent blondie 6 to get him going, I will be happy to do the same thing for one of my coolest friends! If you want to do this, then all you have to do is sign in at steemmonsters.com and get your account going, then I will send you 6 so you can say you have "started" ;)

Let me know... I am happy to get you involved either way you decide!

Then we can talk strategy ;)

ok @davemccoy, I got busy with all kinds of nonsense on a certain post yesterday and today, so first thing tomorrow, I'm signing in at steemmonsters.com :)

@lynncoyle1 lol... I know how it is... its been sucking my tiime on steemmonsters and now I'm trying to catch up on engaging... I think I need to go back to 37 hr days :P .... Let me know if you need any help, I will walk you through it and give you the readers digest version when you're ready!

Looking forward to this and you did not disappoint. I'll be putting up a new unique perspective with a little bit math type stuff trying to educate people about price but glad you are writing about these cool market concepts

Thank you @jarvie... I was hoping you read it and gave me your opinion. I also want to see your post, so when you put it out could you either tag me or just DM me on discord? I will also try to keep a lookout for it and love to see the "math stuff" too... They are vital to understanding the underlying mechanics and show the limits that human emotions can be stretched!

I like that you classified 4 different types of people interacting.
Also while there may be 50 high quantity volume buyers I bet there are barely 10 consistent buyers on the market and not packs.

I think that the market prices adapted from but were mostly created by a couple particular people.
The prices worked together (or did until gold)

However I thin the logic that chose those prices was a little skewed. Mostly because we have a grasp on just how much better a legendary is than an epic or common. Therefore most pricing is rarity based. And when utility comes into play or we understand stats better these prices will ALL CHANGE

Also like I said the introduction has to reduce the pricing of the rest of the cards.
And finally pricing didn't really up or was very slow to react when the price of steem went down.
This market correlation is almost a must cards are fixed to USD not steem.

Which leads me to this... USD should be the price of cards and I'm not sure why it isn't.

But like i said i'll try to juggle a ton of these things in the video but i'm in an area with almost zero internet ... so that will wait.

Plus you did a way better job of organizing your post... I think i have to do video because otherwise writing something is gonna take FOREVER. haha

@jarvie You bring up some very awesome points here... I agree with your analysis that prices were initially set by a few large buyers and completely agree that the more "rare" pieces have gained almost a "gotta have" feel to them. When we actually see the rules and the points and values assigned to each card, then I think we are going to find that a lot of assumptions were flat out wrong. I have personally been buying epics on down... I only have a few legendaries that I pulled initially from packs in the beginning (and one I got in a large deal as a sweetener)... I think you are going to be right in your implication that the legends are carrying too much value, but as you said we will find out when the rules come.

As far the as the pricing being reflected based on USDs... I think we are in a way too sloppy market for that (right now).... These are the very early days and the prices are still fluctuating based on the day... I do think you will be proven correct in that thought though and as long as they stick to the drop rates and the usd price per pack, then I think it will definitely be the case over time.

I look forward to your analysis and you video, if it is out let me know and if not, then if you can send it to me via DM that would be awesome!

Awesome post Dave and glad to have you over at monstertraders, @jarvie you hit the nail on the head with everything changing when stats come out and that the cards should be valued in USD, We've already been discussing doing that because it would seem to be the best determiner of value as the tokens go up and down. Once stats come out certain cards will have a value of there own within the type sets i'm sure of it.

Phew. I'm so relieved to see that it's not just me who hasn't got a clue what's going on @davemccoy.

If I've got the likes of @curatorcat, @themanwithnoname and @lynncoyle1 in my camp then I can't be that dim! 😂

I bought a starter pack some time back and then eight boosters when that funny thing with SBD was going on and then I lost the will when I had no idea what was going on. I haven't even opened eight of the booster packs. 😂

I couldn't work out what a set was but from what I've read here it seems to be to do with the colours.

You could by all 20 commons for a total of 1 sbd which is half the price of a pack and will get you everything you need except a summoner

This sounds like a good start. Please could you guide me in how to do this or send me somewhere where it is explained for people who haven't got a clue?

And . . . how do I get a summoner if I need one of them?

And . . . really dumb question . . . come September when the game starts, will this be a way to earn Steem?

Thanks Dave. 😚

We spoke on discord about you unopened packs, so I won't re-hash that here... But you are off to a good start... And you do need a summoner, but my hunch is you already have a few of them from your starter pack and if not, then you have plenty of odds to have them in your pack.

You can ask me to get you one and I will be happy to do so... If for some reason I am not around, there is an active market in the discord server for steem monsters... There are many people offering to sell them every day!

and that's not a dumb question, everyone should definitely know that point and I should've included it in my post... The answer is YES, that is exactly the point of this game.. It is fun and when you enter the tournaments you have a chance to win prizes of sbd and steem! :)

Thank you @davemccoy.

Your hunch was correct. When I check my starter packs I found a couple of summoners so I'm good to go as far as that is concerned.

another basic question . . . I would like to get my son involved so he can explain stuff to me. although that might be a bit of an uphill struggle as he's not really into these sorts of game. but anyhoo . . . would he need a steemit account to get started?

And, could I buy a Starter set for him or would you recommend I just buy a few cards?

thank you so much for your help! 😍

P.S. I tried the discord link you posted but it didn't work. https://discord.gg/A29dxE

I directly invited you and here is the link again if you want to give it to others... It only last for a day though : https://discord.gg/xyqW9h

And you can do it either way... You can either set him up an account or you can let him log in as you on steemmonsters.com... Right now there isn't any actual competition so he can learn that way too...

As far as the starter packs versus individual cards, that is something that is also a coin flip... If you buy a starter pack, you will get 30 new cards and have plenty to make a team... But you can also send him any of yours and he can buy new ones one at a time if he likes. Right now the prices are cheap for both ways, so you really can't make a mistake!

If you want to get him a discord account, then I will be happy to also help him learn about them too... just have him direct message me or he can even do it through your dm if you want.

If he likes games, he will probably like it.... It is like a scifi version of chess in some ways

Thanks so much for your views and help @davemccoy.

My son's home for a few weeks from next Friday and I've mentioned it to him. He's not really that interested in cryptocurrency generally or this type of game so it might be a bit of an uphill sell but we'll see.

I think it would be really fun if he was involved as well. 😊

@gillianpearce I think once the gameplay starts and he sees you win some money from the play, he might find that it is a little more fun... I don't know if I would've had as much excitement if they didn't have tournaments and give away prizes and upvotes out of it. The good thing is that you are so early, that he has at least time to see how you do and then if he likes it, then he will still be early ;)

I was happy with my first non-bonus pack card purchase through you. I thought it was a fair price.

Thank you very much @bashadow! I'm glad to see you are involved with the story writing for this game too! :)

Go here https://steemit.com/@a-a-a to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

I have seen quite a lot of posts about these @davemccoy, but I am still not sure I fully understand how it all works. If I understand correctly... they are mostly a "collectible" right now... there isn't actual gameplay?

well I am not really buying them for their "collectibility"... I am buying them to play in the tournaments and games that will come out. For the most part it will be a strategy game that will be played where you will try to have the best lineup against your opponent, then go to the next round. Right now everyone is guessing at strategy because no actual powers have been given to any of the individual cards yet. But you can guess some things, for instance they have healers and assassins... those will probably perform that function in the game.

The cool thing about the game will be that there will be strategy in drafting your deck for the tournament, it won't be just the biggest cards win. You will only have so much power you can spend so choosing which cards will make the most sense. I think it will be fun.... I also think people could have fun just playing with the commons and not spending a ton of money on packs. You could by all 20 commons for a total of 1 sbd which is half the price of a pack and will get you everything you need except a summoner (which you can get anytime.) Just go slow, I have seen people jump in huge... I know you cats like to pounce on things, but in this case I think being patient is a better way to go!

Your prices are usually spot on.

Thank you @rakkasan84.. .and thank you too for being a part of the market making function. You are one of my fellow market makers giving liquidity to the market!

That is by far the best write up I have read on these Steem Monsters, how do I get booster packs 🤦‍♂️. I have kind of been ignoring everything up until this point, I was pretty big into Pokémon so it only seems natural for me to start getting interested in this.

Thank you for the analysis on the market, sounds like it has a very good future ahead of it.

Thank you @d00k13, that is a nice compliment!

The way to get the booster packs is by signing in to https://steemmonsters.com and that will give you an automatic account... The you just go to the "card packs" at the top and pick whether to buy them in either steem or sbd (it coverts automatically). You can also buy singles from going to the discord channel and entering the "buy/sell" area... people are posting their buy and sell prices all the time!

Let me know if you need any help, I will be happy to give you more guidance if needed!

Thank you for that I will let you know if I have any troubles, I am actually kind of looking forward to the surprise of not knowing what's inside the booster pack rather then buying on the market, who knows maybe I will get lucky!

Knowing there is such an interest so early really does catch my attention, never know what ship is going to make it to the moon ;)

yes you are with many people... The people that are buying the packs are looking for the thrill of the "pull"... You can get a legendary or even a gold version of the cards and those are all worth many more times than the pack you purchased.

Good luck on your purchases and I look forward to seeing you in the games in September! I am always here to help if you have any questions... :)

I purchased the starter pack! Now I think I’m going to do a vlog when I do my boosters and open them, maybe tomorrow 🤗

I’ll call it “Never late to the Steem Monster party” and give you and this post a giant shoutout!
Thanks again!

Awesome! That's great to hear @d00k13... :)

And lots of people have also been live blogging opening packs on dlive too... I love watching people learning about the game and I'm excited to see how it evolves over time too!

And if you don't know the server yet, here is the link: https://discord.gg/A29dxE

You can speak directly there with @aggroed and @yabapmatt, both are very accessible and helpful with explaining things!

When you do your post, if you don't mind, come by and drop me the link so I can go check it out :)

I will definitely link you, thank you again for everything!

@d00k13 awesome... I'm looking forward to it!

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