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RE: Observations From My Steem Monster 2-Way Market Test

Phew. I'm so relieved to see that it's not just me who hasn't got a clue what's going on @davemccoy.

If I've got the likes of @curatorcat, @themanwithnoname and @lynncoyle1 in my camp then I can't be that dim! 😂

I bought a starter pack some time back and then eight boosters when that funny thing with SBD was going on and then I lost the will when I had no idea what was going on. I haven't even opened eight of the booster packs. 😂

I couldn't work out what a set was but from what I've read here it seems to be to do with the colours.

You could by all 20 commons for a total of 1 sbd which is half the price of a pack and will get you everything you need except a summoner

This sounds like a good start. Please could you guide me in how to do this or send me somewhere where it is explained for people who haven't got a clue?

And . . . how do I get a summoner if I need one of them?

And . . . really dumb question . . . come September when the game starts, will this be a way to earn Steem?

Thanks Dave. 😚


We spoke on discord about you unopened packs, so I won't re-hash that here... But you are off to a good start... And you do need a summoner, but my hunch is you already have a few of them from your starter pack and if not, then you have plenty of odds to have them in your pack.

You can ask me to get you one and I will be happy to do so... If for some reason I am not around, there is an active market in the discord server for steem monsters... There are many people offering to sell them every day!

and that's not a dumb question, everyone should definitely know that point and I should've included it in my post... The answer is YES, that is exactly the point of this game.. It is fun and when you enter the tournaments you have a chance to win prizes of sbd and steem! :)

Thank you @davemccoy.

Your hunch was correct. When I check my starter packs I found a couple of summoners so I'm good to go as far as that is concerned.

another basic question . . . I would like to get my son involved so he can explain stuff to me. although that might be a bit of an uphill struggle as he's not really into these sorts of game. but anyhoo . . . would he need a steemit account to get started?

And, could I buy a Starter set for him or would you recommend I just buy a few cards?

thank you so much for your help! 😍

P.S. I tried the discord link you posted but it didn't work.

I directly invited you and here is the link again if you want to give it to others... It only last for a day though :

And you can do it either way... You can either set him up an account or you can let him log in as you on Right now there isn't any actual competition so he can learn that way too...

As far as the starter packs versus individual cards, that is something that is also a coin flip... If you buy a starter pack, you will get 30 new cards and have plenty to make a team... But you can also send him any of yours and he can buy new ones one at a time if he likes. Right now the prices are cheap for both ways, so you really can't make a mistake!

If you want to get him a discord account, then I will be happy to also help him learn about them too... just have him direct message me or he can even do it through your dm if you want.

If he likes games, he will probably like it.... It is like a scifi version of chess in some ways

Thanks so much for your views and help @davemccoy.

My son's home for a few weeks from next Friday and I've mentioned it to him. He's not really that interested in cryptocurrency generally or this type of game so it might be a bit of an uphill sell but we'll see.

I think it would be really fun if he was involved as well. 😊

@gillianpearce I think once the gameplay starts and he sees you win some money from the play, he might find that it is a little more fun... I don't know if I would've had as much excitement if they didn't have tournaments and give away prizes and upvotes out of it. The good thing is that you are so early, that he has at least time to see how you do and then if he likes it, then he will still be early ;)

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