Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #37 - Kale & Comfrey Sandwich Tree

in #steemitsandwichcontest6 years ago (edited)

I will share with my fellow Sandwiteers that my heart is heavy this week after facing a personal tragedy, was going to give SteemitSandwichContest #37 a miss, but then I remembered just what good therapy sandwich making can be, plus how can I let our @jaybird down!
Inspiration was lacking, and before that sad day last week I was all geared up to write a blog for @intrepidsurfer's Steem Forest Giveaway, but that will have to wait for another day. Check out his blog for more on his tree planting projects.
With my thoughts on tree planting, I decided to make a Kale & Comfrey Sandwich Tree, especially in honour of our amazing tree planter @intrepidsurfer, who started planting trees with our upvotes on his SSC posts!
All thanks to @jaybird's contest!

I took a walk through my garden and found there was still some Kale left as well as Comfrey.

Most of us are familiar with the health benefits of Kale (Fibre, Vitamins & Minerals) but Comfrey is a powerful herb, although somewhat controversial.
Crickets & other veggie thieves also love nibbling at the Comfrey.

Comfrey is also called the Knitbone herb, as it has amazing healing powers for bone fractures and wounds, plus has many other health benefits.
One can make a tea or use it externally as a poultice.
I love adding a couple of chopped leaves to soup, gives it the most divine flavour, and it can be cooked in the same manner as spinach or kale.
Warning, comfrey can cause liver damage if taken regularly in large quantities.

Basic pantry staples for my Sandwich Tree:

Kale and Comfrey was finely diced and sauteed in butter and a little olive oil together with a generous amount of crushed garlic, and seasoned to taste.

I made my pancake batter with 2 eggs, 2 cups of self raising wheat flour, salt and approx 2 1/2 cups water, not milk, believe me, milk makes them rubbery, these are light fluffy pancakes!
Thin layer of batter poured into crepe pans, yes South African pancakes look more like crepes!
This mixture makes about 10 - 12 pancakes.

Turn when tiny bubbles start forming and cook the other side.

Everything is ready for planting our tree.

Spread a nice amount of Chunky Full Cream Cottage Cheese onto pancake.

Top with cooked Kale & Comfrey.

Roll up into a firm roll, and slice into approx 2,5cm thick pinwheels.

Form a tree shape with the pancake pinwheels.

I wanted a Cherry tree, but now it looks more like a Christmas tree!

This Kale & Comfrey Sandwich Tree was absolutely yummy, my hand model hubby can attest to that!

As an aside & not part of the contest, I would like to share with you how we eat pancakes here in South Africa.
We sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top, roll it up & enjoy as is.
Some people add a few drops of Lemon Juice (I don't like that) and/or Golden Syrup or Maple Syrup (I like that!).

As if that's not sinful enough, we sometimes eat it with a nice dollop of Vanilla Ice Cream, my absolute favourite!

Back to the contest, here is a quick look at the whole process of planting a Sandwich Tree.

Guys and dolls, a last message, nothing to do with sandwiches, please forgive me @jaybird for bringing this into my SSC post, but it is important.
If you know anyone who is going through a depression, please read my post on how I overcame this illness which can and has become a terminal disease as was the case with my young friend.

Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by, please comment, upvote and resteem if you enjoyed my post.
All images property of @lizelle

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone



Oh my @lizelle So sorry for your sad loss. I too suffer from depression and "have my days". It is a battle. So glad you entered the contest and WOW! That is quite an entry! Beautiful and looks delicious. I know @intrepidsurfer will be honored and proud. Much Love your way, Tess :)

So sorry to hear that @tesscooks4u, it's not an easy illness to overcome but you really can. I honestly thought I would never get out of that deep dark pit but I did. Use all your support systems plus healthy eating, walking, yoga, meditation, finding the correct medication as well is vital. Music therapy good too. I find cooking & baking excellent therapy for me! Wish you strength for the off days. Love and blessings to you :)

Friend, how are you? I hope you are a little better each day, I see that you had a loss, I am very sorry but surely Angie is in a better place.

Although you did not have a lot of inspiration, I think you liked it, I liked the idea of combining the @jaybird sandwich with the plantation of trees of @intrepidsurfer luck for this week you have an incredible creativity

Hi @yesslife, thank you so much for your words, I do know that Angie is now in a better place as she simply could not find peace here on earth, how hard that is to accept!
Just so sad that she could not live a full life here, my son of course thinks he could have done something more, but it is not humanly possible to stop someone especially when they do not have many other support systems which was the case here!

Haha, this is great. Definitely looks like a X-Mas Tree, except more appetizing.

Love this idea, with the rolls. And I'd never heard of Comfrey before, so that was interesting to learn about. Also diggin' the cottage cheese and kale combo.

Hope you're feeling a bit better after last week! Glad you found some positive distraction in sandwiches :) usually works for me haha.

Be well!

Ah thank you @jaybird, chopping and cooking definitely is a good distraction & who would have thought sandwiches could be good therapy!

I love the pancakes at home we usually prepare them, this is an incredible idea you knew how to combine trees with food, I loved it. My friend I hope you find yourself well, greetings and strength for you @lizelle

Thank you so much @jennimorillo, you are a sweet lady! Appreciate your kind thoughts xx

Oh my goodness, this is so awesome. Kale is one of my most cherished greens, but I haven't used much of it lately.

Great delicious looking idea @lizelle

Thanks @carolynstahl, I only recently started cooking with Kale, just love it!
It was a delicious combination.

Good thing you entered the contest this week that makes you well I know, I hope you can join soon to planting is a very nice initiative, I'm doing with my students at school.

I'm so sorry for your loss, you'll be a best friend.

Successes this week in the contest I know that you will go very well with your creations

I saw you planting trees, it's such a great initiative, excellent to get the children involved! Thank you for your kind words @andrina.

Pancakes with cinnamon sugar rolled up and served with vanilla ice cream! That just sounds so scrumptious! I have never eaten comfrey, so have no idea what it tastes like. I know my sheep like it!

LOL, lucky sheep, sure they're healthy sheep too!
You should try adding it to soups. I sometimes cook it with a diced potato and 1/4 small diced onion, then mush it up with loads of butter, very yummy. But we only have the one plant so don't have that often.
Pancakes with cinnamon sugar plus ice cream is divine!
Thanks for stopping by @cecicastor :)

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que rico amiga, fabulosa su receta. Saludos espero este bien.

Gracias Karlin, no te he visto por un tiempo. ¡Espero que estes bien!

That is such a lovely tree. I thought it was tortillas which would also make it tasty and cream cheese. :) Thanks for sharing how you made it and just where you got your greens! So nice to get them from your garden! I always enjoy reading about your sandwiches. :)

Ah thank you @apanamamama, love your quilting as well, I still want to make a quilt sandwich, not sure how but going to give it a go one of these days :)

That's a fun idea! Patchwork. Or cut a star (or other shape) out of two different sandwiches and then put them in the other one. Just popped into my head, but it sounds cute and I can picture it with two different types of bread.

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