Drug Prevention Efforts For Young Generation

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs among the younger generation is increasingly rising The deviation of the behavior of the younger generation, can endanger the survival of this nation in the future.Because youth as a generation that is expected to become the successor of the nation, the more fragile the day grinded up the addictive substances of nerve destroyers. So that young man can not think clearly. As a result, the generation of hope of a strong and intelligent nation will only remain a memory.

The goal of this drug spread is young people or teenagers. When averaged, the age of this drug target is the age of the student, which ranges in age 11 to 24 years. This indicates that the dangers of drugs can occasionally target our students at any time. Drugs are an abbreviation of narcotics and illegal drugs. While nafza is an abbreviation of narcotics, alcohol, and other addictive substances (drugs, harmful that can lead to a person having dependence on these drugs).

Both terms are often used for the same term, although the term nafza is broader in scope.
Narcotics comes from three types of plants, namely

  • opium,
  • cannabis
  • coca.

Drug dependence can be interpreted as a condition that encourages a person to take drugs banned repeatedly or continuously. If he does not do it, he feels addicted (sakau) which results in feelings of discomfort and even very pain in the body.

Danger for students

In Indonesia, drug addicts are growing rapidly. The drug addicts are generally between the ages of 11 and 24 years. This means that age is the age of productive or student age. Initially, students who take drugs usually begin with the introduction with cigarettes. Because of this smoking habit seems to have become a natural thing among students today. From this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when the student joins into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. Initially try, then later dependent.

The negative effects of drug abuse on children or adolescents are as follows :
• Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
• Frequent truancy, decline in discipline and lesson values,
• Being irritable and irritable,
• Often yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
• Do not care about personal health,
• Likes to steal to buy drugs

Preventive measure

Precautions against the spread of drugs among students, should be our responsibility together. In this case all parties including parents, teachers, and the community must play an active role in alerting the threat of drugs against our children.

As for more concrete efforts we can do is to cooperate with the authorities to conduct counseling about the dangers of drugs, or may conduct a sudden raid on a regular basis.

Then the accompaniment of the parents of the students themselves by giving attention and affection. The school should have strict supervision of the movements of students, because usually the spread (transaction) drugs often occur around the school environment. Equally important, moral and religious education should be more emphasis on students.

Because one of the causes of the fall of children into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education they absorb, so that even such disgraceful acts, they end up undergoing. Therefore, from now on, we as educators, teachers, and as parents, should be alert and alert, to the dangers of drugs that can at times snare our own children.

With the above mentioned efforts, let's guard and supervise our students, from the dangers of drugs, so our hope to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized properly.

Thank you for visiting and reading this article,
hopefully this can be useful for all of us
Regards, @mull

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