The Influence of Game in Daily Life ...

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)
If someone is playing an online game actually the game gives a lot of benefits to its users. But unfortunately, today many people who have become a heavy addict to the game so that abuse it. Especially in children and adolescents, online games are played excessively the impact it can be very harmful. It needs a firmness from parents in controlling their children's passion in playing the game. Quoted from various sources, here are some negative impacts online games are played not in accordance with portions, including :

1. Physical
Decreased health is not surprising that children who have a passion for playing this game have a weak immune system due to lack of physical activity, sitting too long, often too late to eat, often exposed to radiation emission from the computer monitor screen and so on. The diseases that are often encountered in those who are addicted to playing this game, including: heart attack, stroke, minus eye, obesity, lungs, dislocation of the fingers, neurological disease, hemorrhoids and diseases around the spine.

2. Psychological
Mental disorders of many scenes in online games that teach to commit criminal acts and violence, such as: fights, vandalism, rape, murder, etc., which indirectly have influenced the subconscious of a person that this real life is the same as in the game the. Several cases of violence reported by the mass media, involving children and adolescents as perpetrators are clear evidence that online gaming can damage a person's mental development.

The characteristics of a person experiencing mental disorders due to the influence of online games are: irritability, emotional, easy to say dirty words, cursing, stealing, and so forth.
Inhibits the process of growing up

Timeless online games can also affect a person's maturation process, which is well-founded because the world in online games invites people to drift and dissolve in the groove that one can not grow into an adult. Someone who has been affected, will usually be characterized by the attitude: shy, inferior, lack of confidence, spoiled and childish.

3. Time
Can affect child's learning achievement Why? Because the free time that should be ideal for use in studying school subjects is more often used to complete level by level in the game, their concentration power is generally also disrupted so that the ability to absorb subjects delivered by teachers to be not maximal. In adults, online games can affect their productivity in the workplace, so if not immediately stopped, then did not rule out the possibility of ending with dismissal.

4. Finance
Teaching the waste of online games also educate someone to live extravagantly, for those who do not have home computer facilities, they are forced to come to the cafe that provides such games and automatically have to spend money. The cost of using electricity at home will also experience swelling, especially for those who use desktop computers for hours without stopping.

Teach dishonesty. Play online games sometimes require a fee, to buy the voucher just so that can still play one type of game required the cost is not small. Therefore, the negative impact that can be generated from this game is to teach a child (who has not yet had his own income) to lie (to his parents) and perform various ways including theft in order to keep playing the game.

5. Social
Difficulty socializing with others, those who have been accustomed to live in cyberspace, generally will have difficulties when having to socialize in the real world. Anti-social attitudes, lacking the desire to mingle with society, family, and friends are the features shown by those who have experienced dependence on the game. In closing, online gaming is one of the tangible evidence of today's technological advancements, from children to adults who are fond of playing it. Now, having understood that online gaming has the potential to bring disastrous influence to users who play it disproportionately, then here are some of the positive effects of online games when they are played proportionally, quoted from the KnowPedia page, including :

Improve mood and reduce stress, slows down the aging process, helps relieve pain, improve vision power,teaches to appreciate failure, improve u ability, improve the ability of teamwork

Thank you for visiting and reading this article,
hopefully this can be useful for all of us
Regards, @mull

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Nice post! I will follow you from now on.

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