Punishing the Right Child According to Age

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)
Nearly 70 percent of parents have ever punished their own children with corporal punishment. In fact, child psychologists strongly discourage giving such punishment, given that corporal punishment will have a harmful effect on adult children. Not all ways of punishing children apply at any age. Different ages, different ways of punishing, different effectiveness and impact.Punishing children according to age every time you want to punish a child, try to follow an outline like this: First, first identify the problem he created, then you can explain the impact of his actions.

Once you can take over the mood and attitude of the child, suggest better behavior and deeds. In addition, you can describe the punishment to be accepted, and say you expect better behavior the next time.

Age 0-3 years with the method "timeout children's delinquency behavior common at the age of 2 years and below for example is screaming, biting, throwing things, or wasting food. It makes you angry and confused to discipline it. You can punish "timeout", in children aged 0 to 3 years.

Do a "timeout" by bringing to the room free of items that can distract. Then, make the child sit and calm himself, and you can leave the room for 1-2 minutes. This stage, called the reflection stage. After the timeout period ends, hug the child, and make him promise not to repeat his behavior. Avoid hitting the child as a form of punishment.

Age 3-7 years: in addition to punish, give also awards as the child grows older, the more he understands that every behavior that is done has its own consequences. Before, you have to decide what punishment your child can get when he does not listen to you. In fact, the method "timeout" can still be done in the age of toddlers to children like this. Also make sure not to take your child to a room with toys or televisions when you want to discipline them.

Discuss what not to do, and once he does not do it, give your child a compliment. Punish the child, its contents are not only punishment, but also acknowledge their good behavior.

For example, you can say " proud of you" Usually this praise is more effective than you are angry and punish the child when he does not want to share the toys. Do not forget to praise the specific words for the good behavior that the child has done.

7-12 years old: avoid punishment while threatening at the age of stepping on pre-teen years, be careful not to punish the child with a threatening remark. Example, threatening to cancel vacation, if your child does not do his homework. Unfortunately, with these threats, it is feared your child's confidence in you will disappear.

Why is that? By doing so, this will cause the unmotivated child to change his behavior, because he feels everything has been taken over by you and he can not do anything about it. It is important to apply consistency to the punishment of the child's behavior. Make your child believe what you say.

Ages 13 and so on at this age, punishing children can be done by depriving the privileges that children have. Because your child has known the consequences he will face due to punishment of behavior that should not be done. Teen age like this, still need limits and care from you parents.

Determine some of the rules you and your children should discuss first, such as curfews and hours of play, homework to do, and so on. Make a good negotiation about the child's daily arrangements. Believe it or not, teenagers still need to apply the boundaries of order in their lives, even as you give them greater freedom and responsibility.

So what if the child broke the rules? You can revoke privileges that children have, such as prohibiting the use of laptops or video games for a month. Do not forget to discuss why he broke the rules and how he should behave.

Thank you for visiting and reading this article,
hopefully this can be useful for all of us
Regards, @mull

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