Life on the Knife's Edge


Recent discussions concerning the dust threshold naturally led to knowing if a comment was actually going to pay or not. There's a little bit of confusion regarding this threshold because many observers have noticed that the payout amount on the website was well over the two cent threshold, but still didn't pay out. Why?

Let me tell you what's happening.

Whenever a vote occurs, the backend computes at that moment what the value of the votes on that post are worth. Remember it is affected by:

  1. Feed price (median USD price of STEEM set by top 21 witnesses, taking median over 3.5 days)
  2. Vote value relative to total vote value.
  3. Amount of STEEM in rewards pool.

These are sorted in order of how quickly they change, and really the main thing that's noticeable is effect of the feed price on the payout.

Here is the important part: the value computed and displayed on the website is frozen until the next vote, and can only serve as an estimate. It would be prohibitively expensive to continuously update the pending_payout for every post and comment, so it makes sense, but perhaps we can change the websites to compute this on the fly.

To illustrate, let's say that on day 1 you get a vote, and let's say the website shows it as 0.02. But it will stay this way until another vote happens or until payout! It is not safe to read what the website is showing, especially in times of high price fluctuation.

To know how to compute the current value of the vote, you can do so by pulling data from steemd. Let's do an example.

I will use

since we were going to use it as a test to confirm behavior.


Note the rshares is 4,607,112,884. This shows the weight of the votes assigned to the comment.

Now go to and scroll down to where the section with the reward fund is.


Take the recent claims, which is 438,982,750,788,960,641, which is the weight of all recent votes.

Take the reward balance, which is 749,780.858 STEEM, this is the per block reward that changes according to a fixed schedule of inflation, so it slowly changes.

Take the feed price, which is 2.669 SBD.

Now compute

(rshares/claims) x rewardbalance x price

And that's what the current value of your post or comment is. In the case of this post, it is

4,607,112,884/438,982,750,788,960,641749,780.8582.669 = 0.021

For now... If feed price remain stable for an additional day, it will remain above 0.02 and it will pay out.

Hope this helps clears up some confusion I've been seeing about this threshold. And apologies if you saw the title and were expecting something completely different!


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:'( I thought my 0.1 will help somebody. :'(

Yeah it's quite unfortunate. (Assuming you meant 0.01) However you can either upvote a post instead or look for comments that say they are at 0.01 already and you can bump it past dust.

Yeah. But make sure my VP is still up haha.

😢 I didn't know that votes with less than 0.02 were not paid. What have I been doing with my life as a poor minnow. I've been voting so much thinking that my votes actually meant something. This is so sad.

Same exact thoughts.

:'( I thought my 0.1 will help somebody. :'(

0.1 would, but 0.01 wouldn't

I mean 0.01 haha

Hi @eonwarped. Appreciate you doing an in-depth analysis and trying to figure it out for us!

That's a lot of criteria being computed to determine that minimum threshold. So as long as the feed price doesn't drastically plunge, it's okay to assume that a 0.02 upvote given today will pay out? For people like me who don't want to attempt the calculations ;) Still, it may be best to give a 0.03 upvote to account for the fluctuation.

Snippet of your post for reference:

Yes that's accurate. If the price drops, then start paying attention :)

Now this gave me the idea to explore if we can simply do the computation in the steemit website so nobody has to guess....

Exploration should always be encouraged here on Steemit! :)

Thanks a lot. I really do appreciate you taking the time to dig around and find answers for us. I'm still learning about this steemit world. Always learning something new every day. Too much sometimes, lol.

Have a great day! Very nice to meet you on here.

that post above looks pretty much identical to what you mentioned in your post .... hmm

Hi @eaglespirit, if you’re referring to my comment, it should look exactly like @eonwarped’s post! It’s a screenshot of his post. 🙂 I put it there so he knows this is the section I’m referencing from his post. Let me update my comment to make sure there is no confusion.

lmao! then that makes sense! it has the blue border so i thought it mightve been taken from steemit FAQ or similar. 🤣🤣🤣

i almost thought you were indirectly catching E in plagiarism

I've never looked at the steemit FAQ. :)

i almost thought you were indirectly catching E in plagiarism

Oh no, I would never do that even if it was. I tried adding his words into my comment (like I did with yours above), but there were too many spacing in between. It didn't look right, so a screenshot photo was better. :) Thanks for pointing it out though, I should have commented that it was a snippet of his post.

I'm joking but it looked funny! as in what was that, then now ha-ha
no worries .. :)

Yeah no worries I understood :)

My brain suddenly shut down from all the math computation.

So if I want to reward people who comment I need to do at least 10-15% voting weight in order to make sure in the median of the 3.5 days the value of the comment is still above .02.

which would mean that I can vote less because I want to maintain a 75% or above voting power.
less votes given, less curation rewards and engagement.

This is seriously fucked up.

Yeah I think the impending removal of dust will be good for all of us. This will start encouraging stranger behaviors for people rewarding comments in the meantime I expect.

Since the feed price is a median over 3.5 days, it is possible to somewhat predict the behavior of this price, but yeah... A strange world.

If they would do that they that is super!

Hey Mav... Just saw you and haven't said 'hi" in awhile, so hope you are well!

Hey Dave yeah I am okay. A bit under the weather with being sick, being grumpy cat and turning into a reader rather than a commenter lately.

I feel you. Same here. We can bask in the sun together.

yeah no Shit! LMAO

I like the "brain shut down" and "seriously fd up" part .... yes it is!!

Some people have been staying in their ivory towers far too long they don't know how the peasants are doing.

is that you? buaahhha are you in the tower? repunzel repunzel ... hey,
is that EW's original artwork up there? buahahahahah

Thanks for the article and the in-depth explanation... Can you tell me if the $0.019 or lower threshold refers to the "vote value"... Assuming the price of steem stays exactly the same... would a vote of $0.02 or higher (non rounded) be paid? and a $0.019 vote or lower would not be paid? Again assuming the price of steem stays exactly the same

That is my understanding. $0.02 is the smallest amount that would have a payout. Refers to the vote value yes.

perfect... that is how I read it too and what I observed... Some of my $.02 pay off and some dont... I'm assuming it was because they were less than $.02 and higher than $.015

Thanks for the info! :)

Lol - I had no idea what the title was about and the pic didn't show up in the feed. Ha. ;) I had to click on it and see...nice job. ;) I still don't really understand, but I'm good with that. I just go along with steemit and hope for the best most days. :) I'm glad there are people out there like you who really go through and figure it case I ever have a question. ;) Ha ha. Have a good one!

I'll answer any questions any time :). I think I should reuse that title for something cool too.

I wish I could train my brain to want to understand your numbers.

Thanks for tricking me into doing maths first thing in the morning Eon! o-O

So I have to stop being stingy in my comment upvoting? Interesting


Yip. Maths? What maths?

I see numbers, Eon. That makes me do maths in my head :D

Yay! I knew my E would tell me some way, shape or form. Wish you woulda tagged me or left me this post somwheres. :p

anyhoo, now we can post it to oblivion because so many planks are saying its raised to $1 USD/SBD and not the .01 or overreacting with the "possibilities" mentioned in the initial post by T.

Thanks for this,

Eagle UpComm.jpg

Hi, sorry this is unrelated to the post, but your solution to my problem on github with the username / suffix worked perfectly. After almost 6 months a solution has come! Thanks =D

I was getting hit with the same problem in various forms and it was driving me crazy after awhile. I'm glad it's out now :)

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