STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend #5 : We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

in #steemitcampfire7 years ago (edited)
STEEMIT Campfire BD Branded Template Cover 850x500.jpg


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here. Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.

Goals: Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the whole weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people. New people! Older Steemians! Everyone is welcome!

1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.

HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

What I'm sharing in replies on Steemit so it does not offend or spam people

I started a new Weekend Steemit Campfire Series ! - it just was posted.

Check that out, I am trying to still find ways to build community and love and kindness here.

On my page every Friday nite - Runs for the whole weekend til Sunday nite,

#SteemitCampFire !!

Link Dropping Diverting People Elsewhere:


Please do not drop links to blog posts at the fire diverting people away from the purpose here - gathering people in one place, this is not a post promotion place just because it is a high engagement post.

The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but it has been worsening. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

Link to the First Week/ Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend series! -


Link to the most recent #SteemitCampfire post:

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???



It was an older photo, so my hippy ponytail is still intact LOL!

Hello everyone. I could use a coffee. Just had a nice big dinner with apple pie dessert.

Sit back, let me take care of that for ya man, Blue Collar Barry Bushcraft style!!!


Here ya are my man, it was boiling and I wanted to give it to you in the bushcraft Kuksa!!!!


I could go for a cup of that too!

Boom, here is matching set of Booshcraft coffee for ya buddy, TY for coming by!

How was your week dude?

I got out of the house for a couple hours, sat in the baseball stands and watched some kids play baseball and ate pizza with a friend.

First time out doing anything like that in a year and a half after the car ran me over -- I needed that and just got home 30 mins ago!


It's been a pretty boring week. It was short at least.

Ouch, a car ran you over, that must not have been very fun.

I almost died.

Went thru the windshield, half my body is damaged and my life has changed and the state is burying my file and fettering in due process - by all accounts because of my very public activism calling out corruption locally and nationally and they would like to see me ruined.

I was not sure I could be less of a fan of gubment and all related AGENCIES when this happened.

But yet, here I am.

Wow that's quite a story. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Thanks man.

Every day for me is a struggle now, I cannot work, half my body is damaged, Steemit is my source of income and where some friends have stood beside me that I have made.

Everyone in my life that I helped or knew has basically bailed on me, period, full stop.

Be careful out there man. This car was driven by someone CLEARLY not paying attn on a quiet, dry day with no cars around.

IMHO texting and driving but the police won't release the report because I have called them out for years with the rest of the idiots in the police state public service

Videos on YT and other stuff about me if you want to look LOL

I am glad your week is better than any of mine. Embrace it man, it can all change in a flash, literally.

Glad to see you are able to get out and about again, it's the everyday things we can take for granted sometimes.

It is very kind of you to understand this and the kind words are appreciated, it was really nice to sit and watch the 10 yr olds out playing ball, and being kids.

Thank you my friend.

This week was actually a hectic one - washer machine broke at my one condo rental and then the AC wasn't working at my townhome rental. Was trying to get it all fixed while handling my day job and posting to steemit everyday.

Ah, the joys of being a :-) Could have been alot worse though, replaced the washer and got the AC fixed - $670 dollars I said, could have been worse.

Usually I'd be out tonight, but I just want to veg out in front of the TV for a bit.

Hope everyone else is having a relaxing Friday night as well :-)

Thanks for dropping by my friend.

It is nice to have you, we are here all weekend long!

You know I can always relate to your RE stuff at least.

What can we get you?? I want you rested!!

Haha, nice! A lawn chair and a can of PBR, keeping it low budget tonight!

Pull it right up here beside us and relaaaaaaaaaaxxxxx

I approve of that 110%

We have come to another weekend, a very complicated week with the internet, work quite uncomfortable, but finally is being accommodated, I am working a lot, preparing the post and ineractuando with many new colleagues and friends on the platform and that makes me very happy .
Happy to be invited to this round of friends, I want to wish you all a good weekend, congratulations dear friend @barrydutton for this brilliant initiative.
We send you many greetings from Corrientes Argentina.
In the photo you are greeted by my daughter, my lady and my mother, we offer you a beer and we will share grilled pork meat, I hope it is to your liking
I wish you every heart that you are very happy

Jose, -- God bless you guys man, tell everyone thanks for the thoughts and dropping by with you my man!!!

Beautiful message by you brother.

Mi amigo!!

Is this the Friday night drunk thread ?

For some people!


We are here all weekend!!

I am kicking myself super hard right now, arghh, I can't believe I missed out on this two weeks in a row! Well last weekend was a whole different matter, but this weekend...actually was super busy yesterday, but today I could have been here and I totally forgot!
Things are getting back to normal for me, but because I really don't want this to happen again would you link this to me when you put it up next week? Just stick the link in a recent post :)
I wrote my very first article on crypto currency today, lol! And I'm getting a bit pay debit card in the mail at some point, possibly by the end of the week. I'll definitely do a post about the first purchase I ever make with steem! Even though I still plan to keep the majority in sp, definitely what I already have in it plus the fifty percent that goes in it with my posts, I actually think that doing a little bit of spending can be an asset to steemit, to show others that it's 'real'.
As I said, things are getting back to normal, so you'll be seeing more of me bouncing in to say hi :) Also, I've been doing photography posts now, I'm actually developing a huge passion for it, so that will make it easier to bounce over and say hi to me LOL.
How are you my friend?

I am about the usual. You and some of your family / friends are hockey fans, a post of mine just up tonite you will want to see about one of the guys I played with!

I am so far behind on so much........oivay

I dif. missed you at the #SteemitCampfire this week and some of the people I asked to not spam the post with post links, did not come back either LOL

I hear you on being behind, oivay is the right word! I have so many posts up in the browser, I can't tell what they are unless I click on them.
I was just telling @nonameslefttouse that the need for sleep is bothersome, lol. I really feel that way. Imagine how much more we could get done if not for that?

Of course they didn't, self-serving type people spam posts with links, and if they can't spam they're not serving self. Have two words for them... Buh bye! Ha!

I hope you get to check out my post...... actually I put one up a few mins ago too, we just crossed the $100B market cap in crypto so your new card should get a WORKOUT


the need for sleep is bothersome, lol. I really feel that way. Imagine how much more we could get done if not for that?


another weekend.. another campfire! cheers barry have a good weekend

Brother, thanks for checking in and saying hi.

We are here all weekend as you know...... what can we get you round the fire, how was your week??

great post. we are much more than just office robots...

I am a bit late but still Im here . Have great weekend every one !

Tell us about your week! Stay and interact with us LOL

This week was a good one for me . I finally got some time to care for myself . Did hairdresser and nails and now I look better and I feel much better also :)

That is nice to hear, my friend.

Good for you.

Is your hair still the same colour as it shows in your photo here?

A bit darker but now will get the same )

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