VIDEO: Just Released: Andreas Antonopoulous: Bitcoin & Blockchain in Norway | Crypto 101 - (46 mins) - Super practical resource here today!! (Other videos inside post also)

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is an early pioneer and adopter in the Bitcoin/Crypto space if you have not heard of him. He routinely puts out some of the best information going. He speaks plainly and simply with some humour!


He travels the world preaching the Bitcoin, Liberty, Crypto and Blockchain gospel and is one of the most well respected lecturers and teachers in the crypto world!


This resource showed up in my email inbox today, have a watch, share it with those who are learning.

Published on Jun 3, 2017

This interview by Stephan Nilsson (founder of Norway Bitcoin and Blockchain Association) took place at the Kasbah Hub on April 27th 2017 in Oslo, Norway:


0:49 - What are better ways to spread knowledge about Bitcoin and blockchain technology to young people (15-25 years old), especially in Nordic countries?
4:09 - What would you say to technicians and programmers who say "this will never scale"? Will the propose solutions work?
8:16 - The interest and marketing hype in "blockchain technology" has exploded. What are your thoughts on Hyper Ledger and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance? Is this disruptive innovation?
14:21 - Ethereum is planning to switch over from proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm. Is PoS secure, at scale?
18:49 - What is your opinion about the role and risks of patents, patent strategies, and patent trolling in the blockchain ecosystem?
23:22 - Should there be a separation between money and state? What role will blockchains play in a "perfect" economical / social order? What are the issues for democracy when government operations are decoupled from tax revenue?
27:23 - Should countries create national cryptocurrencies?
31:44 - What can the general population do to secure themselves in the event of an economic collapse? Is Bitcoin an exit / safe haven?
Should investors diversify their investment portfolio?
36:44 - Which centralised services in the financial sector should be decentralised? What will the impact be?
40:20 - What is the role of drama and adversarial debate in the global, decentralised community?


How much bitcoin do you have? -

The Stories We Tell About Money -

Fake News, Fake Money -

The Currency Wars and Bitcoin's Neutrality -

Price premiums and arbitrage -

Bitcoin for Beginners -

Aadhaar and blockchain identities -

How to get people to care about security -

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) -

Remittances & smuggling in Venezuela -

When will the scare stories stop? -

Will compliance with regulation benefit Bitcoin? -

Why Bitcoin is the poison pill of global finance -

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.


Follow on Twitter: @aantonop


He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.



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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


I live in Sweden and I'm working hard to raise people's awareness on cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies. Nearly all my colleagues at work now own Bitcoin. ;)

I followed you awhile back but I like some of the knives and axes you guys have had there for decades like Mora and

1 Gransfors Bruks AB.
2 S.A. Wetterlings.
3 Husqvarna.
4 Hults Bruk.

Cool! Have you been to Sweden yourself? Mora is not that far away from where I live, and it's a lovely place. I could take you there and be your guide, if you ever decide to come. ;)

Holy cow, that is nice of you!

I have not been, I am in the Police State of Canadastan LOL

Friends of mine in the Pathfinder School / Dave Canterbury groups - have planned a trip to both Mora and one of the axe places when they group-travel out there for those reasons!!!


kind of people/trip!!!

Wow, that is great work by you!!!

That's great to hear! I'm doing my best here as well, although I mostly interact internationally on the webs.

Great to "meet" a fellow Swede, Thomas! :)

Great to "meet" you too Oleg ;)

Thanks a bunch for sharing this resource!
I´m a total noob to Steemit and also to the blockchain and cryptocurrency world but I find it very interesting. And I´m from Norway. Had no idea there was something like an association here in Norway. But now I know thanks to you!
Keep it up!

I want to Norway. Let's Norway.

What if we want to Southway?

I dunno but worst case we keep going and if the Earth ain't flat we still get to where we are going.

Norway has gods in their history and Andreas is pretty good too.


Gods were better :)

Great resources Barry! Resteeming for some of our newcomers!

I think the governmental problems exist in Scandinavia as well, it's just that they're much more well hidden, not on the same scale obviously and mitigated by a lot of the really good things we do here as well.

Internationally, Scandinavia is viewed almost as a fully centrally planned economey. But that's far from how it works in reality!

Nice to hear from you !!

I agree - problems and propaganda exist everywhere so we must always be on alert.


Unrelated really but check the post I have up after this one for the dead followers app on here.

21% of mine are dead by these numbers, edited the post and screenshotted the math on the calculator...

How many of yours are dead, are your %'ages the same ???

I really want to know.

I think a good deal of mine are bots/totally dead. Will check it out!

Please do when you have time and LMK back here your %'age and compare them to mine, that is why I posted all my stats, so we can all see the benchmarks and ballparks.


That sounds like a beauty name for a post there LOL

A whopping 25% of mine are "passed on" so to speak. Also, if I change the setting to "4 months ago" I still have 53 out of my 330 followers show as "dead".

Not sure what to make of this, except some of them are likely bots/curators. Some could be people who considered themselves "too early to the party" and left for now.

Edit: After taking a closer look, I can confirm that a lot of these nonposting and nonvoting accounts belong to real users that I communicated with and whom were highly critical of Steem and Steemit up until their last post. That's probably why they decided to leave.

This is why I decided to tell it straight as I see it when communicating with Ned earlier today. Steem is getting better, but Steemit inc really has to do something radical with this website.

Thanks for checking back, that is likely the most fulsome, best reply I will see to anything all day, and truthful to a fault.

Edit: After taking a closer look, I can confirm that a lot of these nonposting and nonvoting accounts belong to real users that I communicated with and whom were highly critical of Steem and Steemit up until their last post. That's probably why they decided to leave.

This is why I decided to tell it straight as I see it when communicating with Ned earlier today. Steem is getting better, but Steemit inc really has to do something radical with this website.


Even before you said that, I have been critical and been flagged and abandoned by the baglickers here - people who run the twitter account apparently who just want to play safe and and get greased and screw everyone with a broader perspective outside their own bank acct.

You provided more proof today, to what many of us know too....

Bullies need to be dealt with, that is why people leave, along with things that clearly appear rigged or tilted to favour the usual 1%/

Great reply by you, thanks for taking time.

I will have to save this and listen to it later when I get the time. Always great to hear andreas!


is always there for ya buddy!!

Have a nice week!

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