I'm Starting A Community For Gaming When Communities Come To Steemit - Let Me Know If You Want To JoinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

To anyone who is unaware, the steemit team is working on communities. It will be a great addition that will add a lot of direction to this site. I think, with-in the next couple of months, we will see them but I don't work for steemit so it is just a guess. The team said it would be the end of second quarter, which is soon, but like any other tech update, shit happens and delays are possible. But when the feature is ready I will be making one for gaming. What qualifies me? Well besides soloing Lavos with Chrono and beating my share of Ultimate weapons, I beat Battletoads. And that game is a pain in the ass. Fun, but a pain in the ass. Plus I'm super-friendly :). This group will be open to everyone and it will cover the following things:

Retro Posts:

Old game reviews, top 10 characters from Nintendo games, how the power glove made you look cool but didn't work, all fit in this category. There are a lot of us with geeky memories and you might be surprised how many people have similar experiences. You can even upload some old gameplay footage of you kicking ass in Final Fight and share it with us.

Gave Reviews And News:

Xbox, PC, PlayStation, Switch and Mobile. The gaming industry is going strong. If you have played the latest and want to let us know if it worth the price tag, you can post your review here. Make sure it is at least 500 words. How is the new Zelda game? Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Did you pee yourself when you played Res 7? This is the place to let us know.

Gameplay Tips:

I know this kind of sounds like an antiquated notion, like the protips in your gamepro magazine, but they are as important now as ever. I am thinking more of online games. What does your tier list look like? What character is a good match against whom? Where are the sweet spots on the map? There are a lot of tips and tricks that can improve your online gaming for every game, so share them with us if you are on the top of a leaderboard.


Are you making a living with gaming today? Maybe you are a streamer who plays for fun and entertains or maybe you are the best of the best and are bringing in that sponsorship money. Either way you can share your gameplay footage here and links to your twitch account. This is a good site to compliment your twitch account and if you are a pro gamer maybe you can find someone to practice with or some teammates for your LOL team. These kind of connections might take time before this site is a place for them but you got to start somewhere

If you are interested in joining, please let me know in the comments. I will come back to this post and add you to the group when it is ready. Or invite you, or whatever has to be done :p.

Go gamers


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: https://steemit.com/steemit/@whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account


I think everyone from the gaming tag is waiting for the communities :)

What I hope for is that there will also be "sub-communities" because gaming is still quite the large thing and for example a person playing Overwatch won't really be interested in posts about DOTA.

I was thinking the same thing, there is plenty of room for esports, fighting games, individual games. We can work together to support each other if you start some. Gaming is huge. This is just a starting point.

Hey I remember you guys are running a hearthstone tournament, you can make a community for prize gaming, that could be big.

"Gave Reviews And News: " I definitely wanna get into that action. I love the horror genre and I know that that is pretty popular on Youtube... Wonder if the same popularity for that category would do well here too? Now that they are building a Youtube like video publishing system here https://steemit.com/steemq/@furion/teaser-soon-you-will-be-able-to-publish-videos-on-steem#@artwatch/re-furion-teaser-soon-you-will-be-able-to-publish-videos-on-steem-20170516t095654169zI am even more excited and feel like I got here at just the right time to start something great at the same level as everyone else, ya know?

Yeah I think we can build a kick ass gaming community here. People really do like to watch people scare themselves :p. I think this site has a lot of potential and hopefully gaming will be a big part of it.

A Twitch like service on the STEEM blockchain would be cool @good-karma @furion not sure if that is realistic?

I 100% agree. When I watch Twitch, you see streamers giving away prizes to get viewers. With steem there is already an integrated reward system that could not only make this easier, but give new ways to interact with their audience.

I would love to join in on this... I am more interested in gaming for those of us that are busy with family and work. Most of the gaming media seems aimed at people who have a lot of time to devote to gaming (not that I am jealous or anything)

There is room for both. I know what you mean, newer games take a commitment to even get in to. Real life gets in the way :p.

Sweet, happy to have you in the community

Count me in! I'd love to see this happen :)

Any room for those who built games to promote steem :p?

You would be top of my list :p. I really want to get steem games going, a game that uses steem as a currency where players can buy and sell items for steem would be a great push for the coin.

I don't know how to add Steem to a game as an in app currency. Ive been researching. Right now I have a game going live on gamejolt soon that uses a steemdollar as the ball.

Any bit helps :). Maybe we can get a way to play games on here and you can upload them on this site.

We could do that. Just need to read if we are allowed to. It involves making a sister site from Steemit.

I think it is encouraged. As long as it helps with their steem blockchain, they want to bring as much attention to the steem coin as possible.

Making a site to host games on now!

You can link to this site and make a post about it. Make sure it is okay first, I don't work for steemit, but as the made their source code MIT open source, I think they want all hands on deck to make the site and more importantly the coin, as popular as they can.

Well I am obviously game :D

Sweet :) Would be happy to have you on-board.

I would want to join!

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