[Response to @dantheman] And everyone else I have managed to piss off or alienate!

in #steemit8 years ago

So I just read the latest post from @dan (@dantheman) entitled "Our Corrupt Sense of Fairness" and well it was brilliantly written and contained a very unique perspective into a trend that I (and I would venture most people) have never considered.

It is the attitude of entitlement that is the seed of unfairness. The expectation that you deserve something that someone else has. This attitude of entitlement is often rooted in envy, you want what the other person has and you feel they don’t deserve it.

This specific section really got my attention, in fact I was almost ready to leave yet another negative comment until I got to this point. It made everything else he said suddenly make since and the "light came on upstairs" so to speak. Now, I don't completely agree with this statement and think it should actually say:

Dan's quote above did have the desired effect (at least on me) and is directly responsible for the realization I expressed in my comment below.

The attitude of entitlement is often the seed of unfairness. The expectation that you deserve something that someone else has is often rooted in envy, you want what the other person has and you feel that you deserve it as much as they do. Additionally, an attitude of abandonment or 'being ignored' can lead to the feeling of unfairness and quite often results in the a person feeling like they aren't being treated as an equal.

As he so eloquently put it in his post, there is no possible way to create "True Fairness" when more than one person is involved. Where I differ, significantly, in his position is that while "True Fairness" may be an illusion it can actually be achieved; at least as an illusion.

I have repeatedly stated problems I see with Steemit, things I perceived as unfair. I am not alone in those perceptions either as the comments on my previous posts will attest to. However, I have been approaching the situation all wrong. I have been waging a war against unfairness by calling out the people that I perceived being unfair and calling out the creators of a system I deemed to be unfair; that resulted in the unfairness being directed squarely at me.

That was most definitely poor judgement on my part and the wrong way to fight for what is right!

Now, having read Dan's most recent post, I now understand all his other recent posts and for the most part agree with him. There are things that can be done to make the system "More Fair" or at least give the "Illusion of Fairness" a stronger position. As he pointed out rules are necessary, even in an Anarchist Society like Steemit. What I am still not seeing from anyone, including Dan is an actual attempt at "defining those rules".

It should be blatantly clear to everyone, now, that there needs to be some SET STANDARDS, Base Line Rules, Guidelines that everyone on Steemit should follow. Moreover these Guidelines should be community derived via a consensus and publicly and prominently displayed for all members to easily find and follow.

So I have created a post at SteemGuides.Wiki with some "Proposed Guidelines" and a link to Community Discussion channel on Steemit.Chat. I will be collecting all the suggested Guidelines and putting them in a poll on SteemGuides.Wiki in a few days for everyone to vote on them.

Oh and I almost forgot, I am sorry for going about things in the wrong manner and for taking things so personally. If anyone sees me start doing that again, just bitch slap me and send me over to the post by Dan I referenced at the start of this post. Thank You and Happy Steeming!


As a newbie, I have to say that I am so sick and tired of other newbies throwing in the towel because their posts didn't make any money. TOUGH SHIT.
My posts haven't made any money either. In fact, the majority that's in my wallet is because someone upvoted my comment on someone else's post.

Guess what? We are in essence a social media platform. It takes communication and interaction to build a following and EARN the trust and readership of others.

I admit I have a hard time seeing junk get upvotes. Then I see how many people are following them and how many posts they've generated. Well, they did that by building a tribe of people.

So we need to get our heads out of our asses and just do what we do: Write. Create. Develop. Mine. Livecast, Podcast, be an outcast. All I know is that Steemit is a forum that has the potential for longevity. I've noticed a huge difference in my writing because of the freedom of expression here is AMAZING.

So yes - stop taking things so personally people - and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Venus, I love you man.

But can we please stop the drama waves? You're better than this!

Exactly the drama and the constant shift from one extreme to the other doesn't help.

I want you to be part of this community.
Makes me sad when you write nastyness.

The mistake here is "perfect" fairness. That's not the real expectation, and I think Dan should know it. "Reasonable" fairness. "understandable" fairness. Those are VERY achievable. Right now very good posts get crap, and some crap posts make a fortune. Plus we are seeing the SAME stuff rehashed over and over and getting whale votes and raking it in.

Perfect isn't necessary, never was. But with the upvote system the only way to make money here (no ads, and AFAIK no sales, no email capture) people who want to make money on content are TOTALLY dependent on the whales.

1000 minnows aren't worth one whale upvote here. But other places - 1000 people who like and respect your content is worth way more. THIS is a problem for steemit.com long term. If content of/for the masses isn't rewarded then it actually makes this a WORSE content platform.

It doesn't have to be that way though. It can be fixed.

I have no idea who you actually are and what your original problems here were, but I follow you for some reason and as I had just read Dan`s post, I read your take as well and I want to say: you made my day.
I actually agree with Dan, but I had that intellectual "theory" tested heavily in here myself and kept noticing how I reacted exactly the way you describe many many times. It seems to take a lot to admit mistakes, I hardly ever read honest apologies and admissions of having been wrong. So I appreciate very much what you just wrote!

Well written, and vouch for venupcs - he's a nice guy.

I will bitchslap you. Dont worry

Big ups. Glad to see the realization being made :)

Anarchy doesn't mean no rules, it means no rulers. I too agree that some sort of standards need to be put in place but specifically by the community itself. There needs to be an open discussion that goes on about it some where, some time.

There is a chat room for it (linked in article above) and a website (also linked above) for voting on them, once I compile a list of suggestions from the chat room.

It takes best of us to acknowledge we were wrong and accept others opinions. We are all humans and thus prone to mistakes. To add to your guides here is a post from yesterday about steem etiquettes which is on par with your guides

I already kind of covered some of this in my last post on Steemit Etiquette.

The guidelines are already there if you look for them.

Your link took me to a different post. You might want to fix it :)

Thanks. I've fixed it now:)

Sorry my friend, I didn't even look....There needs to be an actual community discussion and voting on the rules though and then they need to be prominently displayed on Steemit.com so everyone knows them and can follow them....don't you agree?

Perhaps it can be included in the new faq & wikee. Here's my version of the unwritten rules.

Since there are no actual rules in steemit, I think it would be better to have an archive within the wikee listing links like these. People can judge for themselves that way what rules they set themselves based on the advice we can provide from our own experiences.

Bud, come back to us! we love you man! <3

I sent a message to @riverhead bit don't know if it or this post will do any good.

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