Curation With Style: The Best of the Unmentionables Ep. 10 (3/10/17)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Warning: This curation list may cause an insatiable desire to join The Unmentionables and improve your writing - reader beware.

The best of The Unmentionables content (3/10/17) - curated with love.

(Huge thanks to @enchantedspirit for becoming our group curator - be sure to give her a follow and some love!)


I can't think of any words more compelling than those @mountainwashere himself wrote himself about Cadillac Desert. From his review, this book looks to be fascinating, infuriating, educational and heart-wrenching -- sometimes all at once. If the book itself is as lucid and intriguing as Mountain's review, it may hit every human emotion I could list. Here's part of what Mountain wrote:

Cadillac Desert tells a story of corruption, political skullduggery, and bribery to shock even veteran news junkies. The lesson that keeps proving itself throughout the book is that "In the West, water flows uphill towards money and power." It's a story of Indian tribes and poor farmers being forced off their land again and again to create reservoirs to benefit rich industrial farmers. It's a story of corrupt government officials and agencies recklessly ignoring the law and commonsense in their sheer obsession for building ever larger dams. It's a story of lives and livelihoods lost to the recklessness of dam builders. It's a story of catastrophic damage done to fragile ecosystems.


Book Review: Cadillac Desert
The American West and Its Disappearing Water
by Marc Reisner



If whistleblowers can be imprisoned, threatened, punished, shamed and ignored into silence, none of us is safe from anything people with assets and power care to do in their pursuit of greed and to further their own best interests. @neuromancer presents some interesting views and questions on the matter. It's one worth reading. (Oh, the talks this one and I could have!)

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Whistleblowers should be protected and financially rewarded:
Australian Parliamentary report, Financial Services Minister



@tremendospercy is back on the radar with another of his incomparable posts. (When does this man find time to write like this?) This one is on the history and leadership of North Korea, a country more and more in the news for all of us ... for all the wrong reasons. I've pushed this one down to the end of my row where I keep the stuff I've got to get back to. This one deserves some real time and respect!

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Meet the Kim's
A History of North Korea's
'Personality Cult' Dictatorship



We didn't get this one lined up in time to make use of it this week-end. Fortunately, there's another week-end coming around the bend. There always is. So here are some ideas on how to make the most of yours!


Inspiration Weekend ~ Do it for YOU!


My first few weeks on the internet convinced me public education needs some alternatives. @apanamamama presents intriguing insights into one choice.


What Are the "Riches" of a Charlotte Mason Education


And as long as we're discussing alternative schools, let's say a word about alternative work arrangements. I think many people on steemit are here looking to build a non-traditional work and career path for themselves. This one might strike a few chords with you!

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Let's Discuss Does Flexibility At Work Matters


I intended to include this one yesterday in our creative arts edition, but it got lost in the deluge of other good stuff I found. So, here it is now. If you've never heard of sega music either (maybe I've lived a sheltered life), you're in for a treat.

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Sega Music For You


I didn't know they did Halloween in other parts of the world. I thought that was just a North American thing. (See, I learn something new every day in this job.) But ex-pat Brit living now in Bulgaria (not to be confused with Croatia), @crazybgadventure has not only heard of it, he claims to love it.

So here are some early Halloween treats and a little bit of history. (I love Halloween because of the little bite-sized candy bars and other goodies we can stock up on in bulk. We haven't had a trick-or-treater at our house in years -- we live way out in the middle of nowhere -- but since I can't eat a whole candy bar at once, Halloween and Christmas treats were pretty much made for me!)

If you love Halloween, here's a treat for you!


Halloween is coming


Well, this is interesting. What would you at age 25 have written about yourself and your life to your future grandchildren? Or ... what would you write today to the yet-unborn generation of your own children / grandchildren? What would you say about who you are? What would you say about the world we're living in? @ellievallie offers some of her thoughts in one of the creative writing challenges that fuel lots of talent here on Steemit.


Memories of the Present


Well, here in the U.S., another ghastly, ugly surprise greeted us first thing today. Someone with a gun and an axe to grind has written his name in the history books in a way no one but he could possibly have wanted. There is no way to compensate for that, but this poem by @marialin can still remind us ... the power of love and human connection will eventually win. Hold that thought.

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A Hug For You


Visit our past posts!

Curation With Style No. 9
Curation With Style No. 8
Curation With Style No. 7
Curation With Style No. 6


Would you like the chance to see one of your posts featured here? Join our friendly writing-and-curating group The Unmentionables. Find us here: @unmentionable. Join us here -- on Discord. It's quick. It's easy. And you'll be glad you did. Three of the best reasons I can think of off the top of my head!

We hope to meet you soon on our dedicated Discord server -- where our awesome Welcome bot Mr. Meeseeks will greet you and get you started. Then a real human will hustle along to help you further. At least that's how it's supposed to work. If the room is empty when you arrive, give it a few. Eventually someone's bound to notice.


The author of this list of curated posts by members of The Unmentionables is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog. The opinions here are strictly hers ... but they're also very true! (With occasional prompting and cheerleading from @fatpandadesign. That guy has his fingers in every pie.)




All posts featured have received upvotes from our group account <3

Keep up the great work friends - it's so great to watch everyone grow and improve together!

Yea! Some great posts from the group. I love all of these "best of" posts. Helps me catch some of the ones I missed the first time around. Thanks for posting my schooling one. :)

Thanks for including me again! Love some of the other posts in here as well!

I love all the different things that we write about as a group, so diverse and interesting. One learns something new everyday.

Congratulations @unmentionable , we r much excited to know about it, wonderful job you have done.

I didn't have much to respond to all the posts but I have been browsing through. Great work everyone, you are the pride of #theunmentionables !

Thanks for the mention dudes.
What a great community.

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