Happy New Year & Resolutions & Update 3: Will It Grow In A Maze?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Happy New Year (Greek Vasilopita made by yours truly!)

Warning: I don't have much time so I will write my thoughts as they come, so things may be a bit incoherent :P

It's still 6:00 pm here in Greece and I am about to close 6 months on this wonderful platform. When I first registered on steemit I was still a cryptonoob with a portfolio of shitcoins worth about 100-200 euros or something. My initial plan was to just shit post memes and make pennies, but as time passed I got more involved with the platform and the people here and realized this is something that can actually grow into something HUGE so I decided to get more serious and I think in the last 3 months my content has definitely matured! I worked hard, posted lots of shit, did some good trades and that pathetic portfolio of 100-200 euros has really exploded. Not filthy rich yet had but I think I am on a good start :D

By the way, since my last post on steemit & alexa ranking just three days ago, steemit jumped another 40 positions from 690# to 652#:

So hopefully, when I write Happy New 2019 on steemit in a year from now I bet just the STEEMs I am hodling and hoarding will be worth a shit load of $$ :D And as a new years resolution I plan to promote steemit as much as I can, both in real life and the internet. I made a start today by leaving a link on bitcointalk:

Starting from tomorrow, I will start placing more links on other sites too and even show you how to do it effectively yourself. I can't make much difference by myself but all together can become an unstoppable power :D

By the way, Gridcoin (from the pic above) is the first "serious" alt-coin I got involved. It's the biggest "scientific" coin and unlike bitcoin, its biggest benefit is that mining calculations aren't pointless but instead help cure aids & cancer, discover netrino stars, search for alien life, solve complex math problems..heck even decode old encrypted enigma messages by the NAZIs! In shorts, it promotes science. It is also one of the oldest cryptos, the community is ever growing and there are so many things happening atm I need a whole post to mention them. The price is exploding the past few days as a result and even hit ATH (in $, not satoshi) when everything else was in red, but I am definite it will go even higher in 2018. Yes, it's one of my favorite coins (along with steem) and I might sound like a shiller but I advise you to have a good look, I think it's something worth investing and participating, even if it's just for philanthropic reasons! You can start by reading this post by @dutch and this post by @vortac highlighting some of the latest things going on, visit the official website and of course the gridcoin steemit community and decide for yourself if it's something you would like to get into!

And speaking of science have you heard about steemstem? Steemstem is a curation team here on steemit (I am an active member) that supports good scientific posts. Doesn't matter the science. It can be biology, physics, mathematics, whatever. As long as you post something scientifically sound, properly written and referenced and ORIGINAL chances are you will get some good support! Just make sure to use the tag #steemstem so we can find you easier! Here's a link with more info on steemstem and here's another with some guidelines for how to write a good science post!  Oh yeah, don't forget to upvote for witness these two cool guys: @gtg and @delegate.lafona They both are very pro-science and support SteemStem!

So, as 2018 is about to hit our doors, I would like to wish everyone to have a happy & productive new year in good health! And I would also like to say a big thank you to each and every one of you who have hit that upvote button even once, except those pesky spammers of course that upvote everything and leave stupid "nice post" comments. I definitely hate you :P

Special wishes and mention goes to @lemouth and @justtryme90 founders of SteemStem (I would have never reached lvl 64 without them), @vortac the kind whale supporting gridcoin content, @rouketas and @skapaneas founders of the greek-trail and @onceuponatime which as I like to say is the Lord Byron of the greek steemit community. A final mention goes to @mobbs. First because he is an idiot and second because he is a really hard working person that helps this place get better in so many ways and gets very little in return. He can add this special mention in his list of worthless shit he gets for working his ass of to make steemit better. A big thank you of course goes to my beloved @ruth-girl :)Maybe I forgot someone that also deserves a special thank you. My apologies, not intentional :) 

And before I close this post, here's an update (here's part 1 and here's part 2) on my review of the "Will It Grow In A Maze" kit... Although one of the two beans started to root upside down, the other one is on its way to freedom:

Remember... As a wise man once said...Life, uh finds a way

P.S.: No I didn't made the vasilopita. It was made by my mother. I can barely boil an egg XD


Happy New Year!


started drinking already ? Happy new year my online friend, hope we meet IRL one day. My promise for the summer is still on :D

The part of posting shit memes and making pennies is so true haha!! I used to think the exact same way and I DID post some shit memes and did make some shit pennies LMFAO!!!!

And I also started out with a crappy portfolio full of shitcoins. I still have a semi-crappy portfolio, but now I'm trying to hold more established coins like steem and ripple and learned so much about cryptocurrency here on steemit!! Now at least I know what are the coins to hold!! I still don't have enough steem power and steem and sbd yet to make me rich by 2019, but I hope this year I will be able to reach a decent amount and definitely it's only SteemSTEM that makes me hopeful about!!!

Long Live Steemit and SteemSTEM!! Happy new year!!

P.S. Just voted for @gtg and @delegate.lafona as witnesses!!

Happy new year my friend. Keep posting good stuff often and by the end of 2018 you will have a nice chunky collection of steems :D

Haha thanks for the encouragement!! Will try to post more regularly after exams!!

HAPPY NEW... oh... we have 4 hours ....

Thank y..oh wait <3

ok, now happy new year :D

:) Happy new year !

Happy New Beer! :)

Happy new beer to you :*

I hope to eat some fasolada with those beans!!

I just hope you don't get gassy!

We'll save on heating expenses :P

Nice Post :P

Έμεινε κάνα κομματάκι για μας? :PPP Καλή χρονιά με υγειά και ευτυχία!

μπαααα, εφαγωθει εν ριπη οφθαλμου!

Χαχαχα.. που να δεις την δική μου.. να φανταστείς εγώ δεν την δοκίμασα! Που να μην ήταν φαγωμένοι οι καλεσμένοι μου!!! χαχαχα

Καλή χρονιά με υγεία ,ευημερία , έμπνευση και δημιουργικότητα ! Σε ευχαριστώ από καρδιάς για την στήριξη όλον αυτό τον καιρό. Η μεθοδικότητά σου ήδη αποδίδει και μαζί με 2-3 ακόμη στην Ελληνική κοινότητα είσαι παράδειγμα για εμάς τους όχι τόσο σχετικούς .

Ευχαριστώ @giosou :D

Idiots have to compensate with hard work, we dum dums can't sit around thinking about stuff all day!

Thanks for the mention. I don't get much compared to you guys but I get more than the average schmuck on here... probably

hey you get more than us, don't complain :P

Now I look we're actually about the same, but you guys far surpassed me in Rep levels so at some point you were battering me. The race is on!

yeah because you took a 3 week break!

HNY to you as well trumpinou! I wish you the beast for this new year that is just starting, and I know I am not very original (but I cannot change myself :p). Maybe will we finally meet in 2018 if I come to Greece again? :)

As long as you don't visit a remote island and notify us a 2-3 weeks before sure thing :D

lol. This is a deja-vu :p

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