Time for a Steemit Outreach Program?

in #steemit8 years ago

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Three weeks ago I wrote a two-part series called Anti-fragility VS Uncertainty where the main theme was that the resilient survives and the anti-fragile gets stronger.

Back then the price of steem was low and the overall morale was a little affected as a consequence.

Here’s the thing, I’m not a philosopher. I like to believe that people like my writing because there is always some real work underneath that backs it up. You are the architect and the mason, it’s not an either/or.

But I did really mean what I said, not only that but I changed my focus to think about how we can not only resist the uncertainty but come out stronger from it, and for that to happen (without having to reinvent the wheel) we pretty much have to focus on our strengths instead of dwelling on our weaknesses.

Playing to our Strengths

Needless to say, the user base is one of the strongest assets we have in steemit. The success of Steemfest alone has no parallels in the crypto-currency world.

Whenever a problems occur, the community seems to pull together to provide solutions.

A few months ago, some of us got together and created Project Curie to help with user retention among other aspects, and then created The Steem Guild to assist even further as the users started graduating from Curie, and then we expanded to other tags and languages with the help of many collaborators that we work closely with on a daily basis.

Furthermore, we launched a new project just two weeks ago in order to help even further with retention and boost engagement and reward short and medium content as well.

And there are many, many active steemians that spend a lot of time and effort every single day to assit the platform from preventing plagiarism, to user retention.

This is truly amazing!

But the most important question becomes:

What if on addition to user retention, we made a similar effort for promoting and attracting new users?

This could be huge, would it not?

Without further ado, welcome the Steemit Outreach Program:

The Steemit Outreach Program

The first questions to answer whenever you are trying to launch any project, initiative or startup are What problems are we solving? and Who are we targeting?

At first glance, the second question seems to be a fairly easy thing to answer, the first thing that comes to mind is: Well, everyone, we need people from all walks of life, all ages, background and creeds… After all if we want steemit to grow, it has to be inclusive to all kinds of people, right?

While that is absolutely true, it’s still too vague of a strategy to build any base upon.

In the end, it’s like any business really, you have to focus on a couple of very specific niches first get a solid user base and expand from there. Preferably, you start with those who have a problem that you provide a solution to.

The Pareto Principal

In the early 20th century, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20% of the pea pods in his garden produced approximately 80% of the peas. This later became known as the Pareto Principal, or the 80/20 principal.

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In short, the 80/20 Principle basically states that the 20% of the input or action will produce the 80% of the output or results.

Many successful entrepreneurs and businesses operate on this principal as they routinely try to determine which 20% of their customers bring in 80% of sales and which 20% of their costs lead to 80% of their expenses.

And of course, it's always the 20% of the members that bring 80% of the audience.

Suppose we launch some publicity efforts randomly, then in that case you have got to know that the chances of success are gonna be random as well, right?

You can’t expect aunt Sally who is not very tech savvy to get a hang on the platform at this stage before it’s more user friendly.

Not to forget, not everyone is open to adopting new technologies to the same degree. Some people have more pre-disposition than others and that's OK.

So what if the efforts were concentrated to reach the tons of content creators, bloggers, Youtubers that have already spent months creating content without much luck monetizing?

Better chances of success right?

Stronger Hands

The upside is that many of them will bring their quality content in the platform, they have been doing this for a long time, they learned to be patient with these projects so they are inevitably much more likely to stick during times of volatility than your average Joe.

And of course, they will probably bring their audience with them. Because not everyone is an early adopter, in fact, for most people they have to wait until they see either enough people around them or someone they follow for them to join.

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Instead of going at it randomly, a better allocation of time and effort would be to be self-aware about the stage that platform is at this very moment and take that into consideration, thus understanding that most people are in fact followers and so we act accordingly instead of going against the current.

No successful marketer has reaped massive success by going against human psychology.

Plus, why not use the 80/20 principle to our advantage?

After all, the 20% percent of the people create 80% of the value, and 20 % of the creators attract 80% of the followers…

Now, we’re starting to use the numbers in our advantage.

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Stronger Network

“Six degrees of separation doesn't mean that everyone is linked to everyone else in just six steps. It means that a very small number of people are linked to everyone else in a few steps, and the rest of us are linked to the world through those special few.”

― Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Honesty Before Everything

One thing to keep in mind, is that as all relationships go, there is no substitute for honesty and trust, while we are aiming to attract content creators at scale, we are also solving a problem for them, monetization.

While it may not much right now, it sure can be substantial as we grow which means that the mutual interest for all is to grow the platform as much as possible.

After all, the best types of relationship is when everybody benefits.

The Power of Advertising

The reason why ads and commercials never run out of fashion is because they create brand awareness.

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One way to promote anything is to try engage directly, straight to the point. Just cold approach people and tell them about your product.

The problem here is that you will probably have less chances of success than a Jehova Witness, since no one feels the need to respond politely to an email from a stranger.

Another way to go, is to use psychology on your side and respect the fact that most people respond better to things they have seen before than to things that were presented to them for the first time.

And since we are playing it smart, you know which route we’re taking.

Expect more ads, publicity and promos like this one:

Timing is the new location, we live in the direct to consumer era, and so the ads will have to be directed specifically to a target audience like the one described before.

And then, after that we approach them using official or unofficial steemit ambassadors.

At the time of writing this ads are being tested along with other tools that we will discuss later, but for now I leave you with this thought:

Is it time we launch a fully operational outreach program?

@the-alien, @donkeypong and Project Curie

Image Sources: 12345


IMO, Steemit as a stand-alone isn't the future. It's nice, and if the new changes increase the value of Steem then it can be more attractive. But I expect the community to grow according to the applications and various sites associated with it, offering a huge array of goods and services to readers and participants.
Long on ideas, short on tech knowledge = tough to implement. :P

I agree, but also on the top of attractive aps, why not make an effort to attract users.

Even Apple makes ads despite the attractive product, I think it's worth a shot :)

Certainly! I think the growth I speak of will be more organic but also larger, in contrast with a campaign focused on gathering more interest in Steemit.
A rising tide... right?

Oh absolutely! Organic growth is everything, no growth hacking (hence the stronger hands part) :)

As soon as the Shapeshift implementation is done, I believe Steemit users should flood OpenBazaar with their goods and services, both physical and digital, and start helping grow not only the Steem economy https://steemit.com/openbazaar/@cryplectibles/openbazaar-using-steem-within-app , but also Steemit growth itself as anyone shopping on OpenBazaar starts noticing all the stores appearing that are taking or receiving their payments in Steem

That could be a cool game plan. I've never shopped or sold there, but would certainly be willing to pursue such a campaign.

I'm hoping people jump in. I see a marketplace that accepts all forms of cryptocurrency payments on top of being decentralized, meaning no censorship of any type of sales of any kind, and a way for Steemit to start taking all these great arts and crafts I see and put it on a global marketplace. Just the thought of people spending their Bitcoin to buy your Steem because you unloaded some items like you would have on Ebay or Etsy anyways.

It is of utmost importance that we start the work of marketing and bringing the next wave of people in. I like your ideas and I totally agree that we have to smart in doing so. Vagueness won't do it. We have to be specific.

By the way, I love that video, we should make a LOT of such videos. Giving it a humour spin is a brilliant idea in my opinion as people react to comedy more than anything else. Well maybe suspense too, but you get my point! :)

Haha that's the plan! More video to come :)

Thanks @sauravrungta!

This is fantastic! Great ad too. Has Steemit tried a FB ad campaign yet? I wonder if it would even get approved.

I think a growth based on creating a value for people, with a goal or purpose of the platform, would help structure the platform towards that goal, and attract similar people who share that goal. Without a direction or goal, it seems many people want to take Steemit in many directions at once, and we are left rudderless running around, maybe? When a company or venture is starting out, it's best to have a focus and goal to create something oriented in one direction, not free floating.

The original blogging, quality content rewarding platform idea, seems to be shifting... which was the message, meaning and purpose for me to join. That was the original target to attract. Is the model going to change in so m any directions as to no longer make that what the platform was, is or will be? Will existing users who are here for the blogging content reward feel like we lost our home, and will new people who fit that old target want to join?

I think the ideal thing would be to build on the user base we have, and attract more. don't you think?

Yeah. And what is the current user base? Already it seems to be stretching apart in different avenues. I though tit was a blogging user base when I came here... but it seems some people want to focus more on getting anyone to join based on whatever those people are interested in (anything), rather than trying to make Steemit about something specific and get those people to join. One is less focused and less organized, and the other is has a direction to head in. For me it's easy which way to go forward...

Kris, I think I miss-understood your prior comment, sorry!

I thought you said, that if we should sacrify the current audience in favor of a new one or not... So I answered building on the current userbase. We have to empower the current content creators that are here of course and grow from there.

The outreach program here is about bringing other quality content creators with an audience, expand the market cap and teh value of steem grows.

Nothing will change for the current user base, we will still have curation guilds to reward them only the value of steem will be higher.

That's the idea.

Yeah, but lets build a solid system and base first before reaching out to make Steemit bigger. It's still beta, the UI is lacking for most millennial desires, and more developments are coming to improve that and the backend overall. But lets develop what we have first into something solid, then expand to new markets and new audiences to attract. Make a clear vision, and clear purpose for the platform to start and get people based on a direction and solidity for the start up. Then after we are firmly going branch out and expand. No business tarts up by going after too much, and with little clear direction. Steemit is different, but to start, it needs more definition, specifics. Then growth. That's how I see it anyways. The growth will come as we make the platform something solid and specific for people to come to it for that reason. Right now people are disheartened from low new users and are trying everything to make everyone happy... to get as many new people to come.. I don't view that as a wise strategy. Thanks. Peace.

I think a growth based on creating a value for people, with a goal or purpose of the platform, would help structure the platform towards that goal, and attract similar people who share that goal.

Agree with this. Also agree on scattered goals from the blog for money original presented idea. Although many are finding different ways to post their talents such as art and photography and writing about different things. Am interested in a shares goal. Think that that idea may be more for steem than steemit in a way. Still not ure what applications may be best for users to grow in value in a current system of higher and lower vest holders that maybe have different steem valued directions trying to find a common goal in the middle ground some where maybe...

Yes, we definitely need to attract more people and share the Steemit model with a wider audience. I think there have been enough changes and improvements that the time has come for full-scale outreach.

Absolutely! I really couldn't agree more.

Agree with outreach ideas and the 80/20 rule. Keep up the great work!
Part of why I joined up with #steemprentice with the idea of a group of mentors and apprentices that can reach out to each other anytime in the steemprentice chat channel where live help is available between users of many different areas and levels of skills and knowledge.
Resteemed and shared on twitter

Thank you @virtualgrowth! It seems like we talk in so many channels :)

You can invite me to the chat room of course if you want, and I will be happy to help.

Steem_Land Steemland.com tweeted @ 29 Nov 2016 - 17:48 UTC

Time for a Steemit Outreach Program? — Steemit

steemit.com/steemit/@the-a… / https://t.co/vnGWpI0Tpm

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot @Beyond_Bitcoin

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

you keep mentioning attracting more people. there are over 100,000 users yet only 3,500 daily users. ive been here since july when there were only a few thousand users. the advertising worked but unfortunately when the users got here they didn't carry on using the site, THAT IS THE MAJOR ISSUE. i keep seeing posts about more advertising, more media. it doesnt matter how many ppl we bring to the site, if everybody keeps avoiding the elephants in the room its just a waste of time. think about it. the advertising brings over 100,000 users to a site where you can make money and yet 97% of said users don't bother using it! obviously the lack of advertising is not an issue, the site itself is. if we all came together to solve the steemit issue (which ppl daren't do for fear of steemicide lol) then those new users would be active and stay. 3% active users is ridiculous. ppl need to open their eyes and tackle this

Hah! Great, creative steemit commercial.. the best i've seen so far! Psychology, yes... Emotions, absolutely. ;) My own contribution to this new genre is forthcoming.

Video is a great format!
Not sure if this specific video is going to attract people or explain them what is it you're trying to promote.
It's a very thin line between nice promo and "start making money on internet!" type of promo, which is everybody tired of.

Yeah the point of promos is just to get people familiarized with the brand so when the outreach is launched we bypass the natural fear of the unknown that is now replaced by a fun memory :)

Good place to start then, keep it going! :)

I fully agree with what you said and we need this outreach program to attract (and retain) more users.

Concerning the video, I however think (as said already elsewhere btw) that the monetary should come as a plus and not as a main incentive. Otherwise, users could come, get frustrated and leave in a week or two. This being said, the video is cool and could definitely serve as an attractor. :)

Yeah about the video, it's mainly my fault that I didn't explain the role of promos well, the objective is not to attract people to steemit directly, but to create a bran awareness and create a positive emotion attached to the brand.

The promos then are gonna be placed specifically and sonn after when the outreach is launched to the target audience (future friends some of them I hope) people will not only be familiarized by the brand but the fear if the unknown emotion is gonna be replaced by a positive recent emotion :)

The goal of the promo was never to explain what steemit is, but the facilitate the next step.

As I said, mainly my fault to not explain it well, sorry for that.

Oki now I see. Thanks for the clarification :)

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