Thank You Galore!!! Enlist Every Steemian That Impacted You In The Month Of April; Say Why And Say: "THANK YOU!"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In the month of March, i started Thank You Galore; a monthly Thank You Party which is necessary to strengthen community, to show gratitude towards one another, to incite mining with minds and ofcourse recap on great testimonials and amazing things that happened within the month. 

Well, many great things happened in the Month of April and again:

steemit was very much involved!

Thank you galore for April is coming late but it is better late. The truth is April became my most draining month. My body broke down from doing months of no sleep and trying to run secular call center job, steemit and then VIVA came up too.

The thing with steemit is, one day passes and you are not on it and you miss out on opportunities. Your very presence on steemit can surprise you with amazing opportunities and i am testimony to this. For instance, i ended up finding myself involved in the VIVA project and i was given the privilege to be Crown Holder and this all stemmed from being present on steemit on particular days!

 There other amazing things too that were born in April and some of these beautiful things are triggered by events on steemit or actions of other steemians. 

To fully enjoy steemit, you have to be present!

A new road to steemit growth and a new marketing strategy involving the entire steemit community became more fully blown in April leading to the creation of community-driven growth ideas and in my case sparked up the birth of #steemgigs and @steemgigs.

Hardfork 1.8 gave us new opportunities as well. It was a learning period as it helped us look for active ways to improve the situation. This may have involved; getting to know the community better; using the time of low rewards to learn to create better as well building more solid connections by interacting more. We also learned to remove financial rewards from the picture and focus on broader and more lasting forms of rewards!

Many other beautiful things happened on steemit in April and i won't be able to enlist all but i do remember the new friends i met in April and i am out to celebrate them in this post. 

In general, i am grateful to all steemians because gifting the internet a piece of ourselves daily by mining with our minds, is sheer selflessness and anyone joining causes, for the betterment of humanity should be celebrated.

Steemit is the first of its kind and i am grateful! Steemit has created room for limitlessness, opportunity and hope. There is now some new-found hope daily, that someone could contact you on or discord and say; "Terry, look at this opportunity or "Terry, join me in this venture or Terry", i love what you are doing, check your wallet, i left you a small gift. Most of all, i now have the fulfillment from knowing that i have put myself to use daily. I don't get this feeling when i sit imprisoned on that small office chair, taking in calls non-stop in the midst of excruciating pain.

I will stop here in expressing how grateful i am, because many words can't express this gratitude, thus, i will use 2 and these will be:

"Thank You"

Imagine a place; borderless; hosting such great minds; a sand box upon which you can test your ideas without shame, till they become fully alive and you have all these great minds telling you; "Go on; you are on the right track"; "you inspired me"; "you are awesome"; "we know you already know that you are great but we feel the need to tell you again". Imagine this place, also filled with brotherhood; love; creation's beauty; companionship; creativity; genius; peace; playful fights; and so much bare and free info! 

"What else to do we need to keep our dreams alive in dream-bits, till they come true?"

Suddenly; "dreams equals reality" and this requires a ginormous:

 "Thank You!"

It is easy to now overlook the weight of a simple "Thank You"

By "Thank You", i mean those two words; the ones we used, before the existence of fiat money, cryptocurrency, upvotes, elaborate comments, grammar classes etc

"Thank You" is still really weighty and we will put it to use again today!

April has ended but it is better late than never. We will start now and this be carried out again for the month of May! We will be putting out a series per month, to say "Thank You"

Some usernames are hard to spell, but for those that have had recent real impact on us and WE; for those to whom we have tangible gratitude for; we will remember how to spell their username BY HEART! 

So this is how it will go: In the comment section below, feel free and state from your memory and with much love, all the steemians you can remember; who impacted you awesomely in the month of April and blow them a simple yet heartfelt "Thank You!" 

Also, state a brief summary of how they have impacted you, so that they know, that you have them in your hearts and so that they are spurred to keep on in the ultimate art of upbuilding humanity and reshaping the INTERNET.

I will start with my Thank YOU(s):

Utmostly i thank our Creator Jehovah for helping me find steemit and these amazing community of steemians that constitute it and ofcourse for keeping me alive and healthy and for the beautiful sense of sight, touch, smell, etc

@sykochica has tended to me like her little toddler steemian, non-stop. No words! She has done many many things to help me grow on steemit. Growing on steemit means growing as a human in general. The flagging; the bad-post-days; the errors; the weak internet; the bugs; the no-interaction-days, the amazing-post days, the amazing-comments days; the gifts; etc "THIS IS ACTUAL GROWTH!

"Dear Sykochica; THANK YOU!"

@papa-pepper I always feel good saying this name out. From the tiny chilli peppers; to amazing large GIFs in his replies; to his believing in me like he knew me from Mars; to his supporting @steemgigs and the whole #steemgigs venture behind the scenes; to his helping me bring my tiny steemit dreams to life; to his many steem gifts!

@papa-pepper Big Thank You!

@williambanks: for the sleepless nights he is have to bring the VIVAconomy fully to live, so that he can gift something to humanity and put smiles on many many people's faces and for giving me the rare opportunity to be part of this awesome vision.

@williambanks real Thank YOU!

@anotherjoe: for believing in me for no real reason 

Thank you bro!

@ned and @dan: You create steemit and are too lazy to QUIT!


@infovore: He has done great things for me and has reach out to me on his own. He has supported my work and this man is a total inspiration and an evidential example, that my path to CEOism is possible on the steem blockchain.

Thank YOU for being behind-the-scenes for me!

@benjojo A busy man, yet my keen behind-the-scene adviser. Even at times when he is not very active on steemit, his impact on me stays present. He believes in me and even sees the innovative aspects of me; and gosh, he relishes giving!

A giant THANK YOU!

@kus-knee For all the inspiration he gives by just being himself and laying it bare. I am especially grateful for his active support for #steemgigs and for single-handedly making it a fun endeavor and an exciting experience. He listens to me and supports me, like he knows me from Adam!

THANK YOU @kus-knee

@tamim: This man has simply been great and he does his greatness without publicity!

Thank you @tamim

@barrydutton Here is one powerful man! Even when he is down and near the ground, he will hand to you, a piece of himself to support you, so that you don't fall. There are so many great things ahead and in this near future for this man! If i believe this for you, then believe this even more! Moreover, he is one steemian who says; "Our Boy Terry!"

@barrydutton Thank You!

@instructor2121: Among many other things, he is always proud to say: "Our boy Terry!"

Thank You! @instructor2121

@uwelang: Is simply always there!


@jacobts, @matt-a and @mammasitta are simply always there behind the scenes supporting my post!


@surfermarly This surfer girl is simply a queen. She has surf boards, a heart and space in it. She harts! Even when she isn't here, her impact stays!


@aksinya A simple calm beautiful soul. She fills the space with gentle soothing! Even though, i have not interacted much lately because of being too drained, she will always arrive, if i call!

Thank YOU

@dreemit: has to take care of family these days but she heartily stays my fan.


@clayboyn: Never wants you to feel down or powerless! He is out to remind you that you can do it!

Thank YOU

@tincho "Paborito Argentine!" Greatness! "And forget it, your English is just perfect!"

My THANK YOU is in English but it is all good!

@edje @timcliff @majes @meesterboom @buzzbeergeek @clayboyn @ausbitbank @klye for being available to call for @steemgigs


@andrarchy and @lovejoy for seeing something in me!


@merej99: Is just such a kind woman and it just shows everywhere on steemit that you see her! She also pampers me on VIVA! Much love for her!

Thank YOU @merej99

@rahul.stan @aashishkandel @deepapoudel: Steemian youths who have really inspired me lately!

Triple Thank You

@pitterpatter: For constantly beautifying steemit with heartfelt comments.

Thank YOU!

@moondancer762: Thank you for incessantly talking to me and for patiently answering hundreds of my questions!


@ogoowinner; for humble listening and allowing herself to grow and become a testimony. Too, for her recent kind acts towards others. 

Thank YOU

Share Your Thank YOU list, with us below!

This list can decide to be never-ending, like the process of "mining with minds" on steemit is; so i now leave it to you dear steemians, to build this comment section below, in one Ginormous;


Today is for gratitude. It is easy! Just say;

 "Thank YOU"! 

Disclaimer: This is my post, so feel free, say as many THANK YOU(S) as you want, for who i'm i to halt you!

 Your Boy Terry



Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another! 

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful


Thanks to @timcliff for cluing me in to PPY.
Thanks to @virtualgrowth for helping me learn how to use Bitshares.
Thanks to @merej99 and the VIVA team for all their work.
Thanks to @sevinwilson and @lydon.sipe for being my sports guys here.
Special thanks to everyone who has blessed me with upvotes, comments and follows

Gosh why did i forget to mention you, you gave 25k steem. Thank you for your gratitude here!

Welcome and thank you for the mention.

Gosh @virtualgrowth, did i forget to mention you? You already became one of my mentors. I was watching @mrwang's video just now before submitting this post and he even mentioned you as someone he looks up to, so how can i forget you guys in this post, when i look up to you too!

You just mentioned me. :)

Well a thank you yo you to.. Keep it up!

Okay i will, draco. Thank you for a very simple yet special comment!

I am honoured by what you had to say in this post my man.

You are such a good soul. I do have a brotherly love for you dude.

I am humbled by your words here!

Your boy, Barry.


@tamim has helped so many people, so quietly -- you are so right, that really struck a chord in me reading this tonight, 100% accurate Terry

When you say your boy Barry, it is an honor cos you cherish my own tiny line and don't mind using it for yourself. i know that their are great things in the near future and i have a list for when my small empire of giving begins. @dreemit, see how Barry says: "Your boy Barry!"

You are right.

I started that with you once in awhile, and only say it with is my tiny little affectionate way of honouring you and your heart brother.

And I know from day one, you really understood that.

Thank you @surpassinggoogle for inspiring me.
Thank you @acidyo for helping out with my posts.
Thank you @papa-pepper for your awesome contests.
Thank you @clains for the 50 steem you sent me.
And many others who have helped me here. If I put all of you here, it would never end.

Hahaha, sweetness! Life is about these tiny yet overwhelming moments!

Indeed it is.

:) I'll stick with my tried and true line:
"We're all in this together."

Out of anyone on Steemit, you bring me the most joy surpassinggoogle. I've done remarkably little for the acknowledgement you've given me. I just think your ideas, the way you execute them is full of care, love, joy, respect and imagination. Just keep going bud.

Your impact is huge and it is in the way you carry yourself. Even in comments, in your discussions and comments that would have been arguments, you carry yourself well and you have a firm voice when needed. You talk in the voice of a mentor and from day one. From the first time you spoke to me, you believed in me, my vision, my quality and the ability to spot these things is power. Sometimes to be respected is gift. Some people have this presence, people just long to respect you. You have this qualities. We have not interacted much lately simply because i have been drained. i am building my company from nothing and every one of my simple posts has excerpts of it. i will pause now. i am grateful!

Thank you @surpassinggoogle for inspiring me,
Thank you @aashishkandel for inviting me to this great community and also motivating and promoting me selflessly,
Thank you @unmean-stweets for inspiring and motivating me,
Thank you @steemvoter for promoting me and others,
And, thank you EVERYONE who is a part of this community :)

Did you read my post from yesterday already? You were in it too! And in it, i mentioned too that you inspire me!

No, I read it today and I have commented how you inspired me and many others :)
I couldn't read it yesterday for I came here late and also couldn't get notified about the mention, I really think there should be a notification for mentions in steemit!

There is notification! Do you use a pc or smart fone?

I use pc, there's notification for pc or smart fone?

I will always be a fan of yours Terry, you rock!!

i am so glad about that. This year will be very special!

I too want to thank @papa-pepper. The how to guides that he has posted have truly helped me become a better content creator.

@justinashby, my brother, my best friend. I couldn't imagine life without you.

@prettykitten my beautiful, amazing girlfriend. You brighten my day!

And a general thank you to the Steem community! You guys are absolutely amazing!

So so so sweet. I got speechless! it would have been amazing if my immediate family was on steemit and i can thank them public, how nice!

Thanks for the post. My brother got me on the platform, and I got my girlfriend to join. I have been trying to spread the word of Steemit. No one cared what I was talking about when I kept saying "Steem is worth 7 cents" or when I said "12 cents" or even "35 cents". Now when I say "Steem is a dollar" and "My investment is worth almost ten times what I put in" they pay more attention. More people will join. It's just a matter of time.

It is. People will join. Once the delays with sign abates people will join! We are in this journey together!

You are so sweet. I love you so much. I think you are the most wonderful gift this life has given me @gogogadget. I couldn't imagine a better fit for me than you.
I as well share the news of steemit on a app called liveme. So far not a lot of people listen, but i keep trying.

i won't lie @prettykitten, this is so much sweetness to handle. It is amazing to a steemit couple profess the depth of their love for one another. Grow a thread, grow a thread here, @gogogadget. Unravel unravel unravel, i don't mind!

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