If You Could Have Lunch With One Person, Who Would It Be?

in #steemit7 years ago

This is a question that divides people into three groups.

On one group there's those who don't answer, on the other one, there are those who answer quickly with any famous person they can remember or those who stop and stare into abyss of the vast nothingness of life.

Well, today I saw this sentece and stopped to consider... what if?

If I could have lunch with one person, who would it be?

I was the one who stared into the abyss and didn't seem to find any answer I'd consider a good choice.

What about you?

There's no Correct Answer: I Asked Around.

Haunted by the fact I couldn't make up my mind, I went to search for answers.

I turned to my girlfriend and asked for her answer... she instantly said:


Bah, what a stupid answer... granted he's as close to a national hero as we have, but a football player?

Heck, if she was going to have lunch with him, then my answer would be to have lunch with them as well, can't have a millionnaire superstar have lunch with my girlfriend alone now can we?

No matter... I decided to go to a friend I considered to be a wise soul.

I asked him the question. He then answered with Elon Musk.

Well, damn I should have know... he is always on 9gag.com and finds himself to be sophisticated so of course.

Regardless, I can see value in that, the man had a very rough life and he keeps on enduring. So I ask him why?

He then said: Because I'd pitch business ideas.

Bah! Disappointing... that isn't reason enough for me.

Let's Make It Easier: If You Could Have Lunch with Anyone Currently in Steemit... Who Would That Be?

What's the best way to answer a tough question?

Well, it's by changing it to an easier one and go from there.

So, I'd like all of you to tell me down on the comments section:

  • Who Would You Choose To Have Lunch With?

The only rule is: You can't pick me!

I figure the easy way out is to just mention the poster, so no! Answer with someone else.

But even this one is a tough question... I'm staring at the Abyss as we speak.

Would I pick Steemians I identify myself with such as @flauwy, @taskmaster4450, @maverickinvictus?

Would I pick a good friend like @underground, @eonwarped?

Would I pick a platonic passion such as @dawnsheree, @amymya, @cryptosharon?

Would I go for a good time with crazy @anjkara, @eaglespirit or @lunaticpandora?


Would I try to help this community grow by going directly to the big man himself, @ned?

I really don't have an answer... the question is.


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Bucket of Goodies:


If I were to pick ANYONE to have lunch with? Without a doubt -- Natalie Portman. I've had a crush on her since I saw her in Mars Attacks. I was 9, and she was 15 (and in movies) -- alas, it was never meant to be.

If I were to pick someone from Steemit? I'd probably go with @lukestokes. Seems like a very interesting guy, and I've read a few of his posts now that have explained things really clearly. I'd be keen to pick his brain. He's no Natalie Portman, though.

I am certainly no Natalie. Hahah! If you’re ever traveling through Nashville, let me know, and we’ll make it happen.

@mstafford, if you accept this invite remember I made it possible :P

And I shall be (and am, I suppose) grateful.

Will do! Maybe one day a Canucks vs Predators NHL game will get me out that way. I'll keep it in mind!

Yes - you get my upvote for Natalie! I have had a huge crush on her forever too...I was in the boston area while she was at Harvard and I thought we would probably bump into each other and end up dating, but as you said "alas, it was never meant to be"!

As for a steemian, I would pick @freedom - just to find out who it is!

How hard could it be to bump into one person! Haha. Or maybe you did, but didn't notice...? Lots of celebrities tend to look radically different when they're not done up by an army of make-up wizards.

Just checked out @freedom's page -- peculiar... It's kind of shocking to see how much SP some accounts have sometimes.

Natalie Portman seems like a really intelligent, talented woman. I’d concur

Admirable traits!


Celebrities usually leave me cold but that woman is both idol and enigma to me. Then again... I would probably be speechless. Seems like a waste of a dinner/lunch.

You could always ask her to serenade you.

Ok, I can play this game.

Fictional = The woman played by Ellen Burstyn in Resurrection ---> because I want to learn how to do what she does
Dead = Thornton Wilder or maybe Harry Chapin ---> because I love their work and I think we have a lot in common
Living = Jimmy Carter, the real Bernie Sanders, or maybe David Letterman
Steemit = @enginewitty (because the Dude be crazy), @spiritualmax (because he fascinates me) or @awakentolife (because I owe him)

There are others.

I love that scene! OMG .. you so get me!! xoxox

I had the rule of no nominating the poster :P
But I was NOT aware I fascinated you... that made my night :)
I'm glad you find me interesting. :)

Ah, yes, but rules were made to be broken -- under the right conditions. And I surrounded you with fine company ... and the answer was clearly not a "quick-and-easy" one, but very well-considered. (And ... occasionally you do learn something delightful when you follow the rebels.)

Fictional - Bilbo Baggins
Dead - DaVinci
Living - Jay Leno as long as it's in his garage
steemit - @stellabelle or @enginewitty or @berniesanders

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I LOVE Bilbo!! My all time favorite character since I was a child!! Yay!

I love DaVinci too .. hey @enginewitty would definitely have lunch with us .. he loves Native Americans. :)

I would too :P

of course you would :p

50k active users across steemit and I hit the top three?
feels honored and tips his hat
Thank you sir, would be a fine meal indeed.

Looking forward to it.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Nobody in their right mind trusts you. (Trust me. I don't trust you.)

Haha --- do you see this @awakentolife?

Im seeing everyone wants to lunch with @berniesanders

He goes overboard on occasion but I believe his heart is in the right place and he tries very hard to do only good. I think.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I would go to lunch with someone who was socially adept and could have a nice time with interesting conversation. People could be geniuses but an asshole, just talk about inconsequential chatter, etc.

I’d choose @enchantedspirit beacause I adore her. She is always so busy and we hardly have enough time to really have that good talk. If I could add someone else to the luncheon I’d definitely add @anjkara because I just love this lady to bits. She is an honest and trustworthy friend. Probably out of everyone on Steemit I trust these two the most. Love them! xx Eagle

You know, of course, if we had lunch together, @catweasel would insist on tagging along ... and we wouldn't be able to hear each other talk over the sounds of his chewing. Just be aware. (And be careful what you wish for.)

Tag along? And miss the peace and quiet?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Not tag along? And miss the chance of a meal?


Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Like when Winston sees you and me, both with a plate in our hands, on which there might be food ... moving in different directions. It makes his head explode.

LOL. You guys are hilarious together :D

So, my guess would be that you @enchantedspirit gives in to Winston and cw eats all the food ...? LOL

@catweasel likes to point out that he got ALL my left-overs before Winston arrived. And there is real longing and regret in his voice when he mentions this.

As for Winston's head exploding, if Cw has a plate, there will definitely be food on it. But Cw hates to share. (HATES to share!!!) If I have food, I'm definitely a softer touch when it comes to sharing ... so Winston is sure to get some. (Maybe lots.) The question then becomes ... is what I'm carrying food?

Never a dull moment. Popo, @awakentolife and I have this story taking shape ...

Poor @cw ... no worries she’ll pack the fridge and make sure the photos are tagged ...😂🦅

Wait did you give someone more for a @bernisanders comment? 😳😂

Why did you invite cw? He has leftovers ...

Takes too long to explain. (That's going to become my standard answer. Takes too long to explain. I think I'll put that in shortkeys.)

Now I want to hear it.

You two! @enchantedspirit and @cw ... you must really good exceptional ES.

I love you too Eagle and I would obviously love to go eat stuff and chew the fat. You're the best, girl

Yay @anjkara!! Thank you so much an I am happy that you would join me. :p

Look before you comment.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


If you’re talking of the misspelling...it was intentional lol

A play on “Bernies Anders” which is how he displays his name.

I think I did, but I'll check. I still have 5 votes left.

Yup, I did.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


My mother, who passed away in 1997..

That... is sad :(
Sorry for your loss, there's nothing like a mother.

That is so true.. I think about her constantly. She would have loved living in this part of the country and would have been 88 this coming May. There she is on her wedding day on the left. Thank you!!


i want to talk to satoshi nakamoto

Do you know who he is? Seems to me that would be the hardest part of arranging lunch. I think I may have found out his real name, but I lost the article so I couldn't check it. And now, of course, I've forgotten the name.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Well, I wonder who the guy or guys are...

I would choose Jimmy Carter -- and I would buy him lunch. Because he won't be with us much longer ... and I truly admire him.

Then come to Colorado for the Environmental conference coming up this summer. I’ve been invited by a Chief and I am inviting you. @enchantedspirit ...

Interesting answer, and Eagle gave you an interesting reply :D

To share a table with a person...

Dead (Celebrity): Robin Williams. Not for the laughs but for the man behind the laughs.

Dead (Historical): Albert Speer. He strikes me as being as good a person to ask about certain events around that era as any. Plus he was fluent enough in English and had a mind of his own - both of which would make the conversation meaningful.

Living (Steemit): @valuedcustomer, @eaglespirit, and @intelliguy are the first names to come to mind but there are other awesome people on here.

Living (Other): OK. I am a little stuck here. I guess I could default to leaving this spot open for the right kind of woman. ^_^

To make a little more effort though - somebody rather involved in some secret society or such (without intent or pretense of recruitment/joining). If the stars should so align I might gain an insight into what makes them tick. 'shrugs'

If I have to go with names. George Walker Bush. I'd like to figure out what he was thinking in the run-up to and the aftermath of that fateful September day.

Excellent!! Love this! Thank you for including me too. Bush prob would sit there and blank stare you and say I do not recall, however he is also a member of a secret society so kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Lol hugs to you my friend! Xoxo

How could I not? You have put yourself front and center of my feed ever since I met you. ^_^

As for Bush, I figure that it wouldn't take too much to soften him up as a person - but then again I wasn't aware (although not too surprised) that he is a member of a secret society.

Big hugs to you also. :c) xoXox

Are you saying I’m a stalker 😂🤣😂🤣
In your kind educated manner ... I can’t help that I can spot amazing talent, wit and creativity! 😝
Yeah bush is a sucker
Hugs hugs hugs 🤗

Not quite - but if you were a stalker then I'm sure you'd be the best possible kind of stalker. /:cP

Maybe its because the only entities I've ever suspected of stalking me have been governmental or criminal in nature - would be a breath of fresh air to have one such as yourself join the hunt. :cP

Plus you have inundated me with such compliments - I'll never be able to balance the books at this rate! You're awesome (lame comeback, I know ^_~)!

Big hugs. ^_^

hahhahaah not quite .. soooo funny!!! :p
well at least you know i am not gvt or investigative .. you are in the clear!
balance the books ehheheheheheheheh
you are the best dear friend. Eagle xx

That's an in-depth response if there ever was one, but now, out of all of them. Choose one :P

Darn it. I think that the obvious choice is @eaglespirit. :cP

She checks a lot of boxes (aside from the 'same continent' box, sadly). ^_^

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