A Month Posting How Berniesanders Wanted Me To and The Outcome From it.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A month ago today berniesanders went through and flagged everything I did, was not the first time.


The next day I started making my weed reviews (was going to start making them anyways) and out of no where I got a 1% upvote from berniesander and a message saying how the weed posts are "quality posts" and he was glad I learned my lesson and blah blah blha and how he is glad someone actually learned this time instead of (insert some bullshit cry baby claim here) like all the others. so I figured I would keep my head down, keep posting the weed reviews and get left alone.

so I posted weed reviews for a month, I have to say my 350+ followers wernt following me for weed posts and it made me lose almost all my views and supporters but it kept me from getting flagged so I kept it up.

thought I would do it a month and if it went well and I didn't get any flags, maybe ill just post stuff that has no artistic input at all and feels like a crap job. so I kept at it for a month.

it was getting me left alone. compared to the 50+ views and upvotes I use to get for a simple shit post or 150+ upvotes and 300 views for something decent this 3-6 views per post and almost no comments were killing my drive to post, but I pushed through it. told myself in a month I will have enough info to make a decision on what path I wan to take.

The first post I made that wasent cheese crap bullshit trying to appeal to Bernie was a reply post to baah and his attempt to play the game of ignoring facts and playing pretend that there was and is no censorship on steemit. making a simple post as a reply to him got me a flag (from some random cuck) so I stopped with that and went back to generic shit.

So after that random flag I returned to my weed posting in hopes that I could get back to raisng my rep instead of lowering it more. so a couple more posts thanking people on steemit for upvoting me and showing off the new sampler I got with steem dollars (Steem I cashed out after the first time he did this to my account), oh and the weed posts Bernie said counted as "good quality" in hopes that I could just get left alone from the flaggots and their entitled cry baby temper tantrums.

Some family stuff happened and I couldn't post for 3 days but I came back in a great mood cause everything worked out fine with the family emergency. I went back to posting bland crap that shouldn't have offended anyone but I was wrong, there will always be someone upset about something. boo-fucking-hoo, go cry into your pillow cause your annoying us with your flaggot temper tantrum rampages.

Kaboom! he goes back and flags a bunch of my posts (even the weed posts that have improved a lot imo). no reason why, nothing. now I have learned over the 5+ months he has been doing this to me that if I say something about it he will just play his bullshit game of your just playing victim and blah blah blah then flag me more saying "crying looks bad to new investors". calling names and all that super smart stuff he does. He even flagged my new weed post that wasent even 5 min old! it went invisable and none of my followers got to see it.


if he is now flagging the weed posts im only making because it was what was getting him to leave me alone whats the point (not like he is a follower or someone that actually upvotes me besides the first weed post with a1% upvote. lol)? So it really confuses me on the reason behind it. if im going to get flagged by this flaggot no matter what I might as well post what I want and what my followers like. even if I do what he wants he is gona flag me and he seems to be losing the power to effect stuff as much as he use to.

So fuck it.

Im sick of berniesanders cry baby bullshit and im done with his bullshit games. his stupid ass doesn't even remember why he started flagging me.
this post was the beginning with Bernie, 10 min after posting it he went through and flagged all my stuff and killed my account.
I have asked him a couple times if he even knows why and he just says "cause your a piece of shit" lol. I asked what I did or what made me a piece of shit and he could only say "what you did in the past". lol cant get any more vague then that.

So there you go Bernie, the first thing that got you to come in and start flagging everything I ever made. I even edited it in on the bottom of that post 5 months ago.

so yeah.

Im going to go back to posting whatever I want whenever I want because no matter what I do Bernie gona be a flaggot.

heres some fun little fan ficts I was making before I did this month long experiment.


im not going to stop the weed reviews, im just not going to self censor or try to appeal to anyone. I went a whole month without saying berniesanders name. Im done with that shit.

With that said, if you like something upvote it and resteem, if you don't well thanks for atleast checking it out. last but most important if you are offended or just feel entitled to choose what others can enjoy/upvote/see or do, use the mute button or just fucking kill yourself already. please, you would be making this place a lot better for everyone!

as for conclusion for the experiment:
no matter what you do berniesanders will never stop acting like a spoiled autistic sjw brat with his 2yr old temper tantrum flaggin rampages.

Also I love HF19

without it I would still be silenced!



So you're finally done with the weed posts?

no ima keep making them but ima post other stuff now and not care or worrie about what Bernie does. flaggots gona flag. lol
the weed posts I enjoy and would be doing no matter what but wont be looking at it like I was the last month where that was my main focus on steemit. now it will be posting how I use to with weed posts as I puff them, not gona stress on if I smoke a bowl from the bag b4 taking picts and stuff.
so still doing weed posts too.

Yea post some SJW funny shit that's enjoyable

Will try.
I have so much anti-berniesanders stuff I made over the last month and just stuck in a folder and never posted. might be a day or 2 of fuq berrnie from me to make up for the last month of holding my tongue.

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