WTF @berniesanders

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Why are you Still flagging me?
this is insane.

every post?
I had posts that were going to pay out in a couple min. this is retarded.

go here and look at the bullshit, hundreds of flags.

EDIT:every comment I have made in the last week too?


EDIT: you have to show coments with low ratings at very bottom to see his side of the story



Hmm, I'm sorry to see this. I really thought he would have better things to do and leave you alone.

ya and when anyone speaks up against his violation of our community guidelines they risk getting flagged themselves!
shouldnt you and other whales go take money away from bernie sanders too doesnt he deserve to ave every one of his posts flaggeed for no reason?
you cant go flag EVERY post of someone just because they say something u disagree with! @donkeypong an @thejohalfiles and @stellabelle and @craig-grant @jesta and @cryptoctopus should all be made awar of this abuse of power because this is just somehing that will TOTALLLy turn off the MILLIONS of potential stemit users! berniesanders who im AFRID to tag in this comment , is making this community sem like its full of viscious "mods" who go and carpet flag someone's wall indicriinantly which is totally against the guidelines of flagging

u cant go and flagg EVERY post of someone just because u are in a fued with them!

this hurts steemit, it oesnt matter what work peopel claim berniesanders has done for steemit, AL i hear is egative stuff about him nowadays! thats ALL i hear! and anything he MAy have done to hep steemit is inthe past! ddoesnt help anyone! this flagging of a minno by a whale over a fucing argument is something that should be done to berniesanders by whales to teach him a lesson about abuseing ones power!

And now watch i bet berniesanders will flag ME for speaking out! is this NOT the definition of a free speech issue? is this not what we want to AVOID with steemit?

Now i have to give up ontelling people to join steemit!

I might even quit steemit if this keeps up! how cani telll people to join steemit whenwe have out of control mods abusing their power? ONE GUy cant fuck up our entire system like this, he needs to be coniinced to revsre this chikdish behaviour!

HOW can i honestly tell people steemit is worth jining now???

The price of steem will suffer from events lke thiss! our ecosystem is DELICATE and @skeptic did not deserve to have alll of his posts flagged and have his reputation taken downto a ngaive six like this

WTF that realy sucks he just carpet flagged you for no rason ! u cant just flagg ALL of someone sposts because youre mad at them wtf....

im sorry, your sorry, everyones sorry.
nothing gets done though.
one person, it only takes one person to kill all revenue for a weeks worth of work and anything I do in the future.
not a group of people. one person.

sorry but im pissed, couple hundred bucks gone. bitch wont even give a reason.
pathetic abuse of power. this time it wasent even cause I offended someone.

I resteemed your post earlier. I dunno if that's why you got all the votes hehe. You're rep didn't go up, but you got a payout maybe ;)

edit: it was at 200, but now 0 again.

thank you very much I appericate that.
lost almost a grand though.
this isn't the firs time and it pisses me off.

fucking guy says its cause I used the word flaggot but at the same time calles me a piece of shit and cant give a reason why im a piece of shit beside "in the past"
im so sick of this shit but have no clue on what to do bout it.
no one seems to want to do anything about it cause they fear they will lose all revenue too.
I just talked so good about steemit yesterday to someone and now I wish I didn't. every person I bring leaves. I don't want bernies steril version of the internet. I want all the offenciveness and scams and everything. throw in some trolls even. its all excueses based on vague terms to justifiy censoring something.

I been resteeming a lot of ur stuff too.

shits fuked yo

he doesn't even know why he is flagging me that's the sad part. I reamember why, have even told him 3 tims when it started. but he has no clue or doesn't want to admit when and why he started flagging me. cause its the most retarded reason ever. like dropping to your knees and yelling at the top of your lungs NOOOO!!!!!!!! level of retarded.

wow so unfair for bernie sandres to call people a "homophobe" a DISGUSTING label that one CANNOT just attach to a person becaue they use the term "flaggot" which is NOT the word "Faggot" which By the way is not a homophobic word, it means a bundle of sticks, to claim that the word HAS to mean what THEY WANT it to mean is just a sign of mental illness! Basic social justice warrior nonesense, its ok he only has $10,000 in his walet now, seems he might have sent his money to his other account

hre is my meessage to someone and i was AFRAID to post it onhis post
a whore for money...fucking sad.....hes dominated you! he has you under his control like a puppet! he has an army of people he manipulates and its very creepy and I must say BRAVO to @dan and @cryptoctopus and @stelllabellle and @jesta and @thejohalfiles and @gigafart and every other Whale for stopping this troll fromRUINING steemit!! I have seen this troll carpet flag people for no reason, for disagreeing withhim, he will go and flag all their posts, its an abuse of powwer, its an unwritten rule tat you dont just go an flag someone spost wthout a reason, you are not supposed to go and destroy someones wall out of spite....if that behaviour is displayed by our "leaders" who are the whales, peope willNEVER come waste their time!

who would waste their tie on a system where we have crazy "Mods" going around bullying people Its worse than Reddit or facebooK! You gy cant just ignore this! We have to make sure everyone knows WHY this behaviour does NOT help steemit! Should I stop tellling people to join steemit now ?!?! How HOW can I tell everyone i see evrrdday to join steemit now!??! HOW canI tell my THOUSANDS of social media followers to oin steemit!!! I had a fivver video ready to be paid for, to exlain can I make it on confidence? Why do we have to tolertae people trying to ruin our platform like this? Why do people have to abuse their power? Bernie gets a selfishrush fro his power! its pathetic! hees power hungry! we should not be afraid to call him out either....I know the whales wiill have my back if i get flagged for my OPINION

we CANOT have people FLAGGING our posts for our OPINIONS political or social!

Bernie Sanders seems to have a problem with who he clais are "homophobes" so why isnt he arguing with the Muslims of steemit Its muslim cultureto have Homosexuality ILLEGAL and you can go to JAIl for it! is that not homophobic?? WHy int he fllaggging all muslims?

now u see if he DID flag muslim for being culturallly homophobic, that would STOP muslims from joining steemit! if mulsims kneew they woukd be harrased for having their OWN beliefs INCLUDINg beliefes bout homosexuality and wether they believe it is morlaly right or morlaly wrong, thats THEIR beliefe and if they get FLAGGED for their Muslim Antii hoosexual beliefes, then we are no better than Soviet Russia censoring people ! Everyone must be allowed to profit from thei own peaceful political opinions!

We cannot be showing minnows that its accceptable and undderstandable tto get fllagged for disagreeing with a steemit whale! We shouldnt have to walk on egg shells around some mentally ill insecure self proclaimed "dedicated asshole" who thinks its funny to take people rent money away

Im trying to use steemit to help people in Rural Africa make their first fucking $1000 theyve ever had saved up in their lives and if they have to worry about assholes flagging the ....they could end up starving to detah! literally people inAfrica will need to use steemit to FEED themselves! @xpency and @tj4real my SteemMates for Teem #Africa who i helped getto top of with $1000 posts, they can tell you first hand how important bitcoin and steem and crypto is in Africa and how people use it to FEED themselves!

if we have to wrry about pissing off t h wrong person and getting ALL of our weeks hard work taken away because of the WHIM of some angry asshole, then these Africans will just give up onsteemit and we will looose MILLIONS of new users

I it worth appeasing One Greedy asshole to cost us the onboariing of MILLION S of new users!?! BernieSanders is costing us MILLIONS of potential new users with hi actions! he is hurting the whole communitty! hes making everthing ore didfficult for all of us just for his own greeedy amusement and he think its funny to take away peoples fucking only source of income

yeah, he has me self censoring because he can still kill any Income he wants to and doesn't look like there is anything anyone can do about it.
Maybe one day I can go back to posting the stuff I enjoy (not that I don't enjoy posting picts and making weed reviews) but that is something he will leave me alone about so its the only thing I can do right now I guess.
IDk I just wish people would use the mute button, its not like anyone is forcing others to read posts.
honestly im just trying to avoid it all right now as im sick of th flagging and don't really wanna deal with it any more.
I usta stand up and defend anyone that was getting flagged even if I disagreeded with them, when it cam my turn getting flagged no one stood up for me they all just tried to ignore it or jumped on the oter side of it saying it was deserved and I was playing the victim ect.
maybe in a couple months I can get back to posting about thing on my mind but right now I just need to lay low and get back into a positive rep.
cheers and happy 4th of july.

Well take the high road, try to be his friend, try to ask what you can do to make him happy. Seems like the community eventually takes care of these problems but yeah just see if u can get him to remove the flags. Maybe @thejohalfiles can hep! hahah maybe johal has the rght idea with not having any posts and jst comments ! dude i think johal might be able to help you out with your reputation what was it before you got unfairely carpet flaggeed? @thejohalfiles is very fair and I belieeve he would love to help straighetn out your reputation also @dan @jesta and @cryptoctoppus and @stellabelle should see if they can help balance out your recent posts and get your reputation back up to at LEAST over 50 because I am pretty sure you hadd like a 70 reputation AND you were posting good content and helping minnows and the community cant just let you die off, i belieeve @thejohalfiles will do the right thing and help get alll those posts back up to where they were because you deserve that! I believe @thejohalfiles will come and se your situatin and help regulatethis situation, they have never let me down so far and the community needsto see how the whales will actually come to the rescue and help make things go back to the way they were! Just remember, gotta #Regulate like warrenG

#WarrenG Regulate Sesame Street Bert and Ernie style

yeah he said he likes my weed posts so if I keep making those maybe he wont flag me.

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