The W.C.S.P. Contest! - A.K.A. - "steemit summer nights" - A Steemit Erotic Fanfiction

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

While I haven't decided what's going to be in the story yet, it might contain things upsetting for people that get upset by stuff.
This could include sexy stuff, violent stuff, or sexy violent stuff.
If your the sort of person that moans about that stuff, just don't read it - I am not forcing you too.
Use the mute button.

Meanwhile, @abits mind was wondered back to the past.
It was @berniesanderss mardi gras party, which everyone was invited too.
The party was awesome as always, because @krnel was hosting it.

@abit was pretty drunk that day. He had already punched a bunch of people. @abit puked a few times. Because He is stupid, Blood was spilled. But that was normal in this sort of party.
If @abit was honest about it, He couldn't remember much that happened.
Only something about a henchmen, a goat and a pair of scissors.

There was one thing that stuck in His mind though. Something He would never forget.

@kernel was wearing a @berniesanders mask that night

Everyone had come as something or someone else.

@abit was dressed as @freebornangel .
@freebornangel was dressed as @cathi-xx.
@cathi-xx was dressed as @krnel.
@krnel was dressed as @berniesanders.
And @berniesanders was dressed as @gamer00.

@abit was instantly attracted to @berniesanders in His costume. The way He moved. The way He talked.The way He flicked His hair.
@berniesanders was doing a Karaoke number.
It was "summer nights". And He was awesome.
He sung like they were possessed.The audience was transfixated by @berniesanders.

@abit got up and sang too.
When @berniesanders was singing summer nights it was like the words spoke to Him. @berniesanders seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to Him. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.
They gazed into eachother eyes as @berniesanders put His soul into the last lyric.
Then silence.

Suddenly, @abit was woken out of the flashback by current events!

Far far away, in a distant magical land....

The next time they saw eachother @berniesanders winked at @abit, remembering what happened at the party.@abit blushed.
Some of the others giggled. Did they know? @abit didn't care.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the world championship posting on Steemiting contest!"

@cathi-xx's voice boomed across the large blockchain.
The posting on was the largest in the world. Far bigger then any other block chain social media site- this one was able to cary 5 trillion active users.

@krnel and @freebornangel had just arrived by limo.
"This is it!"
"I never thought Id make it all the way to the final"
"I always knew you could make it, @krnel, your our champion!""
"Thanks @freebornangel, but I'll need more then your upvote to win this. I'll need to give it my all to become the number 1 poster on Steemit, the champion of Steemit!"

"..and it wont be enough" said a horrible voice from behind them.
It was @berniesanders!
"I'll win this contest fair and square (yeah right). Then everyone will bow down before me.....the one true champion of posting on Steemit....and lord of evil!!"
"No that will never come to pass! I'll stop you" said @krnel heroically.
With that @berniesanders twirled and skipped off into the Arena.

"We must win now. We must!"

The next day, @krnel was nervous.
He was good at posting on Steemit, some would say the best. But was he really the best? The best at posting on Steemit about Steemit? @krnel was about to find out, as the contest started soon.

@krnel thought back to a few months ago.

Happy times, before all the the troubles with @berniesanders got really bad.
Breaking out of his deep thoughts, @krnel decide to go to the Arena early, perhaps do a few shit posts as a warm up.

@krnel casually strolled to the Arena while thinking about what to post on Steemit.
As @krnel walked out he was surprised to see @berniesanders already there!
@berniesanders was clearly up to something. @krnel had to find out what it was!
"What you up to @berniesanders?" yelled @krnel.
"You will never find out!" yelled back @berniesanders, who wanted to keep his plan a secret.
Frustrated, @krnel returned to thinking about what to post on Steemit, never taking his eye of @berniesanders as he did so.
@abit joined them a few minutes later.
"Hi @krnel!" he said
"..and hello.....@berniesanders"
"yes. Hello @abit. Good to see your in the contest too. For now"
But before @abit could hear what @berniesanders had said, it was time to start!

They walked to the computers, and sat down ready.
The crowd was getting big. Many fans had banners saying stuff like
'Go @krnel Go @krnel Go @krnel'
'Go Go Go @berniesanders your the king flaggot!'

The starter pulled their keyboards out and they got ready to post.
@abit, @berniesanders and @krnel all waited with anticipation.
@abit started breathing heavily
@berniesanders tensed. Ready to go.
@krnels skin glowed with excitement

The starter fired the @ABIT!

@ABIT COLLAPSED instantly. @berniesanders started posting on Steemit, laughing manically as he did so.

@krnel was in shock, and raced over to @abit.
"He shot you!" but why?
"Owww...I am shot bad"
The starter stared at the gun.
"I didn't mean gun acted weird!"
@krnel looked at the gun.

"Yes....this gun clearly has been sabotaged to shoot @abit."
"im offended" said @abit.
"What now?" said @krnel.
"You have to go on" said @abit, still bleeding blood and guts and other bits everywhere.

But just then the alarm went off!
It was half time!
Back at the locker room, @freebornangel and @krnel were talking. @abit the flaggot had been taken to the hospital.

"How are you ever going to catch up?" said @freebornangel.

@berniesanders was leading when half time went. @krnels time spent seeing to @abit had cost him the lead.

"Its not important" said @krnel.
"Whats important is I know why @berniesanders wants to win the World Championship Posting on Steemit contest. Its the prize."
"hu" said @freebornangel
"I did some research and its really about the Steempower! If he wins the contest they will give him it all and there will be nothing we can do to stop him"
"Also he was the one that sabotaged poor retarded @abit!"
"poor retarded @abit "
"yes poor retarded @abit "
"The contest doesn't matter any more, we must get that Steempower by winning the contest!'

"But how? How are we going to win"
"I have a plan" said @krnel

Just then the horn sounded. Half time was over, and the final part of the posting on Steemiting contest had begun!

@abit had some time before he had to do anything, so He decided to have another gay party flashback.

It was just after the Karaoke. They had stepped off the stage to loud applause and were now looking at eachother.
"Hi" @abit said, meekly.
"Hay" @berniesanders said, also meekly. Their confidence from moments ago had evaporated like alcohol.
"Do you want too..."
"ok then."
So they walked to the cloakroom.
It wasn't long before their lips were together. @abit couldn't remember who made the first move.
He did remember the taste though. The taste of @berniesanders.
@berniesanders tasted like redcurrant on a winter noon.
Refreshing and salty but also a bit sour.
What had they been eating? @abit tried to work out it. It took much tongue work.
After a few minutes mouth to mouth pot holing, @berniesanders guessed what @abit was doing.
"I had raspberry for lunch."
"you dont have to stop though"
"oh. Good!" @abit said, with great relief.
They finally drew away after what seemed a whole june but was only mere minutes.
The taste of @berniesanders's lips still lingered in @abit's mouth as they finally looked upon each other.
Relieved sighs came from both of them as both embraced, @berniesanders snuggling against @abit's neck as he snuggled upto @berniesanders's torso.

(lots of buttsex happened after this).

. They had a lot of..."fun".

"Sorry about that, I got a little carried away" said @abit.
"Thats ok I.....enjoyed it." said @berniesanders blushing in the way they always did.
"Yes" said @berniesanders.
"I'll bring some of my toys next time for us to play with" said @abit.

And with that they left the cloakroom and returned to the party. The months that followed were fun but they never told their friends.

When they restarted @krnel quickly started losing.
(Not intentionally mind you, it was because @berniesanders was already winning when the contest stopped for the half time break. When the contest resumed, @berniesanders thus got a head start at the posting on Steemit and was in the lead)

"Whatever you plan to do you better do it quickly" said @freebornangel panicking.
"Don't worry, @berniesanders is almost in the position for my plan to work.."

@berniesanders paused thinking about the posting on Steemit..
"NOW!" said @krnel!

Suddenly, right in front of @berniesanders @cathi-xx appeared!
Then she started undressing!
"Hay @berniesanders, hows things..."
@berniesanderss posting on Steemit screeched to a halt.
"Its hot in this stadium in front of all these people isn't it?"
@cathi-xx took her top off. She wiggled her set at @berniesanders, her ultramarine bra barely containing them.
@berniesanders stopped completely, noticeably sweating and swaying back and forward.
"Hay hot stuff" @cathi-xx winked at @berniesanders.
@berniesanders fainted.

With that, @krnel calmly overtook the unconscious @berniesanders.
"Wow! that worked great" said @freebornangel
"Indeed, I knew @berniesanderss one weakness was the ladies"
"That's right....I cant resist them....they make me all wibbly wobbly inside" said @berniesanders getting up but still dazed.

It was too late though @krnel had just pressed the post button, winning the posting on Steemit- contest!

The crowd went wild, @krnel took a bow.
@cathi-xx And @neoxian danced around @krnel cheering.

"The Steempower is safe now! " said @krnel.
"Till next year at least.....that's the next time this yearly contest is!"

-The End



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