A Steemit Erotic Fan Fiction - Lengend of the lost monitor

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

While I haven't decided what's going to be in the story yet, it might contain things upsetting for people that get upset by stuff.
This could include sexy stuff, violent stuff, or sexy violent stuff.
If your the sort of person that moans about that stuff, just don't read it - I am not forcing you too.
Use the mute button.

A little Later, @berniesanders was taking a shit.
was having trouble though.
It felt like days passed and still no sign of release.

"Help..Errrr... ahhhh! Christ! when is this epic poo gonna pass!?" @berniesanders exclaimed, face wincing with effort.
He made every effort in his little boy body to expel this demon thing from his womanly back side.

Just as @berniesanders was going in for another push..
Without warning the bathroom door suddenly burst open unexpectedly. Ahhhh!

"Well hello...@berniesanders" a seductive noise whispered from the doorway.

A shadowy person stood leaning against the door frame. His deep, sensual voice which @berniesanders knew immediately. mind began racing and a nervous sweat began pouring from face and groinal area.

"@nonameslefttouse... is that you? wha- what are you still doing awake...?"

He appeared in nothing but a towel, seemingly ready to take a steamy shower.
However He couldn't with @berniesanders near by....they were like family now.@nonameslefttouse was like cousin.
Any sane person would never allow their own cousin to see them in the nude. Right? RIGHT!!?! SHIT!"

"Oh I felt dirty from masturbating all day...ya ever feel dirty @berniesanders?"
"Y-Yes, I mean NO! NO! NO! Never" @berniesanders shrieked, became so immensely worked up he cleaned colon clear of the demon feces that had been clogging it. His voice also cracked like he was 13 again, but in comparison to the loud flatulence just unleashed, who cares? @nonameslefttouse heard though, and giggled like a adorable baby girl laugh. It sent tingles all up @berniesanders's spine.
"Oh you've always been the shy one in the family, @berniesanders..."

@berniesanders was not shy, at all. defeated @berniesanders and blew up His evil machines for Christ's sake! and now suddenly found self speechless. Was going to see his metaphorical cousin literally naked? Little did he know, that was merely a choclate source on the banana split of love that was to come.

"..the shy and excitable one." said @nonameslefttouse finishing the sentence with a sly smile.

"Wh-what the..." and before @berniesanders could send the third word out of mouth..

..@nonameslefttouse's towel dropped to the floor,setting his swingy bits free into the mist of the shower.
@berniesanders noticed everything on him instantly. His soft butt,his magically gravity-defying middle leg and the small thingy colored birth mark on his butt, which made feel funny...as had one there too.

Still, the sight of his near perfect body caused @berniesanders's penis to become very hard. It stood erect and proud, pointing straight towards the mighty heavens.

"hehe oh my @berniesanders...you're more impressive than I thought."
"uh... ye-yeah, th-thaaanks @nonameslefttouse, you're cute too." THIS IS SO WRONG! It raced through head at lightning speed. But the beautiful, wet, soapy body that stood before spoke otherwise. Him shapely body was everything @berniesanders could want in something to wank to. Yet did family like relationship matter?..

But just as @berniesanders was commiting. Commiting to a path that they couldn't go back from.

@sirlunchthehost burst into the toilet!

"What are you too upto?"
"Err..nothing" said @berniesanders as causally slipped pants back on.
@nonameslefttouse, who @sirlunchthehost didnt notice, picked up his towel and backed out slowly.
"I was just having a shit...see?" @berniesanders gestured to shit.
"Oh, thats a shit all right! One hell of a shit!
Ok, if your done we better go"
So @berniesanders put other pants on and left. had a serious case of blue balls, but at least anus didnt feel so bad now.
As walked out @nonameslefttouse whispered one word. A word fall of hope.
@berniesanders Giggled.
Fortunately, their traveling companion was as oblivious as ever, and didn't notice.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...it was sexy times!
@nonameslefttouse winked at @berniesanders when no one else was looking.
"Later" he mouthed at silently so no one could hear.

@sirlunchthehost was sitting in Steemit one day, with @beanz.
They were doing what they loved the most, smoking weed.

As they puffed the fatty blunt @sirlunchthehost gazed deep into her eyes. “Oh,@beanz , I have something very important to tell u.”
“Yes, splenda-filled honeybunches of oats ?” she said, batting her eyes.
@sirlunchthehost said, ”I hate you now!”
Then he took her arm and tore it off.Blood covered everything and there was screaming. @sirlunchthehost took her arm and started hitting her with it.
She exploded because she was a demon, but she was okay.
@sirlunchthehost walked away. “Cool guys don't look at explosions."
@beanz giggled.

The next day...
But what started out as a fun adventure, turned out to be actually much worse.....

Because @sirlunchthehost may not have suspected it, but @beanz had been collusioning against them all along.

Because one night, @beanz went to @berniesanders and they both created a masterflue plan. Oh, if only @sirlunchthehost knew that @beanz and @berniesanders were working together. Then they would be able to stop themselves from falling even more in love with @beanz than they already had.

@sirlunchthehost went to the armory (He had it build last week after being tired of all the enemas attacking them) and took a good look at all the weapons He could use. Slingshot of all sorts, Bows with sharp edges that could be used as a melee weapon as well as a ranged one, a large assault rigle with automatic and semi automatic modes. But @sirlunchthehost had no interest in those. No, @sirlunchthehost knew that something bad was about to happen. @sirlunchthehost felt it down right across His spine. So @sirlunchthehost took the only weapon that truly spoke to their fear and ancientedly; the dark golden katana (a/n it's like gold, but also dark like the night), the sharpest sword ever made by the gods.
But little did @sirlunchthehost know that in fact, the sharpness of the blade was deacided by the amount of love the weilder received (and so if @sirlunchthehost would be weilding it and@beanz didn't actually love Him, it wasn't sharp at all! Which is the case!)

Later, @berniesanders and @nonameslefttouse were alone again.
"Its Later" said @nonameslefttouse, pulling @berniesanders towards the bathroom.
"But what about the others?"
"I'll just tell them you are helping me shower. They wont suspect a thing"
"True. They are all idiots"
Then, suddenly, @nonameslefttouse was naked. @berniesanders wondered how He did that. He must have been nearly naked this whole time!
The shower turned on...
..@berniesanders was already.

@nonameslefttouse lathered up good and fine. The soap dripped off His body at a seductively slow pace. @berniesanders could not contain the powerful urge of excitement that raced through veins.
The alluring look of nudie comrade became too much for to fathom and erect penis launched a mighty wad of semen directly onto @berniesanders's eye.

There @berniesanders sat, pink panties pulled quickly down at his ankles, on a toilet full of poop with bodly fluids on full display, eyes bulging from face.
@nonameslefttouse giggled as @berniesanders's dignity shriveled and died, but @berniesanders had always enjoyed that delightful snicker, even after found out He was own flesh and blood.
"Well...wh-what do we do now?" @berniesanders said, desperately trying to sound suave.
"It. We do it."
"yes. it"
"we do it?"
...and with that @nonameslefttouse jumped on @berniesanders. What little remained of their clothes plopped of quickly. Some fell in the toilet.
"um... lets g-get you outta my toil-dreams and into my bed." @berniesanders stuttered, desperately trying to be slick, yet he knew it was hopeless to be suave on the shitter.

@nonameslefttouse hopped gleefully out of the shower, the soap continued pouring from His shapely body.@berniesanders stood up from the toilet, naughty bits proudly waving about and pants still down around ankles. hurried to chase His shapely body down.
fell in the door way, tripping over pants. pulled face up from the floor and gazed at @nonameslefttouse, DANCING ON THE KITCHEN TABLE
The night wreaked of eroticisms...and @berniesanders could see that it was going to be a all you can eat porkfest.
And it was!

@nonameslefttouse was soon ridding @berniesanders like a pogo stick.
"Oh God I'm going to hell!" @berniesanders screamed.
@berniesanders still had his Hawaiian shirt on and @nonameslefttouse was dripping soapy water all over the bed.

His perky penis swung around, like a happy child on a moon bounce. UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT!, @berniesanders liked it. It was a big, beautiful thing that ached to be sucked on.

@berniesanders especially liked that from this angle could not see the awkward birth mark on ass cheek. Which was a relief. @berniesanders wanted to be hard and strong where it counts for the person had always thought of as grandma.
"Oh @berniesanders!" He breathed heavily, deep and cavernous "is what we're doing wrong!?!?"
"OH GOD YES!!" yelled back at naked grandma.
"GOOD! YES! YES! YES! YES BROTHER!!!" @nonameslefttouse screamed.

When it was over they cleaned themselves, the room and the nearby iggloo down.
It took awhile - fortunately they finished before any of their friends got back. So their little secret was safe...for now.

@sirlunchthehost took the taxi towards @berniesanders's Condo

When @sirlunchthehost arrived, he saw that @beanz was waiting in front of the @berniesanders's hanger already.

Not knowing about @beanz 's conspiracy, he greeting the loyal woman and said "I see you've alredy geared up! I've brought some additional things along. Here, take this," @sirlunchthehost said and gave @beanz the legendery dark golden Katamaran.

For a brief moment, @sirlunchthehost was confused. @beanz's really didn't seem to want to accept the blade.
"No, this is for you. You should weild this holy balde!"
"Nonsense, @sirlunchthehost said, "our love is so strong, this blade is the fierest of evertyhign. I want you to be safe. And I want you.... to follow in my footsteps as the greatest warrior of all."

"This is truly too much,"@beanz said. For a brief moment, @sirlunchthehost thought @beanz's eyes were a bit shifty. Was their love not the greatest?

But quickly @sirlunchthehost didn't continue thinking about it. How dare he get this idea in his head? Their love was the greatest (a/n it was, untill @berniesanders convinced @beanz to switch over to his side! (With sex))

So @sirlunchthehost went in and defeated all the Security Gaurd and thethingy that @berniesanders had hired until they finally came to the Cloakroom @berniesanders was hiding in.

But there the betrayal started. @beanz raised the sword. @sirlunchthehost turned around.
"Prepare to die! @beanz shouted.

Hahaa! said @sirlunchthehost, "But you can't kill me. Because the only way this sword works, is through the strength of love.

"Indeed, @sirlunchthehost said @beanz. The strength of the love of the other! And with one fierce sweep, @beanz stabbed @sirlunchthehost. "The love of the other!" @beanz said.

Because it was true, @sirlunchthehost still loved @beanz very much. And that love now. That was his undooing.

@berniesanders kicked @sirlunchthehost once more. And then @sirlunchthehost died.

The end.

HAHA! Hope you can enjoy and laugh at the insanity. I know I did.



So now you're trolling me here?
I asked you in your previous post to stop trolling. I bet you'll cry when you get flagged and act like a victim if you keep this up.


You should leave me out of your little games. I don't have time for you and I don't feel like being trolled.

I've asked you many times. A person should only have to ask once.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

You were flagged for trolling. You denied trolling anyone. This if proof of how you troll people.

I think I've asked you about 6 or 7 times now. Stop bothering me. Move on. Nobody here deserves to put up with your bullshit.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

You were flagged for trolling. You weren't censored. You're trolling now.

Leave me alone.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

The evidence is how you're acting. It's clear to everyone.

------> Leave me alone. Stop spamming.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

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