Minor Upgrades This Week In Preparation For Tartarus 2.0 Release!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

We are going to be adding a few minor updates this week that will greatly expand the system even more as we prepare for our next major release "Tartarus 2.0"! We will announce a sneak peak and teaser middle of next month for Tartarus 2.0 but for now we have a few minor updates we are rolling out to prepare!

Pool Priority and Voting Weight

One of the metrics we have not yet utilized as much as we realize should be is Voting Power. We are going to be making a slight modification to the Pool Priority and Weight Formula to include your Voting Power.

Your Pool Priority will be calculated using the following formula:
The current formula: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/voting-allocations-have-been-upgraded-critical-update

The revised formula to include Voting Power:
Voting Power Strength = ( ( ( ShadowRank + (SteemPower / (FractionalVotingLevel / ShadowDivider) ) ) / 2) / ShadowDivider ) * VotingPower

As you can see it is the exact same formula simply including your Voting Power as how much of your Potential Pool Priority you are actually getting currently. Simply maintaining your Voting Power at a high level as we already advise will directly benefit you!

To make things simple, it is the exact same formula we have been using since our last upgrade, the only change is now your Voting Power is used to determine how much of your Potential Pool Priority you actually will receive. This system works exactly how Voting Power works for normal voting, 50% Voting Power equals half the reward, and in ShadowBot's case, half the Pool Priority you would have if your account was at 100% Voting Power.

To simplify things farther and ensure those maintaining a high Voting Power at all times, we will round your Voting Power to the nearest 0 or 5. Example: 92.3 would become 90 and 94.5 would become 95, 98.6 would become 100 and 95.6 would become 95, for the purpose of this calculation.

Shadow Rank

The second upgrade will be Shadow Ranks will no longer be limited to 100 as the maximum. Once a member has reached 100 Shadow Rank their ability to earn will become exponentially more difficult (at least for now) in order to ensure the system remains fair.

By allowing Shadow Ranks to continue to grow past 100 will allow good Casters to fairly grow despite potential future increases in the Shadow Divider (which directly effects all earnings across the pool)!

Flip Flop Day

We will also be rolling our Flip Flop Day as described in our recent post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/minnow-booster-day-a-huge-success-flip-flop-day-being-introduced-next

Flip Flop Day will greatly benefit those few left that are just not quite getting enough votes each week to make things really fair. To really understand the reasoning and logic behind it, please read through all the posts regarding Minnow Booster Day and Flip Flop Day!

We greatly appreciate everyone that is part of this great community! We look forward to everyone's feedback and input to continue to expand and make things even better each week!

For more information on ShadowBot:

FAQ: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php

Signup/Login: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/login.php


Just joined shadowbot and already earning decent amount i think this update would really benefit the community thank you 😀

Glad to have you aboard! Be sure to always give us all feedback both positive and negative so we can continue to expand and grow together! Glad to see a new member instantly able to start earning and also contributing back with us! Just wait till our next big release comes out "Tartarus 2.0"! https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/minor-upgrades-this-week-in-preparation-for-tartarus-2-0-release

Glad to give back to the community 👍

Its more than a week and there is still no vote for me is it normal ?
And what does vote priority does ? Mine is 0.8 but there is no vote indeed.

We are seeing votes coming into your account, as you build up your ranking in our system you will begin to see quickly more earnings over time. Pool Priority is used to determine which Caster's Posts are voted on first. The higher your Pool Priority, the more often and more quickly your posts will be up voted by the rest of the pool. Pool Priority is a combination of your Steem Power which you buy and earn, your Voting Power which is something you maintain and manage, and your Shadow Rank which is our internal ranking used to determine good Casters.

Also, you will greatly benefit from our Flip Flop day which will be included in our update this week! We are always working to make this system better for all! Each week we are taking in feedback and working to make things better for us all!

As someone that maintains a very high rate of voting for various reasons and keeps a low voting power as result, I still think this is a good change. My concern in the past was about the rate of rank increase changing relative to active voting and comparing to an inactive account with 10SP increasing rank faster, but this priority impact makes more sense to me because it isn't causing long-term damage for something that has immediate impact.

I can imagine some ways people could manipulate that algorithm are possible by having a controlled oscillating voting power allowing for recharge before posting waiting until votes then draining voting power again, but it would only be a minor change because the incoming votes are distributed over time and the max possible impact of such manipulation would only be to return to the current system, so it seems like an improvement overall and people would have a hard time getting around it. To make it bullet-proof I think the voting power as part of calculation would need to be their average over the last 6~7 days, any more than that may be too much punishment for using some votes but any less and it has some subtle loopholes. Anyway, I don't figure anyone is going to manage to do that especially in any consistent manner over time, but it is something to consider ^_^

Agreed if we do see abuse we will begin to look into something that you suggested it is very similar to how we calculate Shadow Rank increases already (moving averages). We do not discourage manual voting, we only encourage to maintain an average Voting Power that is relatively high (over 92%). As you pointed out this update directly effects each member based on their contribution to the pool based on voting power, which means those who give more votes get more. This allows those who wish to vote a little more to go out and get that and still be part of the ShadowBot system while when they are not voting maybe on vacation to reap the rewards of the system fully by having their Voting Power and thereby Pool Priority go up! We feel this is the closest system we have so far that aligns with what the white paper and concept of steem is!

I dont know the proper venue for this notification but i joined about 12 hours ago and just noticed i got alot.. like 20 or 30 upvotes on a post that is 9 days old. i dont think that is doing anyone any good. is this supposed to be happening? check it out... https://steemd.com/@romanaround
this post!! https://steemit.com/travel/@romanaround/diamante-waterfall-with-diamante-verde-tours-of-costa-rica-11

Which post are you referring to?

Found it, no this should not be happening and is a glitch that only a few new members have reported. We are happy to announce we have finally figured out exactly what is causing this glitch and better that it will be included in the list up minor updates this week! Simply put, you edited your post, and the last edited time was being used when scanning your posts when you first joined. Existing members are not effected by this glitch since their new posts are picked up minutes after they post them, and new members who have not edited any posts in the last week would also not be effected by this glitch. Thank you for bringing this to light we are finally able to squash this bug once and for all!

gold star for me!!!!

nice catch :D

You have collected your daily Power Up! This post received an upvote worth of 0.98$.
Learn how to Power Up Smart here!

I really appreciate the way that you keep us all informed. The upgrades seem so good _ I am anticipating thee day of the release now!

I may have left a similar comment on another of your posts, but I scan the shadowbot panel to go back and read any user who had voted my post and also each post which my own account upvoted. Many times I follow the person and comment and upvote other posts they made. So I'm not exactly following your recommendation to restrict my manual upvote actions at this time. Would it be possible to isolate those votes a user makes on other shadowbot users and factor that into the points system perhaps? I suppose there'd need to be some limits to it, say one cannot be credited for more than 2 ougoing transactions on the same user in a week or something like that?

In settings there currently is an option to restrict your account from providing more than 3 votes to any one given member in a given 7 day period. Is this what you are referring to?

The next major release (scheduled for March 1, 2018) is going to be a big upgrade in the amount of features and tools the system provides to you!

As always we are extremely happy to have you onboard and appreciate all the feedback and input you provide.

I am new to your Ranks, looking for some guidance to move up as fast as possible.

@shadowbot I would love if you could implement a pause function.

That way I can pause upvoting via Shadowpool for a Day.

It will help me recover some Power.

This might be many people's problems.

Please reply.

Pause feature is not something we can implement in our current system. However in Tartarus 2.0 there will be far more control and the ability to turn on/off the ShadowBot features. Thank you for your input we will make a post soon outlining all the updates ahead!

Will I get to keep my Shadow rank if I off the Shadow not features.

We are still working the final details out but the plan currently is that each 24 hour cycle your account is paused your Shadow Rank will be reduced by 2. So disabling your account for 30 days would result in 60 Shadow Rank being removed. During Paused periods none of your posts would receive up votes from the pool as well. We will release the final details when they are finalized middle of next month.

Newbie to Shadowbot here. Have a few questions, and not sure where to ask. I'll just ask 3 of the more pressing ones here.

  1. Can you also check my account? From what I can see, I seem to be upvoting a lot of other posts, but I don't seem to be getting any upvotes on my post (i.e. Shadow Rewards on 3 of my 5 latest posts are still reflecting 0 SBD). Is this how it really behaves?

  2. I don't understand what the percentages reflected on Shadow Queue, Voting Efficiency and 24H VP Usage mean. For example, what does 274% Shadow Queue mean, or 24.72% Voting Efficiency or 6.94% 24H VP Usage?

  3. Your recommendation to let all upvotes be handled by Shadowbot rather than doing it manually. Does this also mean I should not upvote my own post?

Thanks for clarifying.

  1. Your posts are added to the pool and are voted on based on your Pool Priority level. You will see as time goes by that your posts gain more and more votes.

  2. The Shadow Queue is the amount of total Voting Power that you would have to allocate at that time to up vote every post in the Shadow Pool. This number will vary widely based on the number of posts in the pool at any given time.

Voting Efficiency is how much of the total 20% 24h VP usage. Every day your Voting Power recharges 20% which would be 100% efficiency is ShadowBot was able to utilize 20% of your VP that day.

  1. Up voting your own posts is a topic of big debate. Personally we feel upvoting your own content defeats the real purpose of steem. We do not encourage you cut all voting out, our biggest guideline is never let your Voting Power drop below 92%.

Thank you. Your reply is very clear!

I received upvote in last day of payout.
It will be better if we get upvote in recent post than final 1 day remaining to payout.

This is a great feature we will look to include as an option for all.

i have been with shadowbot for weeks and cannot see the impact

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